Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Long time no see

woah~! I never knew how long I've abandoned this space. But these days I think I have been way too lazy to do this kind of stuff. Mostly I don't know what to talk about or sometimes I just don't feel like typing for too long. I know that once I start typing it's pretty hard to stop (lol yeah who am I kidding?) Anyways, just a short message of avagoodholiday wish because IT'S SUMMER HOLIDAY PEOPLE~! Whee hooray!! Well in Australia neways... and anywhere in the tropics *grin* So what have I been up to since uni finished around 2 weeks ago? Nothing but bludging and procrastinating. After approximately one and half weeks of doing absolultely nothing I found myself in dire of trying to find something to do, that is excepting drawing because I have been in a constant blocked up stage these days. Well I have watched several dramas and whatnots these days such as Korean drama "My Name is Kim San Soon", "Full House" and several episodes of the korean gameshow "X-man" or sometimes may be called "Real Situation Sunday" it's way hilarious especially the "OfCourse" section of the gameshow such a crack-up. And I've finished (FINALLY!) watching Ghost in the Shell 1st GIG and finally finished the last episode of Mushishi (a jap anime). And I did go out several times and they were fun but sometimes may be tiring lol~ but nonetheless twas fun. So all in all the first few weeks of the holidays have been somewhat refreshing to have nothing to do but in the end it's a bit boring and having absolutely nothing to do is tiring (it drags you down physically as well as mentally) and I have never realised that a lot of people will be going away (overseas) this year. Well neways it's really nothing to worry too much about. But I'm looking forward to going back to Indo and fill all the little gaps from the holidays with hopefully fresh ideas (LOL) we shall see what happens then.

Right-o that is all from me. I did promise that it would be short and indeed I finally kept to that promise (lol). So hopefully everyone has a nice one and adios from me for now.

Monday, November 06, 2006