Monday, July 18, 2005

more moRE MORE movie reviews!!!

hi hi to y'all!! hehehe just trying that... Anyways... since I have nothing to do and practically want to do anything I have just started watching DVDs on the weekend and you might be wondering how the heck I was able to watch DVDs when there are kids surrounding me... or you might not... but whichever thinking you might assign your mind to that's a secret I am going to keep for myself... ^_^ pretty suspicious heh?!? Anyways... first up...

Napoleon Dynamite... I think this is a shitty movie that is not worth watching especially on the big screen but I have to say that the writers have pretty good intelligent minds... coz for all of you who have watched this movie you may consider this movie to be... uummm... unique and thus why it won numerous awards on MTV (or maybe it was because of MTV production but anyways...) It is like a romantic comedy with a unique twist to it... But however I watched the movie I have to say that it annoys me to watch the movie... the thing is if you are indeed going to watch it you might brace yourselves for Napoleon dancing to Jamiroquai's 'Canned Heat'... I have to say that he was really good... but it is probably the only thing that does not annoy me throughout the whole movie and the script was pretty good but it just annoys me... I know I know that they have to act that way in order to perform the script but still.... annoys me... All in all it was a pretty good dry laugh I keep getting but good act by Jon Heder (I cannot believe he already has a wife!!! and he is not that bad looking either if you make him a bit more neat and tidy... ok... compare the Jon Heder in the movie and the Jon Heder from the MTV Awards night...)
<<--This is Jon Heder by the way...

And the second movie would be... Cellular... casts include... Kim Basinger and Chris Evans they are probably the only two famous stars in the whole movie... I hate to say this but... really bad casting... but it was ok.. no offence but Kim Basinger doesn't... what's the word??? stir my emotions when I watched this movie same thing for Chris Evans... but he actually got a little bit better by the end of the movie... so here is the plot Kim Basinger's character is kidnapped by people whom she has no connections with but apparently her husband knows them and the whole family is kidnapped (just watch the movie... if you want to...) what happened is Kim's character, Jessica, is being put into an isolated place and she doesn't know where it is... apparently there is a phone in the room but unfortunately smashed to bits by the bad guys... BUT the phone is not actually dead and it is still connected but unfortunately there is no number pads or anything just the receiver still a bit intact... so Jessica, being a science teacher (smart arse), join the wires together (sort of like when you see people in the movie trying to steal a car) and finally it actually connected to Chris Evans' character, Ryan's mobile. And so a massive hunt for Jessica and her family before the time runs out follows where the police won't take the case so seriously err... not really but more of Ryan is forced to go up the staircase but with each level he is starting to lose the connection and so he hunts for Jessica himself... but what is the secret hidden by Jessica's husband to have put their family's life in danger??? That is what you have to find out... I have to say that it is a pretty thrilling adventure but I hate to say that the casts are not as well thought of as the script... well... I guess the script was ok not GREAT great but just very well done... the thing that you should watch out for in this movie (like any other movies) is the guy who you first saw on the beach with Ryan as this Asian guy who offers him to get his err... image drawn... you know... sort of like the person who draw you by hand... and so... in nearly the end of the movie he shows up again... teehee... he is funny... I think his name is Dat Phan... (don't mistaken him as my relative nooooo connection whatsoever he's from Vietnam) and apparently there is this reality show every week in the middle of the night at god-knows-what-time that is about comedians and sort of like Survivor type of thing but this is on comedians and he is apparently one of the contestant... so... yeah... I know I know... I'm a TV maniac... Anyways... you watch this I think mostly for the script...

The last movie and quickly become on my 'most favourite movie of all time' list... Million Dollar Baby... such a good script, great casts, great cinematography just... great everything... Gosh... Hillary Swank... she's so good... her character Maggie Fitzgerald is an amateur female boxer who dreams to be in the boxing arena for big... she wants Clint Eastwood's character, Frankie Dunn, to be her trainer... through much persuasion finally Frankie gives in... he becomes her trainer and she becomes a boxer... the story relies mostly on the voiceover of Morgan Freeman's character, Scraps, a retired old boxer who lives in the boxing training gym and lives as the cleaner for Frankie... This is the movie of determination, dreams, hopes, beliefs, sufferings, and final decisions... there are a lot of emotions being put in thought for this movie... not a disappointment at all... and for those of you who thinks that Morgan Freeman getting the Best Supporting Actor, Hillary Swank getting the Best Actress and Clint Eastwood getting the Best Director Oscars are an undermined selection you are completely wrong... there is nothing unsatisfying about this movie... this is a particularly beautifully scripted powerful storytelling involved in this movie... I loved it... ^-^

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