Saturday, April 01, 2006

"Remember, remember, the fifth of November. The gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot."

Last night after a little bit of persuasion I made my couz come with me to see "V for Vendetta". One word to sum it up... AWESOME! Even though it's an adaptation of the graphic novel by Alan Moore I still give it thumbs up.

To sum the story up Britain in the future is led by a totalitarian government, setting curfew, preventing them from opinionating, TV stations are operated by the government, any form of arts which are deemed unsuitable are banned. It is a scary world that no one wants to be a part of. Among the scared and lawfully abiding citizen stand a masked figure who defies the current government and vows vengeance, the figure is code named V.

The casts include Hugo Weaving as V, Natalie Portman as Evey and John Hurt as Adam Sutler, the high chancelor leading Britain. Hugo Weaving, to me, is just PERFECT as V you can never find another voice or even demeanour as charming as he is (maybe), but one very interesting information that I found out about this movie is that Weaving is actually not the first choice for the part of V, it was actually given to someone else and whilst they are undergoing the production the producer (or it might've been the director) find that the actor doesn't have the essence of the character that he was looking for and so Weaving was then casted. Now let's talk about the movie. The movie is equivalent to looking back to Hitler's reign. It's dark, bland and concrete, a time where government officials are abusing their position and the people are left to defend themselves. The story has a twisted dark element to it, throughout the movie you uncover the secret one by one as to who V is, what the government has done in the past, the 80,000 deaths of the St Mary virus, and the silence over the Larkhill Detention Centre.

I went with my couz last night and we bought the tixs off the internet ^--^ it was only $10 with $1 booking fee. ^--^ But I guess since there is an increasing number of people preferring to wait until the DVDs come out for rent or buy I guess they've been posting incentives to attract more people to come and watch it at the cinema. But seriously... I don't regret going to see this movie. Coz I thought the idea, even though a bit extreme, but fitting to the present situation somehow. And I especially love the film noir graphics (although not as film noir as Sin City was) and how they still maintain the red english lines but instead inverse the white colour (if you haven't notice I think England's colours are characterised by vertical and horizontal red lines over white) to black. And how the high chancelor appears before the government officials not as a person but rather as a figure on a huge TV screen looking down at the inferiors appearing before him.

Another thing that I also LOVE from this movie (or maybe even the graphic novel which I haven't read yet but WANT to if I get the chance to do so) is the use of the mask throughout the movie. You might think that the mask is intimidating to some sense but considering the effect it gives slowly the mask becomes more human than the government officials' faces. I absolutely love the mask. ^--^ I thought that the mask would restrict facial expression but instead the direction is just fantastic, it gives out the hints of emotions through the directions and lightings. PERFECT! Love the mask... hehe I know it sounds weird but Weaving characterise the masked figure to such perfection the mask looks ALIVE! hehe I know I'm trying to be a critic when I don't even know what I'm talking about. But nonetheless I thought the directing was good also.

But anyways, setting things apart. I really like the movie but somehow I keep thinking whether my couz would like the movie or not coz there appears to be a lot of 'talking'. Yeah I know... strange. But she's not very fond of 'thinking' movies as to action ones. =__= But luckily this movie is a fusion between the two, which makes me like it for the better. ^--^

That's all from me I guess. It's been a while since I talk about movies. I actually have seen quite a lot but I just haven't got the chance to put it in this blog considering I just want to talk about this movie coz I thought it was really good when I saw it yesterday and so I just HAVE to post a blog on it.

Alrighty cya all then. Domo~

1 comment:

kimberley said...

cool, cant wait till i see it too!