Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Date: 30 November 2004

IT'S SO HOT!!!!! no... I mean it literally... I just went downstairs and then up again (info: my home and the shop is connected via an outdoor stairs) just to send down some lunch and the heatwave is just too much!!!! *_* by the time I got upstairs again my head started buzzing and I cannot imagine those people who want to work at this particular day because they have to darn get a good wage to work in this condition!!!! *sigh mother nature really despises us... +_+ Ok... while I'm here complaining about my life not much happening really except the physical and emotional turmoil that I am currently experiencing due to the lack of air conditioning system in this stupid darn shop!!! *sigh I guess I gotta live with it!!! +_+ By the way today's gonna be 42 degrees and this is not a prediction this is for real people!!! and also by the way it's gonna be sunny for the whole afternoon!!! What a wonderful life...

Monday, November 29, 2004

Date: 29 November 2004

Hey wassup guys... or... just Kimmie... anyways... today is 30 degrees and it is not a good sign since u guys are in marina's home enjoying on a cup of cool beverages whilst watching the OC ... damn my miserable life...~_~ Anyways... standing in this boring old counter with only the sounds of hurrying footsteps and rumbling of motors its pretty much nothing else... Except for the one group of customers who are shouting like crazy in some foreign language trying to solve some simple monetary problems... and by the way... got nothing to do with the shop just with themselves and I can't believe they are able to do such a thing when all I want to do is lie on a soft sofa with the air con on, drinking ice water, enjoying the sound of nothing while gradually falling asleep... *sigh* if only...

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Date: 21 November 2004

Hey everybody!!! It's Sunday and it's really cool today so I guess this weather has stopped me from futher cursing of mother nature's act of purification ie. constant weather havoc for the rest of the year.

Anyways... Bridget Jones Diary: the edge of reason was a pretty good movie although I think that it is not as witty as its predecessors but nonetheless it brings out the wittiness of the characters and bring out the personality of each characters... I think that the first Bridget Jones was more of the clever storyline being put together... But... nonetheless for those of you who were with me watching the movie you all realised I was laughing non-stop and constantly giggled... So I guess the movie is actually good...

So... This is my review of a new movie but right now I don't have any willingness to actually drag myself to a movie theatre and cursing the ever high price of student ticket and actually wanting to watch a particular movie just yet... Maybe next time when they have somthing that worth watching on a big screen then I'm willing to do this very tedious physical movement... Actually... I've been wanting to watch the Incredibles so... maybe you guys want to watch it too?? (when it comes out though)

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Date:18 November 2004

It's a hot and lonely day... ~_~ geez... this heat really can make someone delusional... It's gonna be 32 degrees today and hopefully the predicted strong wind will be here coz I can't stand this *&%$#!@ heat!!! Oh well... I'm going to the movies... So hopefully there is no freaky mechanical problems in the movie theatre coz I'm gonna complain if they do... ~_~' Geez... Heat wave... And you know what???!!! Tomorrow's gonna be 28 degrees with thunderstorm!!!!! This is not good... so... not... good... And then the next day gonna be 21 degrees!!! What the heck is wrong with the Southern Hemisphere I say... This is because of global warming!!! Curse you global warming!!! Geez... All this heated complains about the world's conditions really bust me up... I'm going then... before I nag some more.... *grumble *grumble

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Date: 16 November 2004

Hey again... ... ... hhmmm... ... ... I think next time I wanna write something in here I better think of something first... *mind blank* (+_+) Dunno what to write... So... Maybe tomorrow I'll have something to write about... Ok then... Over and out...

Monday, November 15, 2004

Date: 15 November 2004

Today is very quite...... really quite....... Ok I might be exaggerating a little bit but the hustle and bustle of city life really affect you to some degree, where nowadays I categorise the sounds of motor engines outside my home to be tranquility.... now that's weird... I think that's enough thinkin' for today. Word of wisdom for today: stay out of hot soups during summer coz it can be stinkin' hot!!! (especially if you add chilli in it... never again...)

Oh yeah... Also after I posted that pic of Sora I decided to start Kingdom Hearts again!!! And it's a pretty tedious job since I've already gone to a stage where I nearly fight the 2nd last boss!!! Oh well... my couz erased it and so... the story goes. And although I think that it is the best game ever!!! to me anyways... I still think repeating anything... books, movies, tv series and as such to me is a pretty boring task since I already know the ending but... I haven't even gone to the ending yet for Kingdom Hearts and so I thought what the heck... might as well... with the times in the world I have right now... Who needs to trade in anything else in the world!!!

Well.... with all the time in the world that I have right now I have been wasting it by being a couch potato, being a hibernating bear in summer and most importantly by being a lazy bum at home... ~_~

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Date: 9 November 2004

Me again... wow... I should really stop writing that since I know, myself, that I'm the only one who's gonna write in here... Anyways... Today is such a boring day and nobody has written any comments *hicks *hicks ~sniff Oh well.... This is pretty boring.... tick tick tick tick tick time sure flies... Till next time...

Monday, November 08, 2004

Date: 8 November 2004

Hey it's me again... Quite weird really since now I got enough time to create a post each day (partly thanks to the comp that always have the internet on 24/7 ^-^) Anyways.... I have a lot of time rite now to do everything I'm able to do this stuff almost everyday and at every time....!!! If you see the time carefully enough it's posted early in the morning (by my standard anyways) So... gotta go.... got a movie flick to watch....

OK... it's me again and this time change of plans and gotta wait till all of 'em are here so.... what other ways can I waste my time than writing some nonesensical stuffs in my own web page...!!! What fun heh?? Oh this is so boring I can even write a book by the time I finish with writing stuffs onto my webpage...
Anyhow... gotta go.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Date: 7 November 2004

See... I haven't really get a hang of this things.... I'm sorry I'm just very technologically impaired... Well... I'll get the hang of things.... eventually. Anyhow... Just posting a few things. I hope everyone have a good holiday oh yeah and for the few people who are doing their exams: Good Luck!!! Don't worry your holiday will be there and the next time you get bored you'll understand that school is more fun than holidays.... JUST JOKING!!! HA HA I'm so terribly funny I'm not even laughing.... Yeah ok anyways.... gotta go.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Date: 6 November 2004

3 days since my very last exam!!! ever!!! Yeah well... not ever but buys me time till the next time I will have to cram every informations on the very night before the exams... Oh well....

Friday, November 05, 2004

This is one of my most fav characters: SORA yay for Kingdom Hearts, basically for everybody who doesn't know its a collaboration between Squaresoft (the people who did Final Fantasy series Playstation games or better known the people who did the badly remembered Final Fantasy movie.... anyway whichever way you wanna see it) and Disney (yes... that Disney cooperation that produces the most beloved characters of all times for... goodness knows how many years). And basically Kingdom Hearts is a Playstation game that I much adore coz it's so cute and with the collaboration between the two best production companies this game is really good (by my standard that is). Anyways... that's it.... this is basically the main character who adventures the magical world of Kingdom Hearts with Goofy and Donald and other available Disney characters as his sidekicks and I think I better stop now. Posted by Hello

Date: 5 Nov 2004

This is probably the first time I ever did this and quite annoying really when you don't really know what the heck you're supposed to do.... -_- oh well, I'll get the hang of it next time. But in the mean time this is as good as it gets. ^-^

Look!! This is me! Posted by Hello


This is the official opening of my website WOOHOO!!! Finally.... somethin' to do and this is quite cool... I get to have my own opinion about... stuffs and posting it on the internet where a lot of people would be able to access this particular website and post comments even STRANGERS!!! How exciting is that??? Not very secure but what the heck... Might as well...got nothing to do... so much time so little things in my mind... no really... Ok... uummm.... I still haven't really got a hang of this this time but I will succeed in time... ^-^ So... till next time...