Monday, August 29, 2005

I am stuck in uni...

I know that I got things to do which are very very VERY important but I cannot help but be just a tad bit bored... I know that I would probably stop halfway and then try to finish it at home... but then another problem would have occured... I would be wasting almost three quarters of my time at home gluing my eyes onto either the TV or the net... so there's not much progress there... plus the comfort food that I just happen to walk around with at home :P... so not much of a working progress at all... the last time I have tried this ended with me sleeping at 1 in the morn and then waking up at about 4 or 5 and continuing what I have not finished... and by the end of the day when I did go to my tute I would have received crap feedbacks that I have to live up with... *sigh... the story of my life...

Right now I am trying to buy my way out at the VERY last day or rather week before I am handing the final product... it is a poster btw... but fricking got a lot of details that need some considerations...

Alrighty I am going to admit there is not much good on me staying here at the comp lab trying to do my work because apparently I still need to scan some of the images that I would be using or at the least consider of using... and the most annoying part is that I would love to have the shop back just for another night coz I need the photocopier... so imagine... I used to just go downstairs (after I nick the keys off my couz :P) and then just happily photocopy away... and now I have to go all the way to the library to do this... considering I am here I might as well go... But as all of you have probably known by now is that I am very very UNORGANISED... and am a bit SPONTANEOUS... which is two things that really shouldn't go together but I can't help it!! I just happen to be very very unorganised... you should have seen the stuff I got at home... it is scattered literally throughout the whole house... and by the time I wanted to know where I have put my staff I would have to journey through every crack of the house trying to find my stuff, which sometimes ends with no stuff can be found... sad heh?? Yep but that's the truth anyways... *sigh

I want to go home right now but I figured I might as well stay here for a tad bit longer since the train is crowded during this hour... peak hour trains are something that you want to avoid especially on your way home... coz I think that it's not healthy at all... squashing against strangers and trying to create your very own space... such a bad decision to do but there you go... it cannot be helped sometimes... sometimes it cannot be avoided... you want to get home quickly NO MATTER WHAT! That is probably the lamest excuse to get on a peak hour train but that is the truth... hehehe... I'm just making things up as I go along basically... no biggie... I am officially bored as to now... I have mind-blank syndrome at the moment and am not progressing that well with the project... I want to go home and I also need to go to the library to photocopy something... *sigh... my life and its complications... It is just so frustrating...

I don't want to say that we didn't have enough time to do this project because in actual fact we do it is just ADMITTING that I have been lazy on completing this project that I find very much intriguing... I know that I should probably get on with my life and move on to some other directions... but what I have learned from this course is that I need to move forward rather quickly...

As you probably have deducted from the confusing way I have been stating things I am just going to say that in this course, in which this project I am currently doing is for, there are a lot of trials and errors that I am not so happy with... and I have also learned to move on to something new and completely fresh when the worst should come... like discarding any previous ideas and starting anew... even though you have stayed up REALLY late just for this lesson... I know that I will probably look back at this and say out loud "screw you typo!!" but the fact is that I might see this and say to myself "what a splendid time I have been having in typo..." I am not being sarcastic... because this lesson has taught me a lot... to learn to be stoic and unemotional towards my work... my tutor would just say that that work is crap and you shouldn't go on with it... and at first I would be VERY reluctant but then I realise that sometimes it is IMPERATIVE that I should be unemotional towards my work however hurting it may be... And these days I try not to be emotionally attached to my works so much... I do though to some extent but not overwhelmingly... I try to stay positive whatever I do and whatever happen I try to say that yes my work was crap and this time I need to do better than this... no matter what the cost may be... and I've also learned that maybe there is always a benefit in discarding the old idea... hmm... I may have actually repeat the whole thing again didn't I? Oh well... there are just soo much to say about this course that I love, like, hate and dislike...

So many and yet so little time...

Anyways for the moment being I have to say adios... (that is probably the first time I have ever wrote that... :P)

*sigh... the story of my life... too philosophical don't u think...?? I tend to be quite negative by the blogs that I have been publishing but I think this time I am a bit more reflective :P yes yes... trying to be too philosophical... But I'll write again next time...

btw... I tend to write blogs that are reviews and things like that I am not going to lie but I have been watching animes that m-ina has lent me and am still watching it... it will finish soon so the reviews should be out VERY soon... hmm... just need to find the time to search for images... ANYWAYS... catch ya all next time!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

dear beloved TV shows...

Since I have been to uni I am ashamed to admit that I have been spending a lot of time gluing my eyes to the TV... And honestly half of the time I don't even know what I have been watching... and I have just noticed this but most of the shows TEN been showing are crap!! First there was BB, which is BORING, then there's... ... actually... there have been a lot of BBs which are pretty crap... hmm... AND NOW Newlyweds are still on!! Can you believe that?!? I thought they broke up?!? Hmm... come to think of it, it has been while since I last read the gossip magazines... OK... instead me boring you with all the futile details of the shows I better organise this according to the networks:

I haven't seen anything much on ABC actually... maybe the movie reviews sometimes... and then the new Dr Who sometimes... I also watch Rage... but just to some extent... I tend to get up quite late... :P

Like watching the Iron Chef shows... even though they are like more than 5 years old it is just amazing watching it... they have a lot of energy and the dynamics within the kitchen... gosh! But loved the end though... they always have very nicely presented food... delicious...

I am going to admit sometimes I have to resort to watching BB for no reason whatsoever...
but before this 'phenomenon' ever occured I like watching NCIS (the whole team is soo funny... especially Denozo... and McGee and Kate and Abby... and Gibbs... I like Gibbs the best... hehe),
I sometimes watch Law and Order SVU... sometimes... used to like it a lot...
Actually Ready, Steady Cook is not that bad... but it gets quite tedious sometimes... I think Iron Chef is better (Iron Chef is like a cooking competition between two prominent Chefs and they battle it head to head... but Iron Chef is a lot better to watch) Now they have the Celebrity Ready, Steady Cook... but I have a feeling they weren't very successful...
LOVE LOVE LOVE Dr House... that is probably my most fave TV show at the moment...
AND CAN YOU BELIEVE?!? Charmed is still going!! Just when you thought... *shaking head just when you thought *shaking head...
There's also the Idol shows... which is kinda boring according to me...
There's also that new show Rock School... hmm... no comment...
Apparently Everybody Loves Raymond is going to have reruns again... soon... But I thought that this show is actually quite annoying... I do not know why sometimes I find it really hard to laugh at the delinquent familial relationship potrayed by the Barones...
Still LOVE watching the Simpsons though... but getting pretty tired with the same reruns over and over and over again...
hmm... sometimes the news are ok... what else??
Well... I sometimes watch Video Hits... but not a lot though... I like the cartoons at SEVEN better... Which brings me to...

hmm... what can you say about this? Sometimes it offers you quite a lot... other times... well... they're just not good enough... hmm...
There's border securities which is really good according to my couzs...
But I like Sunrise...
The cartoons are good... but I think they're the only one offering Disney cartoons...
hmm... And then there's Guiness World Record... which is kinda boring according to me...
OH YEAH!! Desperate Housewives!! How can I forget that?!? It's funny, witty and hilarious to me... a lot of dark humours... but like it a lot... but not as much as Dr House though...
AND Lost... I thought that the series is kinda annoying actually... they always delay things... and yes I know that it is for suspense... but the ad for next week are always misleading... I thought that it would solve at LEAST something... but it didn't and to make matters worst they are going to show series two on FEBRUARY 2006!! Geez... the light of them...
But there's that new show Grey's Anatomy which I thought was ok... It was good though don't get me wrong... I'm quite a harsh critic when it comes to TV shows I think... hmm... maybe that's just my opinion...

what do I watch when I click onto the Nine network? hmm... tough... I haven't been regularly watching Nine though... funny as it seems... I used to love CSI... but not anymore...
Sometimes I watch 60 Minutes but not a lot of the times...

What else did I watch?!? It is such a short list! hmm... I better think about that again... I'll see if I came up with something...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I can't believe I'm staying up this late just to write up this sh... (oops)

Sorry to be so err... negative... but I have been cranky for these couple of days. Just think of it as having assignments everytime you have a lesson. It's annoying, frustrating and most of all infuriating... I think I have also developed a kind of swear-a-lot syndrome too... Maybe it's uni influences but maybe because I have been quite cranky these past couple of days... Whichever way you want to put it I want to talk about trains... Yes... the annoying transportation that seems to be so important in our daily lives and as much as you have to hate it (don't ask me why) train is probably one of the most used and a particular public transport that I adore (and am not trying to be sarcastic here).

I have never noticed how much you think about anything when you go into a train alone standing side by side with strangers, avoiding their distant gazes and occasionally make eye-to-eye contact with another stranger... It is strange... but today I caught my usual train (err maybe not as usual in that context but good enough, note: I always leave house at 8 am for certain days) and believe it or not it was cramped!! (Daa!) anyways... it was completely full and so I have to stand in such an awkward position that I only have one hand to hold my folder and no room to put it down (most of the times I do this to avoid my work being lost and I am paranoid when my things get lost) and one hand clutching anything that I could grasp onto for dear life. And as fascinating as it may be I actually finding myself thinking and constantly gazing at random spaces and trying to avoid other travelling eyes. And I notice too that people as though we are cramped together in such a small space we actually want to avoid each other... Each of us want our own space no matter how small... And I also notice that groupings are also present. Because there are two groups of people who are travelling by the train and each of them travel with person/s of whom they know or acquintance with... They tend to be the loudest and also have the most comfortable space, even though people might bump onto them or anything they don't particularly respond... And I also realised that when we are alone and surrounded by strangers we find ourselves in such awkward situations that even a slight brush of some materials onto someone else make us apologise for something so incredibly minor and minute... We respond also to our territory by the things that we wear and we bring with us... And quite truthfully I found myself not caring whatever happen on my back because I know that my bag would separate me from the people on the back of me and also I tend to notice that I use my folder to be able to separate me from the people surrounding me... And I also notice the guy standing in front of me wearing a rather thick jacket would tend to be more comfortable because the jacket becomes a set of boundaries and also because a human's back is normally the most sensitive part we tend to wear or bring something that would set those boundaries and make us more comfortable and know that the things that we use to protect our back gives us comfort and some sort of protection (confusing statement...) ... Maybe I'm just being overly detailed in my views but I swear it is just so weird noticing how I do things and think about them and thought what other people would think when they are put into this confined space with unknown strangers...

By the way I didn't notice this because of a 15 minute journey from B to C (literally) the train was actually delayed by at least 30 minutes!!! How slack is that?? It pisses me off!! Gosh!! And I thought I was going to be early... but it turns out I didn't miss the lecture at all... they were having some difficulties I think...

Anyways... back to my err... psychological analysis... hehehehe... I also notice quite funnily that the people who are short tend to look very awkward and look down towards the ground or in my case I would look at odd spaces where there are no face and I tend to stare at people's clothes and think about it... like for instance I saw this guy wearing a white jacket... it looks quite thick then I started to wonder quite strangely enough would that jacket be washed regularly??? Because I thought... here's a guy... hmm... well... guys aren't normally or paticularly very good with their laundries and this guy particularly doesn't seem like it... hmm... strange ain't it??? I know it sounds stupid but honestly that was what I was thinking... And I also notice the guy in front of me... (not the white jacket guy) who is taller than most of the people in the carriage, seems to look up preferably at the ceiling or look out the window (lucky guy hmmph...) so I thought it sort of indicates that height also has some issues in our minds... and in our actions... the way we react when we are surrounded by strangers, the way we stand, the way we try to avoid the unknowns... strange... weird... especially in a train ride...

I know that it might seems useless but try it someday... it is quite refreshing to actually think of some sort of social analysis of how the modern society looks at the world around them... from a personal perspective of course... hehehe... I'm like an amateur psychologist now...

Monday, August 22, 2005

Bass Hill Drive-in

Another night of movies... but this time... 3 of my friends and I went to a drive-in cinema!! This is sooo cool since I have never been on a drive-in before and I always thought they only exist in movies... I know they don't... I was just joking... anyways... (please give me permissions to say your names...) Kimmie drove all of us... and when she mentioned it to me she forgotten to say that it starts at 7.30pm and finshes around midnight!!! But I was given permission to go anyways and so I went...

IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! All of us wanted different food... mind you I was saying FAST FOOD... you know that is such an overstatement... because it takes you aaggeess just to get your food ready... especially when we went to McD to buy food... (m-ina and I wanted McD, Kimmie got KFC whilst Holly grab a Hungry Jack)

After we got the food we decided to eat it when we get there... but I think Holly finishes hers before we were there... hehehe... and I kept eating my chips when I was holding the huge bag with our orders... and I kept gulping it down until there were only a quarter left hehehe... and half of my coke has been gulped down too... hehehehe... can't handle the hunger...

The fun starts when we were trying to find our way to Bass Hill... M-ina (sorry... I like the Japanese sort of name... hehehe... it kinda is a nice Jap nick for you, you know...) is the one who is telling Kimmie where to go... and it was so funny when we went a completely opposite direction and turned left to make a u-turn at a small street and finding out after Kimmie did the U-turn that we could only turn left!! hahaha... that was funny... :P but we end up able to turn the other way after all and lose about half an hour (that is plus the wait for the food!!)

So we ended up at Bass Hill with enough time to park the car and set up the speakers etc... at first we were in this part of the car park with cables but no speakers... so we were kinda confused of what to do with the speakers... do we need to plug it into the car speaker?? do we just clip it on the window or something... but it was a cable!! And then Kimmie realised after trying to find out that there were supposed to be full real-life looking speakers attached to that cable!! And so we end up parking at a different spot... hahaha it was funny... I never knew but the car park is actually designed to have small hills so when you park it on a spot your car would face upward towards the screen... so it was parked at an angle...

Anyways... the movies that we watched were "Wedding Crashers" and "Zoolander"... There were another field with another movies on it... it was "Kicking & Screaming" and "Madagascar" we were planning to swap fields when "Wedding Crashers" finished but it turned out that "Madagascar" started early so we ended up staying... Holly wanted to see "Zoolander" anyways...

I thought I might not mention what I think about the movie since that would be very much not interesting... I thought I'll just tell the err... experience...

So after "Wedding Crashers" we went to the toilet... yes!! THE TOILET!! And am mentioning it!! And after that Kimmie and I went to the shop at the drive-in... and interestingly enough we were about to buy some ice creams when it turned out that neither of us have brought our waller with us!! How weird is that??? I think I might have dropped mine at the car... don't worry I've found it... I just thought it was quite weird for me not to notice that I have not brought my wallet with me...

We went back to the shop after we got our wallets back and I grabbed my cam... and we went back to the snack bar... IT WAS CLOSED!!! WHAT THE HECK?!? oh well... so we ended up taking pictures instead of buying ice cream... if you are wondering what happened to m-ina and Holly... they're enjoying "Zoolander" hehehe... so Kimmie and I went snapping away... and I think one of the guards came over to us!! How weird is that?!? But I guess that is sort of expected since we were snapping like crazy even though the movie has started!! Anyways... nothing much... not much exchanges... so we just snap and snap at whatever it was we were snapping at... here are the results...

Waiting for McD's orders plus looking for directions...

This is Owen Wilson on the big screen as Hansel... teehee... funny name...

When there's Hansel... there's Gretel... no no... I meant Derek... Derek Zoolander... I have never noticed it before but there were a lot of cameos in here as Kimmie mentioned...

I was kinda bored... so I took this pic of the car... If you noticed... I sort of smudged the car number to prevent err... identification... hehehehe

Anyways... that is all for today... I am officially bumped out... see ya all another day!!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Pesta Kampoeng

This is probably supposed to be one of the blog where I put my experience through a culture change. But I think I haven't seen enough of it... hehehehe...

We went to Pesta Kampoeng which is err a celebration of Indonesian culture. There were a lot of food stalls... and a lot of food stalls... hehehe I think most Indos go there just because of the food. They miss their food the most I think, especially the inter students... I miss my food too... but I think I miss my mum's the most... she's probably the best cook in the world!!! (I know that I am being biased since most people would probably says that their mum's cooking is the best in the world :P) But honestly they do not even come close to what my mum would cook... and even the warungs (they're like little stall where you can sit and eat) are much better!! I know I'm probably being too biased now... hehehehe...

Anyways... we didn't get to really do anything much there... but bought lots of food... hahaha maybe I should have told Joycie when she comes that most of the food would be made with coconut milk!! She hated coconut!! Oh... btw Joyce and Holly went with me... Anyways... after a long while of choosing which food would be best to try and eat without feeling nauseaus we tried chicken satay first... Joycie and Holly liked it so there you go... and we tried some Indo cake... but Joyce doesn't really like them because THEY HAVE COCONUT!! Teehee... sorry... and so.. because Joyce was still hungry but doesn't really want to try any of the Indo delicacies we went to this hotel that serves steak for $5!!! how good is the price?!?

Anyways... we went and order some wedges... sorry... I meant holly and I got some wedges instead... and we gulp the whole thing... hehehe... and because we were kinda tired anyway we went home... that was only for 2 hours... but good enough... since I bought some Indo cakes to bring home and share :P...

So... we went to Redfern station without Holly because she was catching the bus... and because we needed to go through Sydney Uni to get to the station again we went through Seymour Theatre and walk through it... and so Joyce began a tour around her beloved Sydney Uni and her engineering section... it was fun...

Btw... I do have pictures but unfortunately i didn't get any pics from Pesta Kampoeng because we were kinda occupied with the food for a while so no time for me to happily snapping away... but I get to snap some pics of the way home... or back to Redfern stat at least...

This is the way to the station... at first I was a bit reluctant because Joyce said she never went this way but 'supposedly' her friends told her this way is nearer to the station than taking the whole way back...

This is an err... I guess monument at the Seymour Theatre. I have no idea what this is actually so I'm just going to leave it for your imagination.

This is another strange sculpture that I thought looked a bit like an elephant... hmm... maybe I was delusional... but I'm open to suggestions...

This is another one too... it just so happened to be there... ain't that a coincidence... anyways... to me it looks like one of those funny looking benches that you sit onto... but otherwise... it looks like a waterfall...

This is the way to Redfern Station... and in this photo Joyce looked like she's "singing in the rain" get it?!? hahahaha sorry... bad joke... anyways... this was the way... notice the interesting building right in front? It looks very interesting...

And get this... they have their own little jungle!!! How environmentally friendly is that???!?? I never thought of it that was but a jungle within university compound is pretty strange... but I think it really is trying to be as environmental as possible... which is scary to me...

When we were passing the engineering section... with the bountiful nature and stuff... I noticed there are kookaburras!!! Honestly though... I've never actually seen them in real life just those nature pictures that look perfect whichever way you see them... So I took just enough... *big smile... it's cute... but it's noisy...

We went through rows and rows of houses that looks the same just in different colours... but it was kinda drizzling some rain so I put my cam away... but I managed to get one shot... and thought that maybe I shouldn't really attract attention with a cam on hand...

This is pretty strange according to me... I have never seen white doves running freely around the street... I have enough of pigeons that I thought this is a strange coincidence... so I took a photo... or two... before it started to drizzle again...

And not long after that... we got to Redfern Station and thus end the journey... through one of the largest uni I have been in plus walking around places I have never been to...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Pulling another short allnighter... (at least trying to...)

This is another blog that probably would include me swearing and some very very spontaneous reaction...

AARRGGHH what's wrong with the image?!? (9:36)

Loading... loading... waiting... being impatient... waiting... waiting... loading... growing VERy impatient... loading... YAY (9:42)

Saving... DONE! (9:43)

Now this is the hard part... by now Illustrator want to change the placed pic coz I've changed it... (9:44)

Loading... progress... waiting... hmm... listening to "The Sound of White" very nice... DONE!! (9:45)

Going back to PSD... *sigh... (9:48)

more loading...

loading... progress... (9:51)

now AI want to change (9:52)

DARN IT!!! So many things to do for thursday... (9:53)

WHAT?!? It's almost 10:30 already?!!? (10:22)

waiting... for photoshop to load whatever it is it's loading... (10:30)


loading... sleepy... loading... sleepy... *wondering what's on TV... loading... sleepy... (10:32)

This is taking too long!!! (10:32)

DAMN IT!!! progress......................................................................... and officially taking too long... (10:33)

WHAT?!?? 10:50 ALREADY!??!!

My back's aching... I'm cold... all alone except for the solitary light illuminating my work desk... *sigh... everybody's gone to sleep... (10:51)

WHAT THE HECK???? The illustrator just froze up!! STUPID... BAKA!!! WHAT THE HELL!!?? WHAT THE HELL??? WHAT THE HELL???!!??? WHAT THE HELL???!!! WHAT THE HELL???!!!!! (10:52)


I'm gonna save it now... I tend to not save when I'm still working and it ain't funny when you have done over 1 hour of work and then suddenly it disappears... (10:54)

saved it!! ^-^ happy happy =_= tired tired..... zzz... zzz... wanna sleep.... and dream of green meadows and funny clouds, the sun's shining above and ooohhh the flowers are bountiful and gorgeous *sigh... as if I actually am ever going to dream that!! Most of the times when I dream I remembered it the instant I wake up but then when I took another minute napping the dream's suddenly gone... weird heh??

Anyways that is all for tonight... sorry to bore you out of your wit but there you go... I wish I could actually say this but unfortunately *inhale big breath I'm still here and still complaining... that's a good sign right???

WHAT THE HELL???!!?? It says that it seems that I don't have enough memory to preview my work and so the whole thing just turned into lines.... WHAT THE???

WHAT THE HELL??? It says the file not readable??!???


SHIT (sorry...) *sigh... I guess I'm just going to give in to whatever is going to happen... yeah?? *shrugs... not gonna know until I try to open the file again...

ok... I'm fine now... probably going to throw curses when I'm asleep but that's ok :P... hehehe...

Monday, August 15, 2005

Pulling an allnighter... +_+

*sigh... that is all I'm going to have to start with... an interim tomorrow... not such a good thing to start the third week back mind you... For those o fyou who don't know what interim is and sitting there reading this thinking 'what the hell is interim'... well... an interim is sort of like a pin up of the progress you are going at the moment while doing your project... The good thing about interims is that you get to be criticised by other people especially by the tutor cos that's what you want... So the tutor sort of see where you are going with the project and if you are steering right out of the curb you are being pulled back... so this time my interim consists me of doing sketches of layouts for the poster as well as doing three final layouts of the poster... all in all a pretty easy task eh?? Well... you may think otherwise if you are a VisCom student... coz this thing takes AAGGEESSS... it took me one hour and more to actually finish one poster layout which is not a good progress but I guess you want to be on the right direction AND I haven't done the rough sketches of the layouts... I'M DOOMED!!!

Right now I am stressing over the second layout which finally I nearly finished after hours and hours of hesitating and looking over it again and then hesitating again and then look again and then change it and then change the layout again all over and then start again with the last idea and then change again to the latter... *sigh... it's going nowhere at the moment and am just going to have to see what I could come up with with the thumbnails of sketches for the layout... luckily I could just do this by hand which is good so I don't really need to stress out using the darn comp to do the job...

Just so you know when you are reading this there might be some spontaneous random reaction since I am doing this blog with conjunction with doing the task for tomorrow too... I am relieving myself out of the misery of actually looking at the comp for too long... and mind you I am not being lazy or anything i just thought I might need some distraction when it comes to doing a task especially when it is this tedious...

And the DAMN comp just keeps slowing down... of course I have no idea why it does that but for whatever reasons I have known that it is slow but it still serves to be the best tool out of the rest... btw... I'm actually doing this on two comp believe it or not... that's why I keep alternating between the two... coz when the comp that I do my work slows down or try to load something I just put something in here...

DARN IT!! I'm trying to be creative but for some reason (I better stop saying that... that makes me indecisive) I cannot come up with a better concept that some of the stupid layouts that I keep doing DAMN IT!!!

DARN!! (again) I forgotten what I was about to do... got disctracted by... err... mind blank +_+

OH YEAH!!! I remembered again!!

AARRGGHH!!! Going nowhere again!!! (10:40 pm)

ARRGGHHH!!! (!!!) ANNOYING!!! (10:52 pm)


Hmm... not that bad... (10:57)

DAMN gotta allign it now... (10:58)

DAMN forgotten about the italics... (10:59)

URGH my back's aching.... (11:00)

Gosh... I can't wait to see my tute's face when she sees this crap... BWAHAHAHAHA!!! (I think I have turned into a nutcase now...) (11:03)

Alrighty... that is it, people!!! YAY!!! Finally finished this crap!!! Now what do I do... hmm... hmm... SHIT!!! (oops... sorry...) (11:04)

I hope this thing doesn't mess up when I get to uni... IT BETTER NOT!!! (11:05)

Still got photoshop to do... *sigh... (11:06)

For some stupid reason I kept pressing the other comp's button.... silly me... :P (11:08)

I want to sleep... hueee.... (11:09)

Printing... printing... printing... printing... waiting... waiting... waiting... (11:13)

*shocked face* WHAT?? quarter past already???? (11:14)

"hey, Jimmy!" "kyooku Jimmy ikimashou" "You got to fight for your money, how you feelin' Jimmy!" "You got to fight for your dream" "It's all too much!" (11:16)

Printing done... shitty quality (excuse the language) (11:16)

How come it comes up like this ?!? It looks good in the monitor!! (11:16)

"open dammit open!" (11:17)

*sigh I think I may have to print this in the library tomorrow... gotta go early then... (11:18)



Come on... print... print... print... print... print... waiting... loading... (11:23)

PRINTING!!! (11:24)

A jolt of joy just rushed through my heart!!! (11:24)

SHUCKS... still one more thing to do... (11:24)

Alone... feel all alone... (11:24)


I ONLY GOT 4 PICTURES!!! I hope that's ok... hmm... hmm... who cares...

OK... that is a diary of an overly stressed designer... or... amateur designer... or a novice designer... anyway you want to see it... so... that's probably the shortest allnighter that you ever witnessed... but there you go... YAY!!! I'm still not done being pretty happy with myself finishing this... so soon... yet so late... *huah... yawn... OK then... good luck... nyem nyem...

Sunday, August 14, 2005


I forgotten to mention one little thing about today's blog... or when you see this the blog below... I forgotten to say I have downloaded Limewire and loving it at the moment... although some I think pretty derogatory stuff is being shown everytime you want to do a search with the engine... but I blocked the server so there you go... :)

I downloaded it because of Joyce's idea... and I dunno... I kinda prefer this one to Kazaa for some reason... maybe because it's more user friendly but maybe I'm wrong... but anyways... finally I get to download 'Hey Jimmy' from Peace Maker... It is the ending theme from the anime if you have seen it or otherwise... anyways... loved the song... it's just so energetic... hehehe... loved it and listened to it like a thousand times already and still not tired... maybe because I have been obsessing over animes for quite a while I want the songs too... but anyway I see it I love it!! hehehe... anyways... I know that it is pretty useless stuff in this one entry but enjoy the whole blog!!

PS. just a note... if you don't want anime stuff... the second to the first err... make that the third one down is about our adventure through Newtown... hehehe... see ya!

A little bit of this, a little bit of that...

I swear... it felt like I have put that title up before... ... ... anyways... I have yet again proven that addiction to ANYTHING can be dangerous... yes... I borrowed another 3 anime DVDs... but since they haven't got any new one for the series I want to watch I decided to give some another try and one that is new to me...

1. Peace Maker vol 2

Not as bad as I would have thought... quite interesting... but sort of lag a bit according to me but nonetheless it was good to watch the next after the first one... very funny no doubt about that and I think I might borrow the third one since this is starting to go somewhere according to me... Well... basically it is just mini adventures on each episode... as I have previewed beforehand about the first volume Tetsunosuke is finally becoming a page and a member of the Shisengumis... in this volume there are just a couple of small adventures that Tetsunosuke goes through... very heartfelt according to me... this volume more focus on drama and comedy I think... no extreme violence as of yet... dunno though... (...) ok aside from my very vague explanation... the good thing about this anime is that each episode as I have yet repeated it over and over again is like a mini adventure... so it ends but the main storyline is yet to be revealed or is yet to reach the climax...

2. Full Metal Panic vol 2

As I have said before I don't really have any interest in animes that have too many robots and technology in it but nonetheless this is pretty good and has a lot of humour... As always Sousuke Sagara is the cute one but in this volume the first 3 episodes are intense... because it is the episodes after Chidori Kaname, a normal high school student being thought to be the 'whispered', is being kidnapped and the whole plane where the whole of her school is going on a trip for is being hijacked... Sousuke is a military specialist being assigned to protect her... and so the first three are very intense... but the fourth is more laid back... anyways... it was very funny to watch... I kinda want to watch the next one now...

3. Scrapped Princess

I cannot believe that I have been trying to avoid this one too!! I watched it and wouldn't exactly calling it 'falling in love' but I have to say I like it very very much... It follows Pacifica who is told by a prophecy that she is a 'Scrapped Princess', a princess that has been prophecised that when she is sixteen she would bring destruction to the world, the world would be engulfed in a bloodbath... so the whole world is basically scared shitless by this prophecy (excuse my language) and so the church and the militia want to kill her... and so she escape with her brother and sister (not blood related) to get out of the country... at the moment it is just a journey and mini adventures per episodes too... but nonetheless I cannot wait till the next one... but when I thought about it I think it has been on the shelf for quite a while now... and couldn't quite see where the second one is... hmm... I better ask them then... anyways... watch this it's really good... gosh I can't believe I wanted to avoid this... for whatever reason it was... btw cute guys too... hehehe

Oh and also besides all that three DVDs that I borrowed I also borrowed from m-ina FLCL I think Fooly Kooly or even Furi Kuri... (...) don't ask me to spell it out for you... 'nyways... very interesting... yes I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-I-N-G it is different than the normal animes with robots protruding out of a boy's head... very weird... but what I think is the most weird is the anime itself... There are a lot of quirky actions that I am not sure what they are for... but anyways... funny and hilarious but am not so sure where the story is going quite yet... sorry m-ina but kinda not in my field of interest... but very interesting to watch... watched all of them... there are a lot of dynamics in it... a lot of movement which are very I think different than most animes... it is very err... dynamic... I like Haruko the best... she got ATTITUDE!!! Hehehehe... although a bit weird...

Anyways... that is all for today... see ya next time

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Yesterday, two days before tomorrow, three days after four days ago...

Yesterday... what did I do... went to dinner with my highschool friends... all except one *hicks... we really need to persuade her to come one of this day... It was a brief dinner but loved it :) we should do that more...

We went to Newtown and we tried to meet each other in front of Dendy at 6 to go to the restaurant together... but unfortunately we are all scattered and only 3 people came on time hehehe... just when I thought I was going to be late... anyways... all 8 end up meeting 1 hour later... hehehe... And I just found out... because as connection-less as I am I always have to be the last one to find out that we don't know where we are eating yet... so... everyone wanted Thai... BUT DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY THAI RESTAURANTS THERE ARE IN NEWTOWN??? It's mind boggling!! We went up on one side of the road trying to decide the Thai restaurant we want to eat in... and we went and we went... being indecisive we were kinda tired of walking and hungry and so Joyce spotted a Thai across the road and we just need to cross the road... So we ended up going to this Newtown Thai Restaurant... it was ok... not bad actually... just that after we finished our meal for some reason smoke started to engulf the small room... no one ran or anything but there was this burning smell... well... nothing burnt down it is just weird according to me anyways... I think the fan might have been broken or something... or maybe the cook is not as professional as I may have thought... hmm...

And after a 2 hour dinner we went out... AND DO YOU REALISE HOW F.... COLD IT WAS!!?? IT WAS FRICKING COLD!! We were going to get ice creams beforehand... but we discarded the idea because it was too cold outside... so we went to Gloria Jeans that someone spotted earlier... And ooohhh the warm hot cocoa... so nice... so warm... and so we stayed at the shop for about 1 hour... nice people in there too... I think the two guys behind the counter might have been the owner but am not sure... but nice people they are... very funny too... hehehe... anyways... we mucked around for quite a while in the shop taking photos and laughin' our asses off... but then some people need to go home... and I went to... because it was late at night and it's already 10 o'clock...

Yes... and so that was our little adventure around Newtown... but another mini adventure is soon to come... It turned out that the train going to Central is the first one to come and so we went in... and suddenly out of the blue Joyce went out of the train at Redfern!! OK... maybe not that spontaneous but it was pretty surprising... Me and Sam were just left there starring blank faced and so... we just stared at her neither of us really wanted to get off... the door closed and so we went off to Central... Sam glanced at the platform signs at Redfern and it says it goes to BURWOOD TOO!!! IN 5 MINUTES!!! *sigh... and so... we got off at Central and run like crazy for the train that is on the OPPOSITE platform!! And it turned out that the train stopped really far away so it must have been a short car train... 'nyways... we caught it and it turned out the same train as Joyce and so we met halfway through the carriages... hahhaha... never again... that was all the adventure of that day... so... yeah... we should get out more often... I think we might do that on the first break... people's verdict please!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Another Anime... another review...

I know I have to stop this since one of my uni friends said that when she was still in high school she couldn't get over the addiction of watching animes all the time... I think I have caught on the fever and is yet realised that I need the medicine right away... As lame as it is I think that I am reasonably well with coping with my addiction with animes... since I have to borrow it from the local videostore I thought I did pretty well... Anyways... I 'm hoping I could get more animes from err... someone... anyways... that is probably best for the future rather than now... gotta concentrate... gotta concentrate...

I have yet again borrowed as many DVDs as I could get my hands onto or rather I could get into the night for... and I know from err... previous experiences that borrowing 6 DVDs in one go is an absolute no no unless you got a very long free time... So this time around I only borrowed 3 DVDs... And they are...

1. Chrono Crusade vol 3 & 4

Hehehehe... I know that I have been talking about this series a lot and am not joking when I said that you should watch this... it is a bit gruesome and scary but nothing to be really scared about... not really anyways... And for the most part of it what you really want to watch in this series is the story... Sister Rosette Christopher is looking for her younger brother, Joshua who is taken by the infamous Sinner, Aion... It's a complicated story but what volume 3 would tell you about their story is the story of Joshua and what happened during the early days when Joshua and Rosette were still in the orphanage and what happened when Aion took Joshua... it's such a complicated story I don't think I am going to tell you everything...

But the end of volume 3 you would see that Rosette has gone to find Joshua with Azmaria and Chrono... and err... Satella... yeah I know... names... I can't even describe what their relationships really are...

And the next would be... volume 4... In this the story continues with Rosette's journey to San Fransisco to find Joshua... they are really a funny bunch... anyways... the story goes around and between Chrono's life when he was still one of the Sinners and still working under Aion... which is like the leader of the Sinners I guess... but what intrigued me is Rosette's story where she really does have a secret of her own and by the end of volume 4 you want to see more!!!

This is particularly a good story if you want suspense, humour, a bit of supernatural themes and a lot of ass kickings... but the story is probably the most that I particularly want you to notice here... Unfortunately by the end of Volume 4 the story didn't end and they stopped it at a particularly intense moment... which is annoying!!! And I am sure as heck that the store doens't have the 5th volume just yet... coz volume 4 has only 3 episodes... which is ANNOYING!!!
Anyways... besides all that tantrum I have to say that I will be waiting for the next one and am going to borrow it no matter what *fiery eyes...

ok ok... better get on with the next one...

2. Samurai Champloo vol 3

I love this series... it is just so funny... I can't stop laughing because the dialogues are so witty... hehehe... And the journey between Mugen, Jin and Fuu continues... They are approaching Nagasaki now because of the clue the foreign samurai has given Fuu... ok I have a knack for not telling what the story really is but here goes nothing...

Mugen, the wild haired samurai and Jin, the solemn and quite loner can be said as lone samurais who are nomads... btw they don't know each other and has no relation to each other... Fuu meanwhile is a girl who works at her uncle's teachouse after her mother has died... as fate would have it the three of them met because Mugen and Jin 'accidentally' burn down the teahouse because they fought each other... They both got arrested by the authorities and sent to jail and were about to be executionised (is there such a word?) when Fuu came and rescue them with the promise that they would journey with her to find the samurai who smells like sunflowers... weird heh? And so they journey together...

I'm just going to tell you about this volume... and save myself on retelling everything all over again... Fuu got the hint to go to Nagasaki and so they went over there... funny adventures and all the different troubles they have to go through is what makes this such a funny piece of anime with a lot of attitudes and cool moves... but I think that the last episode is a sort of summing up of what they have gone through with their journey... and yes the adventures are fascinating really because they are such a different and quirky little adventures that each of them go through...

Anyways... that is all for today... I am hoping to keep writing reviews for the animes to come because I doubt that I would be able to go through them with the hope that they will have good enough animes that make me want to watch it even more than it already is... And I also hope that I would be able to watch the good animes that I have been missing during all these years... *sigh...


BOOK REVIEW!! I've started reading quite a bit and thought I might as well do a review on this one... It took me quite a long time to read this and I accumulate small time everyday post-holiday to read this page by page... There are a lot of anthropological terminologies in this novel... Oh first of all... The book that I'm reviewing is Cross Bones by Kathy Reichs... I think this is supposed to be the latest one if I am not mistaken... I actually bought this with the Harry Potter book but since I am so engulfed into Harry Potter for a while and forgotten it then i discovered it for a few days and then started reading it :P Anyways... besides that... I'm supposed to review the book!! D'oh!!

As always the protagonist is Dr Temperance Brennan... I think from the beginning it is always the same protagonist... same like Cornwell's books I think... But I actually have never read Patricia Cornwell's books... so there you go... Anyways... in this novel Tempe (they always have a nickname don't they??) is being baffled by a strange case... Avram Ferris has been found dead in his office shot twice in the back of his head... execution style... and the clue to his murderer? Is a photo given by a strange man... a photo of a perfectly intact skeleton that the mystery man told Tempe that it was the reason Avram has been shot...

The interesting part about this novel is this is probably the first time out of the whole series that Tempe went overseas to solve the case... I have to say as different and rather err... controversional according to me as it is... it doesn't strike me as well scripted episode... but the most intriguing part out of the novel is the religious controversies that are established by the book... I just thought it was not as a spectacular controversy as The Da Vinci Code but nonetheless it's a feed for the brain...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I don't know whether to call today a bad day or a good day...

First as always with people and everyday life there would always be a bad day and a good day... And today is exceptionally difficult to categorise whether I should call today a bad day or a good day... you be the judge...

1. I went early in the morning (attempting to) to go to uni early and print of things that should have been due today... and so I did... with the exception that I forgotten my handwriting experiments, which is also an important thing for the project that we have to do... I realised this after I stepped onto the train saw a guy holding a book and then thinking 'what did I forget?' and as my mind is somehow a bit retarded and has such a short memory span and I need some kind of clue as to what I have forgotten then I realised that I forgotten the darn roll of paper... that is the handwriting excercises... I started panicking (in my own mind of course... I don't want to feel more retarded) and so... I told myself... it was an accidental mistake...

2. That was the con... the pro in this situation is that it turned out that only the ones that I am printing out at uni are the ones that matter since my tut told a very long explanation of each of our printouts... so that was a lucky break I guess and I don't have to bring heavy stuff and don't have to carry a big roll of A1 paper with me especially when I have to get home by the pre-peak hour train...

3. I thought I was going to be late to the lecture because some of my uni friends are not done yet with the printing... And am sort of reluctant on going to the lecture...

4. Luckily there was a queue at the doorway to the lecture hall... apparently we were supposed to sign in when we go the lecture now... even though we were late... don't get me wrong but apparently the subject coordinator for this subject is really strict and she is Scottish...

5. Today is probably the longest day out of the whole week and have to cope with is for at least another month or so... (I don't know whether they are going to swap the classes by the first break or not...) IT WAS 5 HOURS LONG!! I know that it might not be long to some other people's standard but to mine... it is... from 10 am - 4 pm

6. I have been borrowing my couz's room when he went back to Indo... And since I have been sharing my room with my aunty and my couz's daughter... I have no privacy... but his room is nice since it has a big bed and I can put stuff onto the side of the bed so I just need to reach and grab...

7. He is back today... and so claims the room today... have no guts to suggest other alternative so I better stick with the old room then *sigh...

8. Tomorrow I have a class that I hate and yet I like... because of the tutor but has no one that I know in that class... or at least that I am close with... but otherwise it was an ok class...

9. We need a concept for the group poster tomorrow and we already think of one but apparently it is sort of shitty... according to the tutor anyways... apparently we need to go 'deep' and so... yes...

10. I guess I might as well go up to ten since I already had 9... but can't think of any so I might as well leave it as it is...

Well... that is all for today... may I say that it is quite delightful to get all that rubbish out of my head for once and out of my system... these crazy thoughts have been bugging me... all the bads and the goods... shucks... my mind is going too fast... oh well... until the next time...

PS. I almost forgot... I borrowed Read or Die vol 6... AND AM ANNOYED!!! I borrowed thinking that it might be the last of the episodes but apparently it turned out to be otherwise... it answers all the questions but not finished!! I am officially dreading for the next one but I have to look at the shelf very closely apparently they just randomly put the DVDs onto the rack... and never bother to actually put it into alphabetical order... which is annoying when you have little time to think and spend more time looking for the darn thing and get distracted by other animes on the shelf...

Monday, August 08, 2005

I've done it... yet again...

I know that this is not a healthy habit and I have stated that in my previous blogs... BUT I CAN'T HELP IT DAMMIT!!! I'm just so into animes at the moment I cannot think of a worse time to stop and wait for another week to get the next installment... But I have a feeling the next volumes are not out yet on the shelves...

1. Read or Die : The TV Vol 4 & 5
Again and yet again... I know that I may be a maniac but honestly this anime is really good... when I said that the end of the third volume would have captured you well this time I am saying that by the time you finish the 5th volume you officially want more... not just a thirst but an addiction!! I know that sounds harsh but that's the truth... The story gets more intense as each lies began to unfold... although to tell you the truth there are some scenes where you can sort of foreseen what will happen but it sort of unfolds more unexpectedly than what I expected it to be...
Anyways... I really haven't told you what the story is really right? Ok here is just a summary but I think it really connects more to the first three volumes... Nenene Sumiregawa is a forgotten well-known writer that hasn't made any best sellers in 5 years... the reason is that her best friend who becomes her mentors over the years have suddenly disappeared... In light of this her previous novel is going to be made into a movie and so the Three Sister Detectives have been hired to protect her... As paper masters they are able to manipulate papers according to their skills... Maggie, Michelle and Anita can be seen as somewhat an odd team but they are proven to be very skilful... As the story begins to unfold there are a much greater organisation that seeks Nenene and want her... much more mysterious Dokusensha has been hiring the three sisters to retrieve ancient books which are supposedly saved and disappeared from the British Library when it was burned down in a fire... But the mystery is much more deep than just Dokusensha and the books... another organisation is also trying to steal the books... but what are their connections and what do they want with Nenene...
The mystery is really not those type of mysteries that you can easily predict... it goes much deeper than that... It is just really cool to watch the actions... although I wouldn't call it flawless but they are certainly very cool to watch... Trust me... the story is not one of those cheesy love stories nor that dramatic err... actually there is a bit of drama in it... but all in all I want to borrow the next one but I doubt that I would be able to find it since I tried yesterday to borrow all the Read or Die DVDs that they have but I think they don't yet have the last two... (I'm kinda just predicting this since it seems that it wouldn't be too long till they finish)

2. Chrono Crusade Vol 2
OK!! Better get on with the next one shall we?? This is the second volume Chrono Crusade and much to my satisfaction it was really good... With a lot of devils butt kicking and really really creepy and weird storyline that is yet to unfold yet again... I have to say I am trying really hard to restrain myself from borrowing the DVDs until next week... (you know... uni life and stuff) and so... without getting to too much details... Sister Rossette is finally accepted into the Militia and is still clumsy... but this time Azmaria has become the rookie that teams up with her and Chrono... as creepy things began to unfold Rossette met Aion who is the devil who took her brother away... I don't particularly know why or how Aion took Joshua, Rossette's brother away but he turns out to be evil... anyways... Joshua is the reason why Rossette became a member of the Magdalence Order... To find Joshua... But there are a lot of quirky things going on in this series and am liking it *BIG GRIN... I just want to know what will happen next because the story just sort of stops midway through everything!! Geez...

Anyways... that is all the anime that I err... watched last night till one am... hehehehe... not such a good habit mind you and just remembered I probably won't be able to do anything for next week... hhmm... maybe I should do the marathon on Friday... but who knows??!! Anyways... gotta go and pack up my stuff for uni... hehehe... first week and already lazy as an ass...

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I know I shouldn't have done this...

But I have been satisfying curiosity yet again +_+ I know that this is probably not a healthy habit that I should really tolerate in my daily life but I LOVE IT!! Err... maybe I should really tell you first what it is... Yesterday yet again I have been hiring DVDs and am err... 'proud' to say that most of it are animes... I borrowed 6 DVDs and I stayed up all night to watch it... OK... here's the list:

1. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
To me this movie is actually not half that bad... A lot of dramatic humour behind this movie and very star studded casts as well as witty and quirky script... It satify me in a sense that this is a different comedy than all of the comedy movies I have witnessed so far... Taking in the real world as well as artifical... Hehehe "candy crabs" oh my gosh... they actually look like candy... hehehe... Anyways... getting back to my main point ehrm... the story goes that Steve Zissou is an oceanographer who is seeking revenge on a shark that has eaten his best friend... without getting into too many details there are a lot of dramas incorporated into this movie and as serious as it may be I cannot help but laugh at some of them... hehehe... it is after all a comedy :P The casts include Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Anjelica Houston, Cate Blanchett, Willem Dafoe and Jeff Goldblum.

2. Garden State
Yes... This is probably the first movie that is written and directed by Zach Braff, if I am not mistaken... But I have to say that this movie has a lot of heart in it... it is tough and intense but at the same time subtle in its approach between scenes and events... I like it... The story goes Andrew Largeman is an unsuccessful actor that goes back to his hometown to attend his mother's funeral... there are a lot of twist and turn at the plots and so it is not really like your normal average romance... It is quirky and it is witty and I know that I have used that word a lot but I have no other word to describe it more than that I guess... I wished I could have a plethora of words embedded inside my brain...

3. Samurai Champloo Vol 2
OK... NEXT!! I know I have been bragging a lot about this Samurai Champloo but am not kidding when I said this is different than your normal average stereotypical animes around... it is very hard edge and err... modern even though it is set in medieval time and place... I know that it is not historically correct but I guess the point that I like to make is that you want to know where the story goes to next... that is why I borrowed the series again... but unfortunately they are an overnight loan... Well... the next one is actually sort of a continuance to the first one really nothing exciting happened as of yet...

4. Chrono Crusade
Now... This is the one that I will be getting very excited of... this is actually another of the animes that I have been trying to avoid from the shelf but cannot help it when they say you get to borrow FOR FREE whatever that is on 3 day loan... SO HECK YEAH!! Borrowed it... and looking forward to the next one... Basically the year is 1928 set in Brooklyn N.Y. and there is an Order that is called the Magdalene Order which is like an excorcist type of organisation, during the time the prosperity in turn took a toll on the rise of demonic Sinners in America... So basically they kick the devil's ass... hehehe... anyways... it is really cool to watch although there are a little bit of sexual references they are not a lot... But am looking forward to the butt kickings... hehehe... really cool stuff... and have a curious thought that I think the same people who did this may have been the same people who did Neon Genesis Evangelion... but I may be wrong... all in all a cool stuff to watch...

5. R.O.D. The TV (Read or Die: The TV) Vol 2 & 3
Thisiscoolstuff.... sorry sorry... I am sooo excited about this particular one... coz remember last time I mentioned that the volume one doesn't really give much story?? Well... it is getting scarier with each volume... ARGH can't wait for the fourth one!!! ok... I shouldn't have said scarier because that might put people a bit off but it is getting mysterious and interesting with each episode... it keeps you on edge... and the humour is still there but as you get to vol 3 the serious stuff began to unfold and then it stops... yes... it stops... damn you... when I watched it there are some small gaps sometimes in between the episodes... I think it might be the subplots that really lead up to the main plot but the subplots really have a small connection not such a big one to the 'story'...
I'm sorry I didn't mean to say main plot rather the story... Anyways... watch it... the first volume may be a little bit of a bummer but by the third you are officially hooked to the story... :P Anyways... that is all the DVDs that I borrowed and the order that I have put them on are the actual order of watching... OH MY GOODNESS!!! I never knew this but the creator of Please Twins and R.O.D are the same people!!!! (thanks animecubed hehehe for clearing that up... I was wondering where have I seen that kind of drawings from)

Saturday, August 06, 2005

I have been indulging myself once again...

ON ANIMES!! I'm just tasting a few traces of animes here and there thought I might as well give some kind of review to the first few episodes or rather the first volumes of the animes... It's merely a taste-tester but I have been proven wrong once again that the ones that I thought are going to be bad turned out to be good and the one to be good turned out to be OK but not great...

First stop...
The King of Bandit, Jing... Wasn't a very good type of anime but it was a so-so... I think that there are just too many things going on in such a short time... I think that episodes are too short and there are just not so smooth enough flow between episodes... Making it quite difficult to actually connect between storylines... It has a lot of wit and funny moments and the guy, Jing is actually quite cute... yes... I know... How can an anime character be cute??? Anyways... that is my very short comment on something that I thought would be good...

Second stop...
R.O.D. The TV... very very GOOD... I'm surprised that I have been avoiding this ever since I step foot onto the videostore... This sort of surprised me... even though there are quite a few of sexual references they are not quite that 'Hey look at me' sort of thing... yes... anyways... the story is actually rather complicated and I haven't even known what the story is as of yet but there are a lot of actions and quirky and weird things going on... It's a story of three sisters who are apparently three Paper Masters, they have the ability to turn papers into weapons and am not so sure as to how they obtained their powers or anything but I think the story would develop slowly... but so far I want to borrow the second volume because this one is actually not that bad and made me want to watch the next one...

Third stop...
Now... this is the one that I have been seeing on the shelf also and have been avoiding it for whatever stupid reason... It actually turns out to be the best out of the three... which is surprising for me... It is different than other animes with its very urban and street type of drawings (like graffiti I meant) and it just has an edge I've never seen before in traditional animes... I have to admit there are violence incorporated into this but if you don't mind it borrow it I would really recommend it... I thought it was different than the normal animes that I've seen around... very funk and street I thought... hehehe... anyways... it is set in medieval Japan but the attitudes of the two actually... three leading characters are just so fun to watch... so borrow this if you can although I dare say they only got about 3 or 4 volumes at my local videostore...

Thought I have to add something to my dearly beloved Samurai X... err... that sounds strange... anyways... I borrowed Samurai X : Reminiscence (OAV)... beautiful story... more serious than the normal anime on TV but has a lot of heart and I thought it was a masterpiece... very beautifully told... there are a lot of violence and another side of Kenshin that you don't know about so basically this is a prequel to Samurai X... This is basically the time where he met his first love, Tomoe and his first life as Battousai... I don't want to go on into a story teller so watch it... it's really good...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

It wasn't THAT bad...

A follow up towards yesterday's whinging... I have decided that Wednesday's class is not half that bad BWAHAHAHAHA... ... ... ... (silence) ok fine... Instead it could've been worse off... but it turned out quite ok... A lot to do though... gosh... screenprinting (I have no idea what this is since I have been avoiding art for a VERY long time and therefore have no clue whatsoever) and then there's the 2nd project which requires research... I'll just do that over the weekend or something and then I have to do some research on pop art... since I have just a small amount of knowledge in this type of art movement... *sigh... there are tonnes of things to do that I don't want to do and yet if I don't do this I might not pass the course... And then there are more readings for Monday's class and more work to do for Tuesday's class ARRGGHHHH!!!

The amount of work just got me nowhere... including the amount of travelling I have to go through just to get to uni... I know I shouldn't get pissed off by this since I live practically nearer to the City than most of my peers... But still... the goddamn tunnel is just too long it pisses me off... sorry *blush I'm not normally this cranky I'm just a bit tired and pissed off too... because of the workload that we've been given... not much use whinging really but I hope I would be able to finish a great part of it during the weekend... but nonetheless am looking forward to some of the work that I have to do... for whatever reasons it may be... anyways... moving on... ... ... ... ...

I'm sorry I think my eyes are already halfway through closing... I better go to sleep... I've been neglecting my normal sleeping patterns that I've been err... mastering during the holidays, which comprise of sleeping at about 12am or about 1 or 2 or 3 am and waking up at approximately 11am in the morning to sleeping still at about 11 or 12 at night and waking up early just to pack up and wash up and etcetera... and tomorrow... OH MY GOSH TOMORROW!!! Got to wake up early!!! Tomorrow's lect is at 9!!! Can you believe it??? At 9!!! I can't believe it... I know that some courses are probably that early but OH MY GOSH I never had any 9 am lect... This is the first time for this year!!! And I can't believe it!!! But the good thing about this is that the tut that I'm going to is actually finished at 1pm... so goodriddance... I'll be finishing up early tomorrow...

Oh well... I better go to extremely deep sleep... Ok then... bye bye...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I officially hate uni... *hicks for one of my classes I have no friend at all bwwaaa... i just find out about it today... For tomorrow's class I have absolutely no one that I know... *hick *hick... oh well... I guess like they always say... broaden my horizon... geez... I hate being a coward... but I guess it's kinda OK since it will turn out OK right??? right??? RIGHT??? *panic look... ok ok calm down calm down... take a deep breath *taking a deep breath... then breath out *breathing out inhaled big breath... Oooohhh... I hate my life... maybe luck wasn't at my side for this time... oh well... sorry to whinge so much... that was actually one of my have-to-do list... not whinge so much... *sigh... *sigh... *sigh... *brave face twinkling eyes... ok then!! I have to wake up tomorrow... AND SMELL THE COFFEE (quite ironic really since I have been avoiding coffee for such a loooong time...) ... ... ... I hope it won't be half that bad... we'll see tomorrow shan't we???

Like they always say... "Be happy"... gosh I'm so tired today... Panic all morning since we have to bring stuff to the tut today... and halfway to the station I completely forgotten my roll of paper I have to bring today and so I powerwalk back to home and powerwalk back to the station... such a long and tiring day... gotta buy readers and start on work for next week's due... *sigh *sigh *sigh *sigh *sigh

But we're going to do silkprinting on the new class... I dunno what it is but I think it might be exciting... (hopefully) and still got the same lecturers and tutors as last sem... but they changed my tutor... hopefully she is good at explaining and err... motivating... I wouldn't call my previous tutor as bad... just... not... a motivator... Oh well... we'll just have to see tomorrow shan't we??? OK then... over and out... I'll keep you in touch with the developments... whatever it may be...

Monday, August 01, 2005

By the way...

I forgot to mention our little trip to Circular Quay... It was rrrreeeaaalllyyyy GREAT!!! We should do it again next time (imagine I'm saying it in a vvveeerrryyy enthuasiastic voice...) Oh and also I got the images... of the err... food that we ate *grin...

<<< I think that this was mine... Mexicana Crepes

This was... Seafood Galore Crepes >>>

Aaaannndddd.... this one is... (...) It may just be the vegetarian one... but I cannot be sure... Anyone wanna guess??? (left)

hhmmm.... I have no idea what this is (right)... it's a crepe for sure but I have absolutely no idea... *sigh... short memory span...

And the one down here I think... The Chicken and the Mushroom??? maybe...
Well... that is all for today... great lunch... very lip-smackingly satisfying *slurp... We should do this more often....

How's another comeback to uni seems??

I hate to say this... but it was alright... see... like I told you before I was just paranoid most of the times but as usual it turns out to be quite OK... I got new lectures and got a new tutor... (but I think that information would be quite useless since I think most of the times going into new semesters means new tutors...) but nonetheless I don't know why but I think I got sooo used to going into uni everyday for the first semester it seems like the walk back to uni seems like a breeze and there is no other connotation to that statement... It just felt like I've been doing it all my life!! It is the same story when I go to school, shops or anything of the sort especially when I'm alone I sort of just walk... and after a while I just arrive and then wonder... I got here already??? It's just weird... but I think that's because my mind's blank most of the times when I travel to school or uni or any other familiar places... weird heh??? Well... at least it is weird according to me... anyways... first day of uni... nothing special... lecture by the same lecturer and met the new tutor and I just have a knack that the new tutor may be a bit nervous I saw his hands shaking most of the times... maybe it was my imagination... (thinking...) oh well... maybe it was just me *shrugs... But it was an ok tutorial... and somehow I think I didn't get most of the things that my tut talked about... I looked as though I took everything into my mind but most of the times I just think to myself... hehehehe.... bad habit I know... I was motivated because it was the first day... but eventually I grew kinda tired of it *grin... Anyways... that was my first day of a new semester... doesn't sound like fun heh?? Oh and I met Kimmie... I think I startled her... hehehe sorry Kimmie... I won't do it next time... but you were looking down and seem sooo err... down... well... you were looking downward... :( oh well... anyways... sorry for startling you again... and next time I won't do it *grin... we'll catch up laters... see ya... *big big grin

Another DVD another err... review

Hi hi

It's been too long isn't it??? *sigh... Anyways... this is the most recent err... actually I've just watched it yesterday but I thought heck... why not do it today when it's just another 15 minutes until I scram and go to uni... CONSTANTINE... Another quirky movie starred by Keanu Reeves (I was referring to the Matrix when I said quirky movies...) besides that explanation I am hereby declaring as insane as Keanu Reeves is this movie is not actually half that bad... It turns out to be very adrenaline pumping and I am able to watch it without being scared witless by the gruesome images of the demons and sleep peacefully at night... but I doubt that I would be able to do this when I watched it on the big screen and surrounded by darkness... basically Keanu starred as John Constantine who is an excorcist and by pure luck or fate or some sort of divine intervention he met Rachel who is troubled by the death of her sister Isabel... Isabel thought to have committed suicide but her sister says "no, it can't be..." and that's basically how the story begins... throughout the movie there are a lot of religious questions and morality throughout the whole movie of what is right and what is wrong... highly quizical and witty to me... anyways... if you think Matrix is confusing then I dare say it is among the same level of confusement (is there such a word??) although less confusing than Matrix I have to say... nonetheless a pretty good movie to watch...

I have to finish this soon as I have to go now.... AAARRRGGGHHH I HATE GOING TO UNI AND THIS IS MY FIRST DAY (of the second semester that is...) Urrghhh I have a feeling the whole week is going to be pret-ty bad... (call it intuition but most of the times this is the sign where I am paranoid for the moment being...)