Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I've been driving around soo much today XD

First I went to Ingleburn which is all the way to Fairfield and more! XD and went through M5 when we went home O..O yes and I wasn't kidding! That was SCARY! But I think I'm getting used to it now XD although I really would like to be a pro soon... But it's such a scary place... the road O..O I think I lack concentration and I tend to speed a little and uh uh well... I'm just not really ready yet +__+ see... everytime I drive I feel that I'm jeopardising my life as well as the others' =__=...

O yeah a weird thing happened I GOT STOPPED FOR RANDOM BREATH TESTING!!! XD that was weird O..O the officer said "count to ten" and my first response was "huh?" XD My couz nearly laugh his ass off! Coz the only breath testing that I ever known is the one where you have to blow onto this handheld machine XD and well... I wasn't embarassed but just confused and uh... feel a bit weird... o yeah and I think my couz also made a comment before we stopped for the test "what the hell? are you trying to road kill the officer or something" XD coz apparently I wasn't slowing down! XD hahaha that was funny and uh well... confusing... XD

But twas all good I didn't drink any alcohol of course coz if I do ( "˚ ∆˚) I'll be dead... +__+ nah just have a gum in my mouth and somewhat wary that it might cause something... not sure what though :P

Then I went driving to my aunt's home next all the way to Miranda XD that was fun! Coz I went through the Hume Highway! OMG! at 5 o'clock in the evening! It's really not the best time really... A LOT OF BLOODY CARS!! XD But still... it's weird coz I'm really scared of doing my test now... O..O I know I shouldn't but I'm not sure... -__- coz I still get told off by my couz in the car... o well...

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