Friday, September 30, 2005

"I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing." (T.S.Eliot)

Velocity by Dean Koontz... as the New York Times put it: 'Psychologically complex, masterly and satisfying...'

I have to say the underlying message was powerful but I thought that the stench of death in this novel is a bit too overpowering... I'll just give you the blurb at the back of the book...

On the windowscreen of his SUV, Billy finds the first note:

' If you don't take this note to the police and get them involved, I will kill a lovely blonde schoolteacher somewhere in Napa County. If you do take this note to the police, I will instead kill an elderly woman active in charity work. You have six hours to decide. The choice is yours.'

Billy thinks the note is a hoax. The schoolteacher dies.

More communications from the killer follow, more hideous choices, with ever tighter decision times, and with each choice Billy is drawn deeper into an accelerating nightmare, which steadily becomes more personal, more confrontational, until he is isolated, with no one to turn to and no one to rely on but himself. Finally he must risk everything to save the intended victims...

The novel concerns with life and death and the ever lingering question of doubts and uncertainties. It is a powerful novel... Although... it is gruesome and rather gory to my standard... because this novel is just an occasional read I thought I have to read it fast or I'm gonna be sick... seriously... Look... I don't really mind the gory stuff but I thought for some reason the whole novel annoys me... I don't know why... but not the questions on life and death though... just the story itself...

I'm just going to say that if you got a pretty good stomach read it because it is very fast pacing and interesting to read... I actually pulled out a couple of quotes that I like from the novel:

"The theater is deception." she said. "No actor plays himself."

Pain is a gift. Humanity, without pain, would know neither fear nor pity. Without fear, there could be no humility, and every man would be a monster. The recognition of pain and fear in others gives rise in us to pity, and in our pity is our humanity, our redemption.

Our myths are rich with enchanters and enchantresses: sea nymphs that sing sailors onto rocks, Circe turning men into swine, pipers playing children to their doom. They are metaphors for the sinister secret urge to self-destruction that has been with us since the first bite of the first apple.

Sometimes the heart makes decisions that the mind cannot, and although we know that the heart is deceitful above all things, we also know that at rare moments of stress and profound loss it can be purged by suffering.

I have to say that Koontz is a somewhat philosopher... This is just some of the many philosophies on life that he had contributed to the novel... I thought it was very intersting seeing it in that perspective... I have to say that the words are very blunt and almost controversional to some extent... but I thought that the bluntness gave away to the often too metaphorical comments on life and death if you know what I mean...

Anyways... I thought it was a very fast-pacing and articulate novel... although a bit gruesome... it is an easy read that will cater to everyone's niche... err... maybe just not all of you who are not into gory type of genre... more into verbally visual description of err... things...

I better go now... I dunno why but my head's killing me and so I am writing this slighty hot headed and dazed... haha dazed... I think I better have some nap I fear that my brain would split into two... #__#

ps. the above cover is not the cover that I purchased of... apparently I googled it but it's not there... mine is probably much graphically and visually more appealing than that but I cannot go far from the typographic charm the above cover seems to embrace upon...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I know that I have been posting A LOT and most of the times it was very long and unexciting... so for those of you who like to look at the day to day adventures I usually go through plus the mental notes that I usually remember to put in the blog... you may read it if you wish... plus I have to admit that it is rather long and maybe not understandable because I think the purpose of the blog has changed... It used to be just infos on what I did do and some futile infos and facts... and reviews... but over time I think the blog has become something to diffuse my frustration on... so this is not for the faint hearted.. hahaha sorry...

Maybe next time I would put a much more concise and understandable blog... that is only when I can keep both my mouth and mind shut... unwillingly...

So until next time... adios

"a world full of disturbance..."

Graduation Day... what you would expect and what you would not expect...

This particular day has to be something that you will remember for the rest of your life particularly you remembering the jittery butterflies in your stomach as you gradually walk your way up the steps to be introduced in front of hundreds of people and calmly walking to the Dean and receive your testarum... That's how a graduation day should always be... NOT

I have never been to a graduation before that is neither attended nor receiving... It is always one of those days when it is your very first time experiencing something new and don't know the nitty gritty of the event... As you all know through my constant boastings and excitements, yesterday my couz finally graduated (after all those years... where have they gone?) and we have no idea what to expect nor how to react... to that extent let me just say what a rush the whole day was...

The ceremony started at 10.30 which leaves no time for a further 5-minute nap, I woke up early in the morning to get ready (note: I don't live with the couz who is graduating) the particular thing is that the graduates need to be there at 9 o'clock which is one and a half hour before the ceremony started... the thing is... we didn't plan it very carefully but we did say that me and my aunty would leave one hour after her... which means that she went at 8.30 am while me and my aunty left at 9.30... with my other couz who is driving... lady luck wasn't at our side at the time...

She arrived on time at uni but us... we were left wondering where the heck our driver is and he turned out at 9.45!! I know that I might be exaggerating... but seriously... the whole fact is the truth I was just panicking at the time... AND we were meant to buy a bouquet for HER! And so... we were running late... we went at about something past ten... and the lights were kinda at our side then but... my couz was panicking because she needed to give us the tickets... THE TICKETS FOR GOODNESS SAKE!! I mean... how cheap can a university be?!? It doesn't cost that much for a university to send us the tickets so we don't need to get them when we goddamn got there! WHAT A CHEAPSKATE!! I was panicking... my couz was panicking... my aunty wasn't and my couz who is the driver tried to calm us down by saying the whole graduation thing is NOTHING! I was going to choke him... ok... that sounds violent... but seriously all I could think of is: "please God... we need to be there quickly..."

And so through all the mental drama we went about 5 minutes earlier than 10.30... ok... that was so bad I don't want that to happen again! The people who are organising, I think, was pissed off coz she was supposed to be inside but she needed to give us the tickets... ^--^'

But we arrived JUST on time... and took our seats... and relieved...

And remember how I was supposed to be the 'photographer'? I tried to get a photo of her getting the testarum... and this is an entirely different story...

I was standing at the side aisle to get a photo of her and took some practiced one... they weren't that good... See... being the ONLY (probably not) female photographer there although I know that I am of average height I am not going to compare my height to the overheight guys that are taking the photos!! Dammit... I feel like a dwarf in a sea of giant towers! I have to stand on my toes and hold the camera over my head!!Gosh... I hate being so tiny! Back to the camera problem... I was still trying to figure out how to work the thing and then suddenly I heard her name... but the funny thing is that I didn't realise that it was her... because the first name was her name but then the last name... it was very weirdly pronounced... so I thought it wasn't her for one milisecond... but then I glanced to check just in case... and I WAS WRONG! It WAS her!! So I quickly took badly taken photos of her... (3x digital zoom is SO NOT for this kind of occassion they don't show shit! *sorry...* but that was the truth!) It was blurred because she was moving (duh!) and so... *sigh... next time... (if there ever is a next time...) I would most certainly just buy the picture from the pro...

OK... next story... after every graduates received their testarum... (that does sound funny...) there was an err... 'after speech' I dunno who spoke but it was boring it was just a speech on "be proud when you walk out that door" type of speech... they also talked about "don't be tempted by this world of materialisation..." I WAS LAUGHING MY ASS OFF!! She was graduating from Faculty of Business and the Dean's talking about don't be tempted by the materialisation in this world!! What kind of speech is that!?! That was so weird...

Anyways... there was a guest speaker too and he talked how he became rich... I know it sounds rather err... selfish... but lets just say he was saying it in a much more sophisticated way ^--^... I was intrigued to find a guy that is seating one seat after me seems to be bored to death by the whole ceremony and he keeps trying to sleep and put his head on the next chair and then try to make it more comfortable with his bag and then tried to go to sleep again... he just looked... very bored... he just woke up to take some pictures (probably of a sibling or something... coz I think the two people seating next to him was his parents...) funnily enough his parents don't even seem to mind whereas me I was trying hard not to slap him... he didn't show any respect... I know that sounds harsh but I was bored too but I mean... he might be forced to come but still... you can't be THAT bored... I thought it was a milestone to those graduates... so show some respect... but it was funny though... after he woke up there was an imprint on his face of the bag! (HAHAHAHA... that was funny...)

Well... after that... there was some refreshment and the funniest thing is that the friends and relatives seem to force their way to the nearest refreshment table... I could see hands trying to grasp at least something from the plates... that was funny.... and so... my aunty and I went to see my couz and we gave her the flower... hehehe... and after that she won't let go of it...

The ceremony was upstairs on the Great Hall but it was SO crowded after the ceremony because the refreshments were outside... so we went downstairs to get some photos outside... In the beginning there weren't many people trying to get photos outside but gradually there were A LOT! And my couz's friends started to pour outside and so they were having group photos all the time... but the funniest thing is that they became instant celebrities... they were circled by paparazzi... which were us who were photographing them!! It was so funny... If you want them to look at you you need to shout on top of your lung! OMG... It was SO FUNNY!! I was laughing yet again... And sometimes some would look at one camera whilst the others didn't... *sigh... ESPECIALLY when it was a rather large group! They don't know which camera they should look at! hahaha *sigh... that was funny... but then that is probably the adventure of that day...

Something to remember by whilst you are walking towards your future and someday we would be placed upon the same situation... sweet bitter instant memory...

Monday, September 26, 2005

"No matter what, no matter who, no matter when…Any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet—he just needs the right broom."

Will Smith is... Hitch.

Another comedy that I thought I want to see on the big screen and you know what? I kinda glad that I didn't. I know it might sound harsh but I thought that the script was original yes but there are too many cliches and too many err... romantic poems that were read too often... But nonetheless I was laughing my ass off... *sorry*

Here is the storyline... Alex 'Hitch' Hitchens is a dating doctor... he is a modern-day cupid who secretly coaches clueless men into landing the women of their dreams (borrowed from Oprah ^--^). He gives hope to those who are too shy, too dorky and too geeky looking guys who are indeed very nice and good natured... and hook them up with good looking gals... ok that might sound a bit brutal but in the beginning it seems that way but indeed they actually are very good natured and sincere... Which brings me to Albert, who is played by Kevin James and fall in love with a heiress, Allegra Cole. I was laughing the hardest during the scene where Albert supposedly shows off his dancing skill to Hitch and to tell you the truth IT WAS HILARIOUS!! Oh my... I can't even keep my mouth shut... You should have seen my couz looking at me... oh gosh...

I am not saying that it is not worth watching but indeed it is one of the few comedies that I actually enjoyed watching as well as feel embarassed with the characters... Although... I dunno about the casting of Sarah who is Hitch's 'love interest', she is played by Eva Mendes... I dunno... I thought it was ok... but I always see her as a butt-kicking heroine... so... doesn't really fit the picture... yeah but besides that tiny problem it was an ok movie...

Somehow I kept thinking that Will Smith gets great scripts all the time... he was in Independence Day which went big, and then Man in Black 1 & 2 where the first one was hugely popular but dunno about the second one... and then I, Robot which I absolutely think that the storyline is just crazy and so cryptic... but maybe I wasn't really paying that much attention but I love the CG ^--^... And I also love Prince of Bel-Air... I thought it was hilarious... I know they were reruns but Nine just keep on showing 'em sometime ago and I thought it was hilarious...

Anyways... back to Hitch I thought it was awesome... It just makes you laugh the whole way... and I really think this is a total chick movie... and somehow I can't stop thinking that maybe the writers were a bit bias in a sense that the imperfections always come from the guys and the gals seem to be almost flawless in a sense... but anyway... I was being too critical about it...

It should be one of those movies that you enjoy and don't care about the technical, directional, movie related jargons thing... It should become one of those movies that you watch during a rainy day and you hugged by a fluffy blanket and with a warm cocoa in one hand... yes... it's definitely one of those movies that you will enjoy... and also one of those movies that you should make the guys watch too to get some hints ^--^... anyway I'm out now... still got tonnes of things to do and heaps more books to read... catch ya all later then... later days! (<< borrowing from Tino from Disney's "The Weekenders" ^--^)

ps. Will Smith still looks good even after all these years...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

"Anyway, here we are. Welcome to the Dupayne Museum." Conrad Ackroyd (The Murder Room)

"But you can't use me. You haven't the right."
"No I haven't the right."
"We can never understand each other, you and I, Commander Dalgliesh."
"No. We can't. But does that make us different from any other two people?"
A conversation between Commander Dalgliesh with the murderer taken from The Murder Room.

I know that I have been posting some nonesensical stuffs and am sorry if you think of it that way... *sigh a heavy burden of work is actually my reason for not been posting any reviews whatsoever... I know that I went out (of course la! Or I'll go crazy like a chicken... mmm... chicken...) besides that I know that I would certainly go insane if I don't release all that frustration and go out once in a while and since financially am short of cash I refuse to go to the movies UNLESS if it is a must... which I think that is also must be an overstatement too... coz most of the movies which are being recommended by my friends I still haven't watch on the big screen as of yet... I know... +_+ pitiful...

Anyways... that is all in the past... the next one week would be a bliss... I wouldn't get much out of it but it is nice not having to spend a quarter of my time on the weekdays waiting for the train and cramming myself against others during peak hours... Although... I still have tonnes of projects to finish off too... But there is always the good thing of being able to sleep and wake up late...

Back to the main purpose of me being here though... I believe that there are books that you just have to read and some that you just plain not supposed to... and once or twice I have done that... I bought a book that I just wish I can finish without being bored to death by it... and I think some if not most of those books come under the literary section... I do not know why I despise these types of books because I love Emma by Jane Austen but I just can't stand Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy... or maybe that was because I was forced to do Emma by the HSC Board hmm... But even though I haven't got a penchant for literacy I love absolutely LOVE crime novels... that is why I am such a commoner... hehehe... but there is this one that I absolutely hate and by the first few chapters I just refuse to read it any further... that is my relationship with books... the love and hate relationship...

These two books are definitely come under the category of you have to read it if you want... but one particular one "The Murder Room" by PD James have to be one of the best I have read... I couldn't even guess the murderer until the end! Or maybe I wasn't diligent enough... whichever way you want to see it I am a bit intellectually deprived when it comes to analysing...

Anyways... back to the novel... who says that an 85 year old woman cannot write such an exquisite piece of mystery?!? No one... I know... that was just for an effect... But I guess she finished writing it when she was 82? 83? Coz the book was first published in 2003... which is surprising... because obviously she hasn't lost that 'touch'... It was a nice read... the story was laid out carefully and such a fine writing... haven't read her previous novels though... and am wanting to read more...

Some summary on "The Murder Room" (according to the back of the book or the blurb... hehehe... I definitely can't think at the moment coz I'm IN HOLIDAY MODE!!) here it goes...

Commander Adam Dalgliesh is already acquited with the Dupayne Museum in Hampstead, and with its sinister murder room celebrating notorious crimes committed in the interwar years, when he is called to investigate the killing of one of the trustees. He soon discovers that the victim was seeking to close the museum against the wishes of both staff and fellow trustees. Everyone, it seems, has something to gain from the crime. When it becomes clear that the killer is prepared to kill again, inspired by the real-life crimes from the murder room, Dalgliesh knows that to solve this case he has to get into the mind of a ruthless killer.

It is a MUST... and there is this one particular scene where I was scared shitless... sorry... but that was the impression I got when I read that part... and it wasn't really that pretty... I know that the scene is probably soft and not that gruesome but it left a little bit of imprint in my imagination...

Alright... that was one... there is another one to go... "Body Double" another novel by Tess Gerritsen... this was the sequel to the previous one I reviewed "The Sinner" and have to say that it was well laid out but I wouldn't call it perfect... it was CERTAINLY better than the previous one... because there is more drama involved in this... it was certainly simple to read the novel because it took me quite a while to finish "The Murder Room" but it took me only a couple of days to finish off "Body Double"... I have to say that it was very fast-pacing type of novel which is great in its own merit... as a quick crime fiction... there wasn't a great mental exercise involved with this but it was a certainly pleasurable read (how ironic!)

In this novel we are met with Dr Maura Isles again... but this time the beginning of the novel opens with her arriving from her trip overseas to meet her own dead body... The novel deals with Maura's past and how she became to be (because she was adopted) There were a lot of gruesome and sometimes gory story involved but none too big... All I have to say about this novel is how it was very entertaining in a sense that there were a lot actions involved and the story twisted into something unimaginable... where initially is pretty impossible for a crime novel but in the end the story has been tied up very well done...

I thought this was a light, entertaining, quick crime fiction that I recommend for all those people who are busy and want to read... hehehe... But don't get me wrong am still recommending it...

So that is all for today... I probably still have tonnes more books to read... I bought quite a lot of books since I purchased most of it from that Basement Bookstore... IT WAS SO CHEAP! How can you get away from that bookstore!?! It was such an impossible thing... I get hooked up with books that are cheap and affordable so easily and am not joking that they are selling books which are worth reading!! How cool is that?!? Anyways... I still have tonnes more books that I bought off that store... can't remember all the titles but I think one of them was "A Good Doctor" and a complete err... chronicle of Sherlock Holmes and also I think I bought "Mansfield Park" hmm... what else?? hmm... I can't remember but I'm pretty sure I can't finish all of those books in just one week full of things to do...

ok ok... I'm rambling... I better go now anyways... Anyways... enjoy my review!! Hope you like it...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

17 injuries in my lifetime...

This is actually an old post from another blog... I'm bores this morning and thought... why not?!?

There are so many injuries I have experienced during my lifetime and fortunately all of it... I think... has never end up with me in a hospital... So here are the list that I have accumulated whilst trying to doze off to sleep...

1. I have burned my hand with a candle.
2. I've gotten cuts on my fingers by a knife.
3. I've gotten cuts on my fingers by scissors.
4. I've gotten cuts on my fingers by a safety knife. (HAH! The irony...)
5. I have poked my finger with a needle. (NOT deliberately)
6. I have cut my hand on a rock whilst rock climbing.
7. I have burned my hand and quite strangely my foot with hot things eg. boiling oil and dropped hot food.
8. I have cut myself whilst training on my first bike... basically cutting the skin off my knee a lot... You have to see how many band aids I got stuck onto my legs...
9. I have occasionally bump my head onto hard surfaces everywhere I go.
10. I have been hit on the eye by a snow ball (quite hurting but fortunately I have my glasses on).
11. I have bit my lip, tongue and the inside of my mouth.
12. I have bumped onto tables and other hard surfaces leaving a bluish bruise on my body (not altogether but occasionally).
13. And sometimes I don't even know that I have bumped onto things unless I notice a bruise.
14. I have come close to being bitten by a dog.
15. I have SEEN someone got bitten by a dog. (That probably explains my occasional fear of dogs)
16. I have twisted my ankle once and never again after that.
17. Once my nose bled and quite disturbingly I was in bed whilst this happen but that was years ago none of this happen anymore.

I think that is probably the shortest list of injuries that you have heard but these things happen you know... And just to let you know (in case this never have occured to you whilst reading the list) that all of these happened ACCIDENTALLY don't ever get any idea that this happens because I am a maniac for physical abuse to my body in case you don't know I'm not THAT psychotic.

Yes... that is all the list that I can remember... so far so good right? Anyways... that is all for today... So what injuries (or more to the extreme really compared to my oh-so-not-exciting injuries...) have you gotten?

Monday, September 19, 2005


The only local festival ever so close to the Easter Show... The exact day was Sunday, 18 September 2005. My couz and her daughters were kinda planning on going and I wanted to come too... but being a lazy ass I woke up really late in the morning (it wasn't afternoon yet... phew!) so I stayed back at home for a while... coz I was kinda reluctant on going alone I asked another couz to come with me... (since she is working close to home that is...)

And for your information I went really late compare to my couz and her daughters... I went about 3 hours later... :P And so whilst I was walking towards the shop where my other couz works I noticed my couz and her daughters walking back! Imagine my surprise! Well... she didn't say anything much though... although she did mentioned that people are getting ready to go home... but the fest ends at about 5 so... that makes me a bit reluctant... but I went anyways...

My couz and I met at the shop (after the shop closed that is...) and went... And just for the record it was about the second time in my almost 7 years living in Burwood that I ever noticed there were festivals!! Imagine... I used to live upstairs to a shop that practically within reach to the festival by a couple of steps!! Yes... me and my laziness...

So we went... one main street, which leads to Westfield was closed off completely... which was GREAT!! Coz I never knew what it felt like walking in the middle of this main street!! (unlike Easter Show it was a whole new satisfaction... ^--^) The main events are at Burwood Park which is quite a few metres... but along the street there were bands, foods, shops offering discounts, stands of the shops etc... but there weren't many...

When we arrived at the REAL thing... Oh my goodness... it was like Easter Show all over again... And again, please note due to my laziness I tend to ignore most parts of Burwood, I just realised how frickin' big the park is!! Imagine... there were hills there! I never knew... and now I do...

It was very crowded and there were a lot of stands and stuffs going around everywhere... and we went to the upper hill where there were a more err youthful entertainment and there were big slides and other playthings... I dunno... anyways... the real entertainment has to be the stage... hahahaha it was soo funny... tsk... hip hop dance... what kind of name is that?!? yesh... anyways... there were this dance group on the stage and funnily enough there was only one guy performing... makes you wonder didn't it?

Anyways... we got bored of laughin' at it after a while... well... we weren't really laughing at it... but still that was a bit harsh... let's just say... we were partly enjoying the show... so... we got bored and went away to the lower hill...

That was MUCH better...!! There was also another stage but I think the lower hill is for more family oriented plays... well... there was this comedy show... I think more silent comedy actually... they were doing all this crazy, silly things around the stage... I can't stop laughing!! There were these three guys... two of em' are in the middle sort of the sound orchestra I guess... the music sort of conveys the emotion at the time like the funeral march song or when the other guy was chasing the little kid the music get faster and faster... yesh... anyways...

We went... yet again... and just to note... just to think that the show was almost over is an understatement coz there were HEAPS of people there!! So I probably got the wrong info... :P we were kinda planning to go to Westfield coz my couz is having a GRADUATION!! NEXT WEEK!! O GOSH!! Oh my...! I'm so excited for her...

Yes... yes... moving on... we went near the end of the park going to Westfield where there is ANOTHER stage... but this time it was more of singing... there was this 50 year old lady singing rock ballads!! How cool is that?!? She got bleached short stylised hair wearing black top and pants... and oh my gosh can she sing... SHE WAS VERY GOOD!! I could almost say that she is almost excellent though... maybe it was just me at the time but she can really do those high notes... but I kinda saw her face gone red... hmm...

Anyways... the funniest thing is that out of the whole crowd (fyi, it wasn't really a big crowd... it was... semi medium... I guess...) there was only this one asian guy dancing to the songs!! wow... very brave... I think that is because most of the crowd is comprised of old people and small kids and err... families? But it was the funniest sight... coz he was just moving to the left and the right whilst bopping his head up and down! sorry... but at least he enjoyed the entertainment...

But I kinda feel sorry for the whole concert though... there was not a vibe in the air, man... And I think as a last song she did John Farnham's "Simpy the Best"? I don't know the name of the song... and there were these volunteers (the people in fluoro orange jumpsuits? I think they were sorta sponsoring the concert or sumthing... coz they were on the side below the stage) They were clapping their hands up in the air... but... no one replied... some people just boredly clapped their hands together without energy and some just ignore it... aww... I feel kinda sorry now... It was like one of those awkward moments that you just wish would never occur I guess?

I don't know the end of the song though coz it was getting late and we have to go to Westfield soon... it was nearing time to close...

Well... nothing much can be said whilst in Westfield... although... when we went to this shop (I can't remember the name of the shop and yes... it just happened yesterday and I still can't remember the shop's name) and my couz was trying on this shirt... which looked great on her... and so the salesgirl was enticing her to buy bla bla bla... you know the drill... and my couz said that it was for her graduation... and because this is the first graduation she ever gone to and thus a part of... she doesn't know what to wear... and the salesgirl said that when her older brother was going for his graduation he just wore a tee and jeans! wow... I never knew... yeah... I know... it would be hidden behind a veil of cloak but still... you need to dress the part to feel the part... (haha... this reminds me of that movie that Robin Williams did for that kid that grew up quicker than everybody else? Was it? and he wore no clothes whatsoever under the cloak... that was funny... hahahahaha... ha... ha... yes... anyways...)

Nothing happened in Westfield besides that... nothing interesting anyways... yeah... I wished I could have brought my digicam with me... so I get to put pics in this blog... but again... I was too lazy...

That's all the news for today... *sigh... I'll see ya soon... OH YEA... and next week is a break! YAY!! Can't wait... waiting... waiting... waiting... dreaming... dreaming... dreaming... well... see ya... still dreaming...

Saturday, September 17, 2005

how long, I wonder...

It's been such a long time since I have been to Kinokuniya... even though I have uni in the city I seem to always lack the enthusiasm to explore a greater part of the city... If you're wondering do I do all day... here's a summary...

Most of the times I would go to uni in the morning... and then attend the lectures... and then most of the times a one hour break... and then me and my uni friends would go to Market City to eat lunch... quite hurriedly though... and then go back to uni to attend the tuts... and then go home... I know that for the greater part of my uni timetables I would definitely have time to explore the city more... but... I guess most of the times I am just dreading to go back home to have some peace of time but other times I am lacking in the enthusiasm department... :P I am such a lazy ass...

But one day in a sunny Thursday afternoon after tutorial... my friend said... she wanted to go to Kinokuniya... and then I thought... hmm... I haven't got anything to do... and if I go home now I would most probably have bludge the whole day... I would glue my eyes to the TV... I would cook dinner and then... go to sleep...

That day I thought what the hey...

So we caught up on some lunch and then off we go... AT THREE IN THE ARVO!! I know it was a bit late but we went anyways... my friend wanted to look for some Japanese beginner language book (coz she's studying jap in TAFE whereas... I can't =_= disappointing...) and we were at the Jap section for quite a while actually... oh... before that we went to a morning glory shop and the badges there are 50 cents each!! COOL! so we bought a couple... alright... back to Kinokuniya... we were looking through the books and then the girl who worked there (she was getting the books off the shelf opposite us) and she's been doing it for a while but we were still there... and so we talked... actually it's more my uni friend and her... coz as you all know... I'm not such a conversational type of person... it was so interesting... she said that she lives overseas most of the times and she went to Japan and Europe... *sigh... which girl wouldn't want to do that? And apparently she was modelling overseas that is how she get to go overseas... and I was kinda thinking... no wonder...

Anyways... we hang around the Jap section for quite a while actually... hahahaha we might as well mistaken the place for a library... hahahaha... not funny... yes... anyways... we also went around to the picture book section (she wanted to buy a pic book that another uni friend got and it was a VERY interesting book called the Red Tree by Shaun Tan...) and anyways... (yes... I know that by the look of things my uni friend is the one who is doing the shopping and indeed it was true... coz I have no actual purpose going there... just tagging along...) I never knew this but Kinokuniya has their very own navigation system... you know... those information computer that you type things into... search engines... that's it... yep...

Well... it was there but not on the picture book section... it's actually on the AUSTRALIAN picture book section which is in completely different section...

Funnily enough we were there for 3 hours which is quite a lot of time but I was kinda wanting to stay there for a bit longer... *sigh The largest bookstore in Sydney... I miss it now... But I know for certain it would be a while before I go back there... A LONG while...

And that is all for today... If you're wondering why the heck am I telling you this... I was just bored today... so I thought... what the hell... Alrighty... I'll just write something when I have something better to say... until next time... catch ya later...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

as promised... more reviews

As promised I am going to review Blood the Last Vampire. An anime that Marina slipped into Witch Hunter Robin (thanks Marina! ^--^) I do want to write a review on Witch Hunter Robin too, which I have partially watched...

But first... about Blood... This is probably about the shortest movie I have ever encountered... even among movies that I have seen which are not just anime movies this is probably the shortest movie I have ever watched. The anime only span for about 50 minutes roughly give or take...

It was certainly very different and the animation is just breathtaking, this is quite paradoxical actually because I hate it for being too gory but at the same time the animations and CGs that have been put into this work of art is just... a work of art basically...

I'll give you a rundown first on the story, for those of you who haven't watched it yet...

A mysterious girl named Saya works for an agency that is dedicated to killing teraptoids... According to the movie the teraptoids are monsters or beings which pose as humans and drink human blood... splendid ain't it? But apparently when you actually read the extra bits from the DVD it actually sorta explain what teraptoids are and where they originated from...

Oh... and something that is very interesting about this anime is how most of the dialogue is actually spoken in English. According to the maker the english language is used around 70% throughout the entire script. Blood sort of broken the traditional Japanese anime with the involvement of english in its original script... I know that this might sound rather dubious and strange but most japanese animes would tend to just use Japanese even though the whole anime is based in another country... but unlike the conventional use of the Japanese language Blood has broken that barrier...

I have to say... that when I first watch the beginning of the movie I was kinda growing a bit uneasy because I'm a bit taken aback by gory things... So... what I did was... (I was watching this by myself actually... in my room!! I know I borrowed it from my couz... but... yeah...) and so I put fluffy pillows all around me and enveloped myself with a thick huge blanket... comfy... and also very protective mind you... ^--^

Overall, even though there are horror themes in this anime as well as blood squirting out of everywhere I thought this movie was EXCELLENT!! yes... you read me right... EXCELLENT!!

In the sense I was actually referring more to the cinematography and the voice actors... as far as the script goes I thought improvement can be made... especially on the character development of Saya...

Interestingly enough too I actually thought that the movie was quite long... there are so many things happening in the movie that I thought the events happened sort of quickly come and goes... But I thought that it was very interesting as well as relevant that the movie lasted that long...

Yes... again... excellent... if you don't mind horror themes, violence, a lot of blood splurting and squirting... then... watch it...

The next one that I want to talk about is...

Witch Hunter Robin particularly volumes 1 till 4... This is an anime that Marina introduced to me and quite honestly I became hooked by it... Although I am sorry to say that what I meant by 'hooked' is actually intrigued by it but not overly obssessed by it... There are six volumes overall of the anime but you may ask why do I stop at number 4? This is because I only have 5 DVDs and so the sixth volume is actually rather delayed :P So I kinda want to wait until everything is sorta finished and ready for me to fulfil my curiosity...

I have some problem with the anime actually... in the beginning of the anime there are quite a lot of irrelevant events happening and so I thought that it was kinda a waste of time but in the end I could see that it sort of indicate the timeline as well as the progress that Robin has been making at the agency...

OK... first I need to tell about the story don't I? For those of you who don't know... The protagonist in this anime is a Craft User (not a Witch... completely different according to the story) who can produce fire... she is transferred to a Witch Hunter Agency in Japan... and the beginning is that the agency deals with Witched within the society basically... especially when the Witch realised his/her potential... which can be damaging at some cases... And so they are captured and sent to the Factory...

Anyways... this is basically a sorta a police agency dealing with witches... (the thing that I don't quite get is how they define all Witches as Witches... quite different than Harry Potter's Witches and Wizards...) But the main concern that I got from this anime is actually how the story doesn't really establish an interesting plot in the beginning of the series... I know that this would come up quite brutal but I thought that the beginnings of the series were quite boring and repeated... I thought that the story were rather emotionless and not a strong, especially character developments were clearly established... in the anime there are quite a few number Witches that I thought would be quite interesting to have some sort of development on...

Robin Sena is the main character in this anime and she is 15 years old and yet she has this sense of maturity about her which I thought was quite depressing at first because she's only fifteen!! But in the end I thought that the character was better than the normal often too vivacious, too pitiful, too sad and too happy main female characters in most of animes... A great change...

As I have said I thought that the anime was kinda boring at first. But I was very VERY relieved that by volume 3 things started to get VERY interesting... that is when my curiosity started to really kick in... during volume 3... I won't actually tell the story because I thought that it might ruin the fun of having some curiosity towards the anime...

One thing that I am kinda concerned with is the too hard edged graphic... I thought that most of the colours used are too flat and has no certain dimension to it... this is just my opinion but there might be some err... connotations behind the choice of visual... But I have to say that when freeze frame the anime and make it look like a picture instead of a moving frame I thought the colours are great... which is strange...

Oh yea... and one more thing that kinda annoys me a bit is the one strand of hair that seems to hang in the middle of Robin's head... It just annoys me... for some reason... liked Robin's hairdo though... thought it was very different ^--^

Nonetheless it was a very pleasing anime that I can't wait to watch the next one of...

ps. Amon was cute... ^--^ >>

Sunday, September 11, 2005

"Are ya gonna bark all day, little doggy? Or are ya gonna bite?"

Here is another movie review... Reservoir Dogs... I borrowed this movie off Kimmie and I thought that this was a GREAT movie... I know that I am not really a fan of those blood gushing sort of movie but this time... Quentin Tarantino yet again delivers a strong movie... I loved Kill Bill but particularly vol. 2 though... and yet to see Pulp Fiction... yes... that is lame and need to watch it someday... GREAT casts... a hell lot of great actors casted into this movie... great performances and most of all GREAT script... notice I have used great quite extensively? That sorta sum up the whole movie actually... GREAT

Actually I didn't watch this movie until recently and I have a pretty lame reason for doing so... I have been making rooms for animes and you may ask why some of those reviews are actually movies? It is because I happen to receive an invitation from my couz and thought what the hell... but I know that I have Reservoir Dogs in my possession for quite a while now... (sorry Kimmie... ^-^') I really need to return it soon. I am such a lame ass to actually avoid this movie... in actual truth I have been obssessing over animes for such a long time it doesn't give me room to err... 'discover' other movies... :P lame reason... I know... Back to Reservoir Dogs...

It was such a simple script and yet the development within this script is just so great. It doesn't get to the minor details but rather focuses on the characters more... and I thought that when Kimmie warned me that it was gory and gruesome I thought it would be blood squirting out of bodies etc... but instead the gore is not as extensive as that, which I am kinda glad about...

The most interesting thing within this movie is actually the character develpments... and the most interesting thing is the dynamic within the gang... oh... before I go there I need to tell the story don't I?

The movie opens with a whole bunch of people who look like gangsters eating out in a cafe... having discussion etc... they look like a pretty close knit group... and then the next thing you know there's a guy who is bleeding at the back of a car hanging for dear life... whilst the driver tried to settle him down... The next scene shows them entering a warehouse... and so the story unfolds after this...

I don't really want to get into the details here coz what Quentin Tarantino did is actually quite brilliant here... he let the story sort of flows by itself... we are not being told what happened and it unfolds as each member of the gang (not all of them though) started to come back to the warehouse...

Cast-wise... GREAT casts... I thought the best in this are actually the dynamism between Mr White and Mr Orange... I'll tell ya later about 'em... I thought the story was actually a sad one actually... but a great story...

As I have said before great cast... ain't gonna tell you who's who coz it sorta part of the story... though took me a while to sorta sort them out... but here are the casts (the most important ones only though) Harvey Kietel, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Steve Buscemi, Chris Penn and Lawrence Tierney and Quentin Tarantino actually played a pretty minor character in this movie too... Anyways... as can be seen a pretty extensive casts... which makes this movie all the more better...

Pretty gory but not gruesome though... But I have to say if you don't really mind all that gory stuff in any type of movie... watch it... with fluffy pillows all around you ^--^ great movie...

<< I just thought I'll put this thing in here... It's like a toy from the movie and the most ironic thing is that the package says for age 13 & up and thought to msyelf that the movie is actually rated R and how the hell would a 13 year old know about the movie? Would one of the uncle or auntie would buy them this as a Chrissie present assuming they have watched the movie? Sorry... but I just thought that it was funny... what do ya think?

See ya next time then...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

It's been a while ne?

I noticed that I haven't been posting for a while. This is due to the numerous deadlines that I have been given especially for this on project for typography (damn you Thamus err... ehrmm...) yes... but this weekend I sorta bludge a little since I thought I kinda deserve it... :P even though I have tonnes more work to do I figured there's no harm right? Wrong... I have annotitons on 4 A3 sheet of papers for Tuesday and then there's the Wednesday presentation that I haven't even done that many research on (maybe since I kinda picked someone who is rather hard to find... damn...) anyways...

As I was saying I have been watching quite a bit of movie and animes this weekend... but I would like to start on the movies first though... so bear with me coz this is gonna be a pretty long ride...

First up... Hostage... starring: Bruce Willis... and that is about the only famous person that I encountered in this movie and I am a bit unaware of other famous actors that I am unfamiliar with...

The story: A well-known negotiator retired from his job after he got a family killed, instead he became the Chief police of err... some county... the main plot is that a group of rough teenagers was going to steal a car from this mansion but instead it turned into a hostage situation (thus the name of the movie, Hostage... noice...) but the only problem to the whole situation is that the father, who is one of the hostage in the family, is working with a very secretive organisation, and this is just my assumption but I think they might be the bad guys :P, kinda obvious.

Apparently this man has been doing something for them and since the hostage situation turned into a national situation they want Bruce Willis' character to retrieve a DVD that the man, who is the hostage but out cold unconcious, is working on for them. And you may ask by this point why did Bruce Willis want to help them? It is because his family is held hostage by the organisation. And so start the game of cat and mouse...

You know what? I am not going to bother actually getting into detail... This is one of those movies that I would really regret going to the cinema for and thus as probably you have noticed by now that I am not bothering with the name of the characters nor the picture...


Alrighty... next is: Bride & Prejudice starring: Aishwarya Rai and Martin Henderson (may I say... nice bod :P)

This is an adaptation of Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice (duh!) but I have to regret saying that I have never read the novel. I need to read it... *sigh when I have time... gosh I have sooo many books that I bought from this basement bookstore but I have not even finished what I have bought... there were a couple... actually quite a lot... hmm... I think I am intellectually deteriorating...

Besides that useless point that I have just point out... this movie is actually pretty good... although I wouldn't really call it excellent though... but I thought the mixing of hollywood with Bollywood with the vibrant colours and the 'oh so cliche' bollywood style of direction it reminds me to the old Indo... where bollywood movies are oh so popular... *sigh... I think I may have enough of Bollywood back then... I thought it was a nice reminiscence though... hehehe...

The story as most of you already know... a lot of arrange marriages... but the most interesting part is how the whole arranged marriage are still a big part in the Indian culture... and so the adaptation to the modern era but with Indian culture being thrown into it is so appropriate... and it is not even made up... love the mum who keeps wanting to have all 4 daughters to be married to rich men... hahaha this reminds me of Kholi who is one of the bachelors... oh... so funny... anyways...

So... Lalita and Will Darcy is sort of the main characters in this movie... Lalita who is the independent and intelligent woman and Will Darcy who is according to Lalita is 'insensitive' and 'arrogant' I'm pretty sure there are a whole lot more than that but can't remember... Lalita reminds me of Emma a lot actually which is a vague and yet cruel reminder of year 12 *sigh...

Anyways... I really dunno if I want to put this into the 'you must see' category... but I am sure that you would surely enjoy this movie... especially when you need a good laugh and humour in your boring life, example... moi... though I have to say Martin Henderson is ok but Aishwarya Rai is soo pretty... sorry...



ALRIGHT!! ANIME!! Now THIS is my field... what did I watch during the weekend?? Or rather this morning really...

First up... Porco Rosso by Hayao Miyazaki... A beautiful story of an air pirate bounty hunter...

I love all of Hayao Miyazaki's films actually... I thought this movie is also beautifully made as well... but I have some doubts to it but they are soo minor that you won't notice.

Again I can't believe that this is one of the movies that I thought I need to avoid... From the first go you are already encapsulated into the story... the story goes like this... Porco Rosso is actually cursed by a mysterious spell into a pig but the strange thing is that he became one of the most famous pilot ever but work as air pirate bounty hunter... but this is not one of those stories about breaking the curse as such, going on a journey etc... this goes beyond the physical and more into the emotional side of the story. It follows the character development of Porco as a character and we get to know Porco the human being not his physical appearance and the most realistic thing that I have ever encountered in an anime is how money is such an important thing to the characters in the movie... most animes don't even mention anything that relates to money and thus I thought that this movie really has some sort of realistic approach to it which I thought is the most relevant part in getting in depth into the story...

This is a must... But the thing that I hated the most about these types of movies are the ambiguous endings that they kept putting in the end... I have to say that it is kinda relevant in this story but I cannot help but feel that a little bit of the fantasy is stolen away from me... but this is just my personal opinion... I guess that an ambiguous ending always leaves room for your very own imagination... but sometimes I keep getting those imaginationally deprived days...

But nonetheless besides my intellecutally disabled mind today I thought that this was a beautifully written script and has some breathtaking images... a must...

The next one that I would like to review is... The Cat Returns by Hiroyuki Morita but the concept design is actually by Hayao Miyazaki which I am really surprised about... I dunno why actually...

This is a story where a normal highschool girl, Haru-chan, is being thrown into an unexpectedly different dimension... basically the story revolved around Haru-chan rescuing a cat... it turned out that the cat is actually a prince of the Kingdom of Cats. So the king made a proposal for Haru-chan to be the bride and come to the Kingdom... But besides that Haru-chan doesn't want the proposal to be carried forward and so seek help at Cat Business Office where a statue of a cat named Baron... something or rather... it was a very long name and I can't be bothered to research it... sorry... alright getting on with the story... Baron, Toto the crow statue and Muta the cat (not a statue but rather an overgrown white cat) tried to rescue Haru-chan from the Kingdom of Cats... Don't get me wrong but the Kingdom of Cats is not the enemy or some kind of evil thing... and btw... Lune, the prince of the kingdom that is rescued is not the cat with the hat and formal dress, Lune is black in colour whereas Baron is yellow (the cat on the cover)

What I was concerning about about this movie is the character development of Haru-chan whilst she is in the Kingdom of Cats that is supposedly the main theme in this movie. I was rather disappointed that the characted development doesn't really go that far... It was a rather weak development actually... that sort of expected since the movie only span for about 70 minutes... I thought that the 'adventure' of Haru-chan in the kingdom was a bit too short and leaving a rather narrow movement for the character to be developed... I just thought that the story is actually not that bad, even the concept I thought was great but the character development is something that I am kinda concerned about... again... another rather ambiguous ending...

And I am surprised I was actually falling in love with the Baron character... I thought that he was quite the gentleman :P he is a cat that is a statue but I like him... but maybe it's just because of the superficial personality that he got (no man could be like him nowadays)... so gentleman-like... I'm sure that you would fall in love with him when you see him carry Haru-chan whilst going up the tower... *sigh... what a gentleman...

I thought that this is something that you might want to see... actually it is not that bad... don't be put off by my review you are your own judge... I just thought that it could do with some development... but nonetheless it was a rather pleasing anime to watch :)

This is for M-ina... yes I have watched Blood and I noticed that I haven't written a review about it... it'll come up soon... as well as a review on Witch Hunter Robin... but I kinda refuse to watch the 5th volume until I get the 6th one hehehe :P and so I need to buy new packets of DVDs... not yet though... haven't got the chance to... will soon... and also need to return your Rurouni Kenshin as well as the Ranma 1/2... as you can see I'm finished with them...

Oh... another extension to the Ranma 1/2 story... I realised that there may be some episodes which are missing like Ranma and Akane having a skating competition with Kuno to win back P-chan... I noticed this through the err... one of the flashback... can't remember which though... and also just a note but I actually know the last couple of episodes, as well as the skating competition, and especially when Shampoo was searching for Ranma from the manga, but that one volume *sigh... but then I think there was a big gap between that one and the next one I read though... hmm... anyways... that is all for today... I'm kinda tired of typing hahaha... lazy bum... anyways... the review on Blood as well as the DVDs are coming soon alright? Alrighty see ya!! (soon... I think...)

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Honestly it was fun if it is minus the alcohol, a lot of guys hitting on girls and too many smokes. But besides that it was a VERY fun night.

Kimmie and M-ina asked me if I want to go to a 90s club... I was a bit reluctant because I have never been into a club... I thought I was going to cancel because of educational priorities... but then I thought myself I am so going to regret it... at least take a peek at it... and I did!!

First we went to the 90s club which was a bit of a disaster because after we had dinner we went into the 'club' but we were the only one there... everyone had a drink except Kimmie (because I was 'forced' to by Kimmie I had to finish it... never again...) so we waited for a while... peeple did come in... but... they were old and also a small group so... there were 5 people (us) plus them... FUN!! But I like the songs though... very 90s (DUH!)

And so after much consideration (not really) we went to search for another club... *sigh I have never thought that I would use that word in a million years... but we stopped at the Three Wise Monkeys Bar... There were a lot of people there and also a LIVE BAND!! but we didn't stay there for too long though... and so we went out and the guards at the front remarked "that was quick"... yup... we were just checking it out...

So we took a trip down Darling Harbour with about 5 or so clubs... the first club that we went into was small, stuffy and too err... not us... so we went out, luckily this club doesn't require you to pay... and so we head to Pontoon (I think) and we went and paid $10... this is better than the club before... although there was a fight outside the club though... between one (or two or many... I dunno...) and the guards... yeah... well... I can't really see it though... I was like inside the line and everyone tried to have a look and so my visions were blocked and cannot see at all...

This is pathetic, I have never witnessed a crime at all!! OK... first my couz's shop got robbed but I have never saw it or rather witnessed it... and the next would probably be a bike accident at the B-wood road intersect... it was happening near the shop... my couz saw it... and then there's this other vehicle accident when we were going to a couz's place... I was at the back seat and what happen is one car from one side of an intersection hit with quite a full speed the car at a different intersection... so just imagine if you are inside the car and you are just driving forward trying to pass the intersection and then another car hit you on the side with quite a full speed... I heard the crash but never saw a thing!! How pathetic is that??!? Yeah so I saw the aftermath of that accident... no one got hurt by the way... people did get out of the car fine... just the car that got hit was pushed and so hit a sign and the hit car (haha 'hit car', sounds like some kind of assassin) got richocheted backward... so all's end well...


Anyways... besides that... we went to Pontoon to err... dance? AND KIMMIE GOT ME ANOTHER DRINK!! WITHOUT ME EVEN KNOWING IT!! (she's not allowed to drink coz she's driving... so I'm like the drinking barrel... hahahaha... barrel... *sigh) But I don't dance there... I refuse to dance to Trance music, and those clubby sort of music... but surprisingly M-ina and Joyce dance for a whole hour!! Wow... that's what I call surprising... btw... who came? Me, Joyce, Holly, M-ina and Kimmie...

And... because not all of us are enjoying the club that much we went... back to the THREE WISE MONKEYS!! I never knew it was cool... it exceeded expectations... not just mine but all of us!! we thought it was just some bar with a live band... but actually it's not THAT bad...

Although in the beginning me and Holly was a bit reluctant in joining them to the front where the band is playing we were forced to because of these two guys that started to corner us... they might be drunk but they might'nt've... So I dragged Holly to where everyone was 'dancing' or rather bopping to the music more likely... you know what I have just discovered that in that kind of place no matter where you go whether you stand or dancing to the music you would be put in the same situation... like Kimmie who got an Indian guy trying to dance with her... and she never noticed it so I pulled her back... (you might comment otherwise Kimmie but that's what my impression is...) and I still can't get over your story with that guy pushing everyone aside and pointing at you and then expressionalised his heart beat... HAHAHA that was funny (did it really happen?) so... Bollywood... hahaha...

Anyways... because the music was good I am not going to say that I wasn't enjoying it... coz I was sorta dancing and sing really loudly too and to tell you the truth that that was the closest I have ever been to a mosh pit situation... I have never been to a concert... and this time I will never... I really don't think it is my kind of thing... I'll probably just be enjoying the music sitting down VERY far away from the stage... hahahaha...

I was almost deaf by the end of it... oh and also the live band has gone but because the next two songs were good we stayed for a bit... us 5 sort of formed a circle by ourselves but then this guy started to push aside and 'join' the circle we were like 'who the hell are you?' but I guess he didn't get the hint... but then we left (HA!) leaving him all by himself... hohoho... rejection is never pretty heh?

It was a strange night full of awkward situations, guys hitting on girls, drunk people, music, alcohol, cigarette smokes, sweat, inability to move, 'forced' drinks, Joyce's blisters, rare buses, dark streets and walking in the rain... or rather trying to walk fast in the rain... and getting a lift from Kimmie...

It was a fun night... but...

Sorry to say but it's not really my kind of thing though... you might need a lot of persuading when you guys ask me the next time... sorry... I know I might look like I had fun... and I did... but again... not really my thing to do...

PLUS a big cheer for Kimmie who have driven all of us home even though she has cold!! HIP HIP HOORAY!! THANKS KIMMIE!! ^--^ also her huge effort in not being pressurised to buy a drink... (hmm...)

Friday, September 02, 2005


I haven't been able to watch a lot of animes (although I have been watching a lot of TV but if I comment on TV shows that's gonna take too long especially since they are all different to the next one...) ok... here goes...

The first one...
SAMURAI X (episodes 1-12)

I borrowed this from M-ina... and thought that I haven't seen it and in truth I really have no idea how Kaoru and Kenshin met and also how they met with Yahiko and Sanosuke... but the last few episodes I do know because I have seen it before... a long time ago... so it was nice to relive my passion on Samurai X again... though can't wait until the next episodes though... I have been missing most of the episodes for a while and I also noticed that there are 95 (yes... 95) episodes of Samurai X althogether... (although that is nothing compared to more than 100 episodes for Inuyasha though...) I do also want to watch the motion picture though... hmm... gotta get it somewhere...

OK... summary of the first 12 episodes is basically just normal storyline... how they met Megumi and tried to save her and then met with Aoshi... and about Sanosuke's past and about Yahiko's past and etc... quite a lot of small stories in between like when Kaoru was abducted by Jin-E and how Yahiko saved a girl that he likes (hehehe)... But the big story is Megumi's story... and about the Oniwabanshuu... this is Aoshi's group and he is the leader of the group who is hired to protect a druglord... (ps. Megumi sort of makes the drugs... she was forced to...)
A very good series... although I think the first few episodes stretch a bit but I guess it is necessary if you want to have a flow... I mean you can't just jump to the big story... but nonetheless a good first 12 episodes...


The second is...

This is probably a strange anime to those who are not familiar with the manga... I know about this series because when I was little my couz gave two (VERY OLD) Ranma mangas... I was ecstatic back then... any manga to me is like a treasure... although I hated my mum for a while for selling some mangas that I have been buying since I was little because it has been occupying the storage room... so yes... now my collection back in Indo is mostly comprised of Detective Conan which in the beginning I thought it RULZ!! but the story started to stretch quite a bit and I think they must have run out of stories but in the end the manga sort of goes back in track again... but I don't like the anime version of Detective Conan though they suck! They don't have the sensitive hand of Aoyama Gosho... and it is too colourful and too hard-edged... so wrong... same as Naruto... (I LOVE NARUTO!!) it is so cool... if you ever have the chance to you should really give it a go... I was talking about the manga though... I hated the anime... now I just refuse to watch the anime... although I would most probably love the anime if I have seen it first before the manga...

Alright... alright... I know that I got a bit sidetracked back then... so here goes my summary as well as judgement on Ranma 1/2... although I have no idea on what episode I have watched... but I guess that's ok... I haven't finish it though... I think I still have a couple more episodes until the last of 1st season...

But here's in store for the 1st season... the Tendou family comprised of the father and three daughter... apparently the father has arranged with the Saotome family (err... more like the fathers of both sides -- plus there are no mothers from both of the family, just trying to make that clear, but I think Ranma's mother is still alive...) that they will arrange a marriage between the Saotome's son and one of the daughters... when it was time for both sides to meet all goes well when the day came... although... the only problem is that a panda and a girl instead arrived at the house... and imagine the surprise of the Tendos to find the 'unwelcomed' guest...

But soon the Tendos learned that the girl was indeed the son and the panda was indeed the father, Genma... apparently whilst training in China they came across a very dangerous training field... and both of them fell to cursed springs... It's very complicated... I'm not really that good with explanations... Basically, now Ranma turns into a girl whenever he is hit with a cold water and turns back into a guy whenever the girl Ranma is showered with warm or hot water...

So... both families stay in one house and weird and strange things started to happen... Ranma's old rival, Ryoga, showed up and fell in love with Akane... he was cursed too by the way... and then Shampoo, a rival of the girl Ranma showed up too and fell in love with the boy Ranma... and crushes also started too with Tatewaki Kuno 'loving' both Akane and the girl Ranma while his younger sister, Kodachi -- with a very twisted mind-- started to like Ranma...

Trust me it has such a bizarre storyline... and in the middle the story is a bit too boring and strange and weird but really funny to watch actually... but the crushes... and the love notes and everything are really strange, weird, unusual and just all in all have a very very VERY bizarre (contributed by M-ina thank you very much) storyline... although I do want to know about the last episodes though (I think) where Ranma tries to find a cure for the curse and met Shampoo's old grandmother or trainer or whoever she is who is related to Shampoo and I want to find out whether he really did find a cure or not... (if you already know please don't mess it up for me...)
You want to keep watching this because I thought that Ranma was very cute with Akane (Ranma is very cute too btw :P)... so if you are a romantic and don't mind it when strange and funny things started to happen this would definitely your type, it is hilarious, witty and a delight to watch just be careful because it is a very weird anime...

ALRIGHT!! That is all for today... and just a note I have been downloading soo many songs these days it is soo painful... here's the list:
- Why do You Love Me? -- Garbage
- Run Baby Run -- Garbage
- Fix You -- Coldplay
- Speed of Sound -- Coldplay
- Feel Good Inc -- Gorillaz
- Unwritten -- Natasha Bedingfield (I know that this is quite an old song)
- Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours -- Stevie Wonder (THIS is definitely old)
- Take Me Out -- Franz Ferdinand
- Somebody Told Me -- The Killers
- All These Things That I've Done -- The Killers
- Mr. Brightside -- The Killers
- Sitting, Waiting, Wishing -- Jack Johnson
- Bad Day -- Daniel Powter
- Best of You -- Foo Fighters
- Everlong -- Foo Fighters
- In Your Honor -- Foo Fighters
- Big Yellow Taxi -- Joni Mitchell version
- Sobakasu -- from Rurouni Kenshin (really good song)

yup... I know that that is a pretty long list but probably not such a long list (err... yes...) But honestly I really like having cable... it is such a good idea hehehe... just find the song and then download it... the magic of technology heh??