Monday, August 15, 2005

Pulling an allnighter... +_+

*sigh... that is all I'm going to have to start with... an interim tomorrow... not such a good thing to start the third week back mind you... For those o fyou who don't know what interim is and sitting there reading this thinking 'what the hell is interim'... well... an interim is sort of like a pin up of the progress you are going at the moment while doing your project... The good thing about interims is that you get to be criticised by other people especially by the tutor cos that's what you want... So the tutor sort of see where you are going with the project and if you are steering right out of the curb you are being pulled back... so this time my interim consists me of doing sketches of layouts for the poster as well as doing three final layouts of the poster... all in all a pretty easy task eh?? Well... you may think otherwise if you are a VisCom student... coz this thing takes AAGGEESSS... it took me one hour and more to actually finish one poster layout which is not a good progress but I guess you want to be on the right direction AND I haven't done the rough sketches of the layouts... I'M DOOMED!!!

Right now I am stressing over the second layout which finally I nearly finished after hours and hours of hesitating and looking over it again and then hesitating again and then look again and then change it and then change the layout again all over and then start again with the last idea and then change again to the latter... *sigh... it's going nowhere at the moment and am just going to have to see what I could come up with with the thumbnails of sketches for the layout... luckily I could just do this by hand which is good so I don't really need to stress out using the darn comp to do the job...

Just so you know when you are reading this there might be some spontaneous random reaction since I am doing this blog with conjunction with doing the task for tomorrow too... I am relieving myself out of the misery of actually looking at the comp for too long... and mind you I am not being lazy or anything i just thought I might need some distraction when it comes to doing a task especially when it is this tedious...

And the DAMN comp just keeps slowing down... of course I have no idea why it does that but for whatever reasons I have known that it is slow but it still serves to be the best tool out of the rest... btw... I'm actually doing this on two comp believe it or not... that's why I keep alternating between the two... coz when the comp that I do my work slows down or try to load something I just put something in here...

DARN IT!! I'm trying to be creative but for some reason (I better stop saying that... that makes me indecisive) I cannot come up with a better concept that some of the stupid layouts that I keep doing DAMN IT!!!

DARN!! (again) I forgotten what I was about to do... got disctracted by... err... mind blank +_+

OH YEAH!!! I remembered again!!

AARRGGHH!!! Going nowhere again!!! (10:40 pm)

ARRGGHHH!!! (!!!) ANNOYING!!! (10:52 pm)


Hmm... not that bad... (10:57)

DAMN gotta allign it now... (10:58)

DAMN forgotten about the italics... (10:59)

URGH my back's aching.... (11:00)

Gosh... I can't wait to see my tute's face when she sees this crap... BWAHAHAHAHA!!! (I think I have turned into a nutcase now...) (11:03)

Alrighty... that is it, people!!! YAY!!! Finally finished this crap!!! Now what do I do... hmm... hmm... SHIT!!! (oops... sorry...) (11:04)

I hope this thing doesn't mess up when I get to uni... IT BETTER NOT!!! (11:05)

Still got photoshop to do... *sigh... (11:06)

For some stupid reason I kept pressing the other comp's button.... silly me... :P (11:08)

I want to sleep... hueee.... (11:09)

Printing... printing... printing... printing... waiting... waiting... waiting... (11:13)

*shocked face* WHAT?? quarter past already???? (11:14)

"hey, Jimmy!" "kyooku Jimmy ikimashou" "You got to fight for your money, how you feelin' Jimmy!" "You got to fight for your dream" "It's all too much!" (11:16)

Printing done... shitty quality (excuse the language) (11:16)

How come it comes up like this ?!? It looks good in the monitor!! (11:16)

"open dammit open!" (11:17)

*sigh I think I may have to print this in the library tomorrow... gotta go early then... (11:18)



Come on... print... print... print... print... print... waiting... loading... (11:23)

PRINTING!!! (11:24)

A jolt of joy just rushed through my heart!!! (11:24)

SHUCKS... still one more thing to do... (11:24)

Alone... feel all alone... (11:24)


I ONLY GOT 4 PICTURES!!! I hope that's ok... hmm... hmm... who cares...

OK... that is a diary of an overly stressed designer... or... amateur designer... or a novice designer... anyway you want to see it... so... that's probably the shortest allnighter that you ever witnessed... but there you go... YAY!!! I'm still not done being pretty happy with myself finishing this... so soon... yet so late... *huah... yawn... OK then... good luck... nyem nyem...

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