The King of Bandit, Jing... Wasn't a very good type of anime but it was a so-so... I think that there are just too many things going on in such a short time... I think that episodes are too short and there are just not so smooth enough flow between episodes... Making it quite difficult to actually connect between storylines... It has a lot of wit and funny moments and the guy, Jing is actually quite cute... yes... I know... How can an anime character be cute??? Anyways... that is my very short comment on something that I thought would be good...
R.O.D. The TV... very very GOOD... I'm surprised that I have been avoiding this ever since I step foot onto the videostore... This sort of surprised me... even though there are quite a few of sexual references they are not quite that 'Hey look at me' sort of thing... yes... anyways... the story is actually rather complicated and I haven't even known what the story is as of yet but there are a lot of actions and quirky and weird things going on... It's a story of three sisters who are apparently three Paper Masters, they have the ability to turn papers into weapons and am not so sure as to how they obtained their powers or anything but I think the story would develop slowly... but so far I want to borrow the second volume because this one is actually not that bad and made me want to watch the next one...
Now... this is the one that I have been seeing on the shelf also and have been avoiding it for whatever stupid reason... It actually turns out to be the best out of the three... which is surprising for me... It is different than other animes with its very urban and street type of drawings (like graffiti I meant) and it just has an edge I've never seen before in traditional animes... I have to admit there are violence incorporated into this but if you don't mind it borrow it I would really recommend it... I thought it was different than the normal animes that I've seen around... very funk and street I thought... hehehe... anyways... it is set in medieval Japan but the attitudes of the two actually... three leading characters are just so fun to watch... so borrow this if you can although I dare say they only got about 3 or 4 volumes at my local videostore...
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