Tuesday, November 15, 2005

OMG!! I just realised!! It's been a YEAR already since this blog has been established... actually... it's more like slightly more than a year but WHO CARES!!

wow... I would like *hicks to thank *hicks my incessant nonesensical brain that keeps on purging its thoughts into this blog *hicks and *hicks and also *hicks... ugh that is just too disgusting *snort... hehe sorry... if you're actually wondering whether I really did the emotional speech or not... don't bother... I'm not that overtly emotional...

yes... that is just what I want to say... it's been a year now... wow... *reminiscing... funnily enough some time ago I did look back at my earlier blogs and you wouldn't believe how much crap has been put into this blog and some of the stuff that I wrote are not making sense at all once I looked back at it... and then I was sitting there wondering how the hell are my readers gonna understand that when I, the writer, don't even understand it... this is really the part where I would say that I am being harsh towards myself but the truth is that I'm selfish (like hell I am!) yeah... anyways... that's just my thoughts constantly pouring out of my mind and splashing itself on the keyboard... my physical well-being is somewhat ruined by this goddamn blog because I'm typing too slow, trying to keep up with my brain but over this past year I have discovered that I am slightly keeping up with my brain... or is it just an indication that my brain is slowing down... hmm...

anyways... I'm going to go to Pancakes on the Rocks (YAY!!) and am not bringing home any takeaways... hahah! Anyways... as you're reading this you're probably thinking what the hell is she talking about and the truth is (geez I've been saying that an awful lot lately...) I'm slightly awake... slept at about 2 yesterday and it was entirely my fault... you're probably wondering what the hell I was doing up all night and then wake up the next day at approximately 7.30 am... so that's about 5 and a half hours sleep... not much really considering i'm already on holiday... but am not telling you... *blow raspberry

we're meeting at 11 o'clock and yet am already awake... why you might say? It is because I'm anal... yes... I so very am... I'm paranoid most of the times without a cause (HA!) and most of the times I would wake up at least 3 hours earlier than the uni lect and then drag myself to the shower... and then off we go after the other one and a half hours is spent on procrastinating... and am doing it now and since there is no uni I don't feel much of an official obligation but this time it's personal (HA!) and yes for some reason I have been using too much movie junk words and am trying to avoid it but with the constant use of everday phrases it's seem hard to avoid it at all... I mean I can't get you out of my head it definitely already been used and the most used phrase that I would use is someday someday but I always broke off into a song after I type it or say it... and then there's the cheesy phrase that just keeps popping up unnecessarily like where's the love and funnily enough THERE'S ALREADY A SONG with that phrase...

geez... what's the world becoming...

see... I told you I'm paranoid...

anyways... this blog actually has become longer than what I expect it to be partly because my mind kept on yapping away happily whilst my hands are trying to keep up with the speed of my brain and am really not an advanced typist so you can say I do a lot of mistakes and then keeps on having to backspace it a lot is somewhat irritating... and sometimes my brain is really not connecting to my hand and instinctively I would write in words that is not related to my brain at all and then realised a split second later what I just wrote and have to backspace it again...

AARRGGGGHHHH this is annoying... I really need to go and yet my eyes are glued to the screen (plus going back to the keyboard to make sure I'm on the right track...)

anyways... it's really almost 9 and have to get ready (YEAH RIGHT!! I still have 2 more hours to go...) but please don't suspect that I got a split personality... actually I kinda do... but no psychological defects... hehehe... just some 'conscience'

this is becoming longer than what I expect it to be... and I still need to proofread the goddang thing... (yes... I even proofread my blog but the truth is (HA!) I don't really proofread my essay and yet I proofread an entirely useless thought...) you know... I intended to write only to 'celebrate' the one year establishment of this blog and yet I have turned this post into a complete rambling of my life and tragedies... (yes... oh the tragedies *please refer to the phrase 'oh the tragedies' with no life and no emotion whatsoever*)

ok... moving on to a fresher ground... I wish I could go on and on at this rambling but I think I might need to stop now... (yes... how many times have I said that already and yet I kept on going???)

alright... no matter what happened I would always write on this blog (except maybe when I have a whole year of around the world trip... hmm...) anyways... I hope you guys still read this blog (yes even the advert guys are still ok...) and even if you don't... meh... no matter... *grin kidding... anyways... thanks for your support all this time (yes EVEN the ads are ok...) and putting up comments plus 'comments' (the quoted one refers to the advertisings...)

*big grin

*sigh it's been one year heh? so I guess I have to say

arigato gozaimashita ne.

Thanks for the support and whatever you say won't make me not write anything on this blog (even though it's just ramblings it actually eases the mind... try it someday ~ someday someday~ see... told you... breaking off into the song)

Enough of me and get going already...

1 comment:

kimberley said...

yeah my farawaytree one was over a year old too...oh well its dead now.