Sunday, September 11, 2005

"Are ya gonna bark all day, little doggy? Or are ya gonna bite?"

Here is another movie review... Reservoir Dogs... I borrowed this movie off Kimmie and I thought that this was a GREAT movie... I know that I am not really a fan of those blood gushing sort of movie but this time... Quentin Tarantino yet again delivers a strong movie... I loved Kill Bill but particularly vol. 2 though... and yet to see Pulp Fiction... yes... that is lame and need to watch it someday... GREAT casts... a hell lot of great actors casted into this movie... great performances and most of all GREAT script... notice I have used great quite extensively? That sorta sum up the whole movie actually... GREAT

Actually I didn't watch this movie until recently and I have a pretty lame reason for doing so... I have been making rooms for animes and you may ask why some of those reviews are actually movies? It is because I happen to receive an invitation from my couz and thought what the hell... but I know that I have Reservoir Dogs in my possession for quite a while now... (sorry Kimmie... ^-^') I really need to return it soon. I am such a lame ass to actually avoid this movie... in actual truth I have been obssessing over animes for such a long time it doesn't give me room to err... 'discover' other movies... :P lame reason... I know... Back to Reservoir Dogs...

It was such a simple script and yet the development within this script is just so great. It doesn't get to the minor details but rather focuses on the characters more... and I thought that when Kimmie warned me that it was gory and gruesome I thought it would be blood squirting out of bodies etc... but instead the gore is not as extensive as that, which I am kinda glad about...

The most interesting thing within this movie is actually the character develpments... and the most interesting thing is the dynamic within the gang... oh... before I go there I need to tell the story don't I?

The movie opens with a whole bunch of people who look like gangsters eating out in a cafe... having discussion etc... they look like a pretty close knit group... and then the next thing you know there's a guy who is bleeding at the back of a car hanging for dear life... whilst the driver tried to settle him down... The next scene shows them entering a warehouse... and so the story unfolds after this...

I don't really want to get into the details here coz what Quentin Tarantino did is actually quite brilliant here... he let the story sort of flows by itself... we are not being told what happened and it unfolds as each member of the gang (not all of them though) started to come back to the warehouse...

Cast-wise... GREAT casts... I thought the best in this are actually the dynamism between Mr White and Mr Orange... I'll tell ya later about 'em... I thought the story was actually a sad one actually... but a great story...

As I have said before great cast... ain't gonna tell you who's who coz it sorta part of the story... though took me a while to sorta sort them out... but here are the casts (the most important ones only though) Harvey Kietel, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Steve Buscemi, Chris Penn and Lawrence Tierney and Quentin Tarantino actually played a pretty minor character in this movie too... Anyways... as can be seen a pretty extensive casts... which makes this movie all the more better...

Pretty gory but not gruesome though... But I have to say if you don't really mind all that gory stuff in any type of movie... watch it... with fluffy pillows all around you ^--^ great movie...

<< I just thought I'll put this thing in here... It's like a toy from the movie and the most ironic thing is that the package says for age 13 & up and thought to msyelf that the movie is actually rated R and how the hell would a 13 year old know about the movie? Would one of the uncle or auntie would buy them this as a Chrissie present assuming they have watched the movie? Sorry... but I just thought that it was funny... what do ya think?

See ya next time then...

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