Wednesday, June 21, 2006

wheee XD

well... I FINALLY AM NINETEEN O..O wheeee X3 I'm older now... but nonethewiser though O..O but as Joyce puts it "nineteen is boring" ... yeah she's right =__= come to think of it I expect a lot when I finally turned 18 but then when I turned 19 it's just less exciting... and I remembered commenting that I wanna be 21 soon XD which is in another 2 years! OMG another year and I'm 20 already?!? WOAH!

Turning to another subject (abruptly) I am bored and yet tired. I know I have to find a job to fill these gaping holes of boredom but come to think of it keeping an eye on a child barely reaching 2 and another of 6 is pretty tiring =__= I can't helped but be stressed sometimes and imagine what their mom has to go through everyday... *shiver* maybe I really shouldn't think of it. So basically over the couple of weeks of holidays I have been doing basically nothing except drawing (a lot) and keeping a watchful eye over the children, I've been getting up late and sleeping even later O..o and I DID INDEED GET UP AT 2 IN THE MORNING TO WATCH THE SOCCER MATCH XD I KNOW! surprising isn't it?!? AND I've been watching a couple of movies such as "My Neighbour Totoro", which I am going to review when my mind is sane enough to not write incessantly XD

Bah~! Going to another point (again, abruptly) I have to go for my P soon X3 I KNOW! I SHOULD! BUT I'M SCARED +__+;
But according to my couz I better take a couple of hours of lessons first and then go ahead with the P since he doesn't know what "tricks" the driver instructor wants. But if anyone got any objection to that I'm actually going to go ahead with the plan since I am not confident in my driving skill even though I got my couz to be my instructor +__+ but I think I'm still gonna go ahead with it...

OK moving to another point. The birthday dinner was AWESOME X3 I wished more people could come but thanks to the few who did come :3 it was GREAT! AND THANKS FOR THE PREZZIES THEY WERE WONDERFUL ^--^

And I know that the dinner was somewhat shouldn't even occur since there are exams afterwards so thank you again ^--^ I really really appreciate it XD

AND we won't just be restricted to that outing are we guys? COZ WE'RE GONNA MEET UP AFTER THE EXAMS! YEEHAW~! XD okies we better meet up soon or else... muahahahahaha I'm feeling so evil right now XD I think it's because of the late night raindrops and my slightly off mind +__+ (considering it's 1am in the morning I guess it's valid reason)

Okies I'm gonna either go to sleep or go back to drawing... which ever... okies sayonara~!

1 comment:

kimberley said...

yay glad you had fun at the dinner! happy nineteen!!