Just for today I was bored and I have a sudden need to draw something. And fyi I know you don't believe me Marina but I am working on those 'cartoonic' superheroes it's just a bit hard to imagine what'll they look like so it took A VERY LONG TIME (or maybe this is just my lame excuse) ^--^". But as for a sneak peek at what --maybe-- going to be the final drawing this is my 'character'. What was it again? I think it was erm... actually I can't remember... ^--^"
So here it is
And please excuse it's rather smudginess and amateurish outcome coz this is actually (after a few numerous practice) my first 'good' drawing using the dip pens. So if it appears rather 'shitty' gomenasai ... =__=
So until then I bid you farewell...
welcome home yuuuni!!
and nicely done with that cartoon. you could almost be a pro.
hi hi!
it's nice to be back to my second home ^--^ and going through another a hell of good and bad times in uni...
and thank you for that compliment I will try to make as many as I can so I CAN BE A PRO! YAY!
Yunita your work definately does not look shitty. Lol I just LOVE your character and that giant paint brush. It's exaggerated size reminds me of Rorouni Kenshin and Bleach. I forget the names of the characters that actually had the enlarged weaponry. And that pose! Classic pose.
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