Wednesday, November 30, 2005

2 years later...

After the BRILLIANT Final Fantasy VII game finally Advent Children is the awaited sequel that I have been waiting for... Finally I get to see it!! Oh so happy...

And it was as expected... IT'S COOL!! The graphic is just oh-so-amazing... especially the battle scenes they're like can't-take-your-eyes off moments... omg omg omg...

The story takes place two years after the Final Fantasy game... so this sort of indicates that you NEED to know the game first before you can watch this movie... it's true that it might be still ok if you watch it without knowing what the story was about but I still think that you really need to know about the story first of the original game... just a note: FF VII is considered the best game from the entire series... so that's sort of the reason why they did the movie... hehe ^--^... unfortunately when me and my bro played the game it was sort of don't-really-understand-but-kept-on-playing-anyway... so I know the story partly... mostly because my bro told me what happened... but that was aaggeess ago...

Truthfully when I watched this movie I just know parts of the original game... I wasn't really aware of the story as much but I still recognise the characters and know vaguely of the story... but for FF fans this should be a hit... although I still think that the ending was kinda dodgy... and rather cheesy although kinda unexpected...

A~ah Cloud, Tifa, Barrett, Yuffie, even Cid! Then Red XIII with Caithsith... ah fond memories... and also Vincent... and of course Sephiroth... omg... a lot is coming back... and of course Cloud's love... Aeris... aiyaa I still hate how she died in the original game... but no matter... she still lives in Cloud's memories right?

I would like to say I was amazed by the mind blowing 3-D animation and I like the kid with Geostigma... Denzel... even though he's a kid he's soo cute~! I swear...

O yeah... story... right... the story takes place two years after Cloud beats Sephiroth, but a new disease was created and affected quite a number of children... the disease is called Geostigma... Cloud and Tifa set up an orphanage where children with the disease as well as orphaned children can live in... anyways... I think I'll let do it... they're far better than me and it's quite a complex explanation... here goes:

"Two years after the events in "Final Fantasy VII", a disease called 'Seikon-Shoukougun', or 'Geostigma', is spreading through the planet. This disease is believed to have been caused by the body fighting off foreign material that invaded the body two years earlier, at the end of "Final Fantasy VII".

Guilt-ridden and haunted by his past, ex-SOLDIER Cloud Strife has decided to live a secluded, solitary life away from his friends while maintaining "Strife's Delivery Service", whose headquarters is located in Tifa Lockheart's bar, the Seventh Heaven. Tifa's bar serves as an orphanage for children stricken with Geostigma.

Here, Tifa keeps an eye on Barret's six-year-old daughter, Marlene, while Barret searches the planet for an alternative energy source to the fossil fuel, Mako. One day, Cloud receives a phone call from the former Shinra, Inc. president, Rufus, asking him for protection from a mysterious man named Kadaj. Kadaj, in the meantime, along with his brothers Loz and Yazoo, are searching for their "mother", and seem to believe that Cloud knows where to find her.

Meanwhile, Vincent Valentine has been wandering the planet gathering information on Kadaj's scheme, and Cloud and his friends must come together again to fight these new enemies." written by Andrea

So there you go... a concise and truthfully better explanation ^--^ well if you can get your hand on one you should watch it...

ok then... later days ^0^

ps. Some characters from FF Unlimited is also in the movie... like Reno and the boss guy... can't remember the name...

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