Sunday, July 10, 2005

Another hired DVD...

OK.... this is the 'hired DVD' part... yesterday I borrowed The House of Flying Daggers a cinematic delight to the eyes presented by Zhang Yimou... I love the cinematography and directions and the casting as well... This movie is sort of an Romeo and Juliet type of movie and yet the story itself bares something that is totally different and unique and to my surprise probably the first movie that I have seen some sort of sex scene or the way my cousin put it... sex scheme... hehehe... not funny at all... anyways... All in all a very beautiful movie yet a bit disappointed with the storyline but a very satifying casts... Andy Lau casts as a captain of the government police force as well as Takeshi Kaneshiro and Ziyi Zhang (I always liked the Chinese way of reading her name, Zhang Ziyi) as the beautiful blind maiden from the infamous House of Flying Daggers... This is how the story goes... Andy Lau's character named Leo and Takeshi Kaneshiro's character named Jin are both captains of the government police force... They have been pursuing any leads that can take them to the infamous group of the Flying Daggers... This group is sort of like the Robin Hood group of the East where they steal from the rich and give them to the poor unfortunately nothing in the movie shows how they do this (as in any pictures or scenes showing how they operate bla bla bla... I'm a bit fuzzy on some things that are not hinted or just claims I like to stick to the when you claim it you have to back it up rule) they're just 'claims' said in the beginning of the movie so basically written words in the beginning of the movie... So what happened is both Jin and Leo received a rumour that the said blind daughter of the former leader of the Flying Daggers is working at a local brothel (heck I dunno what you're supposed to call it) so Jin went undercover and they trapped the daughter bla bla bla... Mei got captured bla bla bla tortured bla bla bla and then rescued by the 'undercover' Jin, but Mei, the blind daughter, still didn't know that Jin is actually a government official so she still trusts him because she is blind and he wants to get her to the house of the Flying Daggers so they went on a journey to go North and find the group they fall in love la di da di da... the story goes on... there are some unknown and yet you sort of expect twist in the end but it takes soooo long to get to the end that I was just dying when my DVD went 1:00:00 and still couting until 1:30:00 and it's still counting!!! Anyways... it was all good though please don't get rather taken aback because of my comment... the movie has one of the most beautiful cinematic experience you can ever imagine... So... it is the movie that you either love or not and two thumbs up or one thumbs up I don't think that you would say no thumbs up for this movie though... anyways... watch it when you get the chance to...

PS. Take a better look at Takeshi Kaneshiro... he's so cute!!! Great mandarin too...

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