I never realised this until now I much I LOVE absolutely ADORE Indo food! They're definitely exquisite...
Yesterday me mum made Sayur Asem (with the help of me of course it's more getting in the way of than 'helping') I help with the blender and that's mostly it... I know it's pathetic really... but anyway now I sorta know what the ingredients are. Most of the ingredients are traditional of tropical part of Asia (I think) and apart of lemongrass I have no idea how to convert the vegetables into English :P Sayur Asem is like a vegetable soup with the only difference is that you don't just put the vegetables into one pot and then cook 'em up there's also this paste that you have to make from the lemongrass etc to add that spiciness and wonderful taste. But no Sayur Asem is complete without the salted fish. There are different kinds of salted fish around here when you go to the market but the ones that I particularly like and especially good combined with Sayur Asem is kuro. It's one type of salted fish and don't get me wrong these fish are very strong in both flavour and smell and the saltiness of the fish meat is so salty if you just eat it on its own. And then we also made the chilli to go with the soup. OMG just writing about it is already making my tastebuds tingle ^--^
Then at night, after two sessions both lunch and dinner of Sayur Asem (and I'm still not tired of it!!) my dad brought home durians after work! DURIANS!!! OMG~~! I LOVE DURIANS! You cannot come between me and the durians. It is the one fruit that I love the most but unfortunately you can't eat a lot of it or you'll get a headache and don't get this wrong but I've been there, done that so a warning to all of you durian lovers don't eat one whole durian! Durian is such an interesting fruit with its spiky skin and really foul smell... Don't get me wrong but to me the smell of the durians are like the smell of a juicy steak that makes your mouth tingles. But I guess for a first-timer it is very difficult to taste this tropical delicacy. One time I saw this food show that shows a man travelling throughout Asia to find strange culinary delights. He was going through Malaysia at the end of his tour and tried to eat the durians but can't he popped a whole meat of the durian (the meat covers the outside of the seeds of the durians these are the part that you can eat but the inside of the durian is like few different rows of those seeds and meats so basically it's not really that huge it just sound huge, btw you won't understand what I'm saying unless you actually HAVE seen a durian) and spit it out again. Afterwards he said that he cannot swallow the thing because out of all those strange things that he had eaten throughout his journey he cannot eat this one thing. And he also said that it taste like foul smelling rotten onion!! The light of him! But I guess we've been having it since we were kids so we enjoy the taste very much and can't get over it. I was soo happy that my dad brought home those durians but don't get me wrong choosing a delicious durian is something that is hard to do even though my dad's a pro when it comes to choosing one of these fruits it's still hard to find that very delicious ones over a pile (unless they are already from a great flock) so the last night's durians weren't that great but it's close to it. I've tasted better. Hehehe ^--^
*sigh my mom said that she was gonna make Chicken Rice (hainan chicken) but I guess she's in no mood to do so. There's still a lot of food that I need to taste before I leave Indo and I definitely have to have 'em all before I go back to Oz or I'll regret it for the rest of the year (coz even though I go to an Indo restaurant it will NEVER be as good as my mom's cooking or even the cooking of the nearby street stalls)
Until my culinary curiosity is fulfilled I will not be satisfied! But till then~
Bye ^^
OMG Yunita. I'm so hungry right now. I haven't seen a Durian in ages. I don't remember what it tastes like. Though knowing how picky I was when I was young I probably didn't like it just for its smell. I wish I could try one now. I don't know if I've had Sayur Asem. Probably not.
I don't know the proper names of most of the stuff I eat. I just eat.
I'm sad, I don't know when I'll return to Indo. Next time I'll try to blend in more. I really looked like a tourist last time. I didn't even need a camera to look like a tourist. I just dress how I usually do, I didn't really remember the trip to Indo before that, so I was surprised by just how much I stood out. I mean I wasn't stupid, I knew a tall half Indo half spanish person wouldn't look like a local, but really.
omg durians...the one fruit that i hate with a passion. dont ever let me near that stuff again!
unfortunately, i DO remember the taste...and im afraid the memory of it will never ever leave me.
remember how you guys dared me to eat the durian ICE CREAM at jumbo...the one fruit i hate. and i did it too. that was QCNISPDW:KCXFDSLKJ!!!! it even had CHUNKS! *shudder* CHUNKS!
that was the last time ill ever attempt to like the stuff im afraid. never again, never again...
sorry yuni.
hahaha I guess like the guy said it was the most foul thing he ever eaten in his life. So I guess it's really up to the people though. I think it might have run in my family. My dad and I love durians whilst my mom and my bro are meh~ about them. But 'I' ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!! But I guess I'm a native to the Indo Asian food culture so I guess it's no surprise that I love 'em hehehe
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