Thursday, January 06, 2005


Hey guys.... :) ok... uummmm..... i dun really know what to write even though i think i've been doing dat for quite some time now... if u have looked through my blogs most of the blogs contained really nothing special within them.... all I get out of my head is this thing called hhmmmm... and *sighs and uuummmm..... and pretty much all those annoying eeerrrr..... thinking mode before doing anything else... so anyways.... I just finished my lunch :) it's really nice... i think it's this traditional rice meal... hhmmm.... at least i think it was... well... it was really nice though I like it :) well... my mum didn't make it of course... we bought it.... it's the best thing about Indo you practically can buy almost any sort of food over here and most of the times it's actually close to home, coz there's plenty of this little food restaurant... well... not even a restaurant... so yeah.... that's about it really... so there you go..... OK this is it... hhmmm....

oh yeah... Colin Powell went to Aceh... well... hhmmm.... and I noticed PM Howard went here also... so.... yeah... they're having this Asean meeting now... so...yeah that's all the news for today... so over and out. :)

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