Tuesday, April 11, 2006

hiya all! i know i know... it's been a while since i posted the characters for our little characters... o well... sometimes i just wonder what to do and ponder over my typo or whatever i'm doing at the time and drawing these characters have become a short distraction i guess...

so here we go... marina's character and that's the only thing i can offer at the moment... enjoy!

hmmm... somehow the white's a bit off must have been because of the adjustment i made after scanning it in... o well...

o just for a little fun i also draw a random thing...

alrighty that's all from me now ~cheerios!

1 comment:

Marina said...

I love it! Yes I know it's a draft but it's great to see some idea of what your character will look like! Yep I love it!! Aaargh I don't know what to say I'm just so happy to catch a glimpse of my character. Too cool too cool