Five years have passed since Superman went to his home planet. So what happened to the planet Earth? What has happened to the people he has left behind? What has happened to Lois Lane? In this sequel Superman returns back to planet Earth and Lex Luthor is out of jail. With world domination in mind Lex Luthor builds a lair that is almost untouchable for Superman.
Please be aware SPOILERS ahead!
In this movie Superman returns to Earth and got back his old job as a journalist in Daily Planet and resume his part as the sheepish civillian slash reporter who-just-happen-to-have-the-same-built-as-superman Clark Kent. *phew* Apparently he got his job back because Norm Palmer died.
AND I read from Good Weekend (the magazine you get from Saturday Herald) that they had a bit of trouble with the name since the names Bryan wanted to use happen to be a crew's name. So he randomly picked a name and call it out to his assistant "alright we're gonna use Norm Palmer instead" "yes?" ... a total stranger replied. "Don't tell me your name is Norm Palmer?" *nod* "so do you mind if we use your name?" *shake* "do you understand the context where we are going to use your name?" *shake* "..."so there you go a little info on the side. (sorry I was getting a bit sidetracked)
So was it good? HELL YEAH~! I didn't know what happened to Superman before this movie but they explain it quickly and succintly and they give hints etc so you should get it. And I love how this movie really deals with the emotional side of Superman rather than the heroic stoicism of Superman. Of course the pièce de résistance have to be the SFX and CG in this movie. It was serious blockbuster actions. But I definitely love the heart and care that have been put into this movie. I'm pretty sure the movie spans for about 2 hours or so but I don't mind. The movie keeps you in pace with what is happening in the plot and everything is orderly. I don't really know how to describe this movie but I surely love it. And plus Brandon Routh is not half that bad as Superman (in looks I mean) but his acting OMG he's so fitting as Superman. He nails both personalities of Superman and Clark Kent. It was great that they have put him as the main cast rather than putting a well-known selection. Kevin Spacey is always great no matter what role he plays. And this movie is no exception to that. He nails the notorious Lex Luthor character so beautifully. But on the other hand Kate Bosworth lacks that 'something' as Lois Lane. So in the end everything went well. And I was surprised that the kid was actually Superman's kid hahaha (see obviously sidetracked again). And I seriously thought that Superman would die (that would be depressing but I kinda can see that coming) but yeah it was kinda an unexpected ending. Either way some reviews are a bit disappointed with the ending but otherwise I am fine with it.
Overall Rating: Four STARS (out of five)
Okies. Ja ne.
--edit-- why the heck is Ian Roberts in there? (he's a former Rugby League player I think...) (still... lucky bastard that was a pretty big role he had)
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