Sunday, September 04, 2005


Honestly it was fun if it is minus the alcohol, a lot of guys hitting on girls and too many smokes. But besides that it was a VERY fun night.

Kimmie and M-ina asked me if I want to go to a 90s club... I was a bit reluctant because I have never been into a club... I thought I was going to cancel because of educational priorities... but then I thought myself I am so going to regret it... at least take a peek at it... and I did!!

First we went to the 90s club which was a bit of a disaster because after we had dinner we went into the 'club' but we were the only one there... everyone had a drink except Kimmie (because I was 'forced' to by Kimmie I had to finish it... never again...) so we waited for a while... peeple did come in... but... they were old and also a small group so... there were 5 people (us) plus them... FUN!! But I like the songs though... very 90s (DUH!)

And so after much consideration (not really) we went to search for another club... *sigh I have never thought that I would use that word in a million years... but we stopped at the Three Wise Monkeys Bar... There were a lot of people there and also a LIVE BAND!! but we didn't stay there for too long though... and so we went out and the guards at the front remarked "that was quick"... yup... we were just checking it out...

So we took a trip down Darling Harbour with about 5 or so clubs... the first club that we went into was small, stuffy and too err... not us... so we went out, luckily this club doesn't require you to pay... and so we head to Pontoon (I think) and we went and paid $10... this is better than the club before... although there was a fight outside the club though... between one (or two or many... I dunno...) and the guards... yeah... well... I can't really see it though... I was like inside the line and everyone tried to have a look and so my visions were blocked and cannot see at all...

This is pathetic, I have never witnessed a crime at all!! OK... first my couz's shop got robbed but I have never saw it or rather witnessed it... and the next would probably be a bike accident at the B-wood road intersect... it was happening near the shop... my couz saw it... and then there's this other vehicle accident when we were going to a couz's place... I was at the back seat and what happen is one car from one side of an intersection hit with quite a full speed the car at a different intersection... so just imagine if you are inside the car and you are just driving forward trying to pass the intersection and then another car hit you on the side with quite a full speed... I heard the crash but never saw a thing!! How pathetic is that??!? Yeah so I saw the aftermath of that accident... no one got hurt by the way... people did get out of the car fine... just the car that got hit was pushed and so hit a sign and the hit car (haha 'hit car', sounds like some kind of assassin) got richocheted backward... so all's end well...


Anyways... besides that... we went to Pontoon to err... dance? AND KIMMIE GOT ME ANOTHER DRINK!! WITHOUT ME EVEN KNOWING IT!! (she's not allowed to drink coz she's driving... so I'm like the drinking barrel... hahahaha... barrel... *sigh) But I don't dance there... I refuse to dance to Trance music, and those clubby sort of music... but surprisingly M-ina and Joyce dance for a whole hour!! Wow... that's what I call surprising... btw... who came? Me, Joyce, Holly, M-ina and Kimmie...

And... because not all of us are enjoying the club that much we went... back to the THREE WISE MONKEYS!! I never knew it was cool... it exceeded expectations... not just mine but all of us!! we thought it was just some bar with a live band... but actually it's not THAT bad...

Although in the beginning me and Holly was a bit reluctant in joining them to the front where the band is playing we were forced to because of these two guys that started to corner us... they might be drunk but they might'nt've... So I dragged Holly to where everyone was 'dancing' or rather bopping to the music more likely... you know what I have just discovered that in that kind of place no matter where you go whether you stand or dancing to the music you would be put in the same situation... like Kimmie who got an Indian guy trying to dance with her... and she never noticed it so I pulled her back... (you might comment otherwise Kimmie but that's what my impression is...) and I still can't get over your story with that guy pushing everyone aside and pointing at you and then expressionalised his heart beat... HAHAHA that was funny (did it really happen?) so... Bollywood... hahaha...

Anyways... because the music was good I am not going to say that I wasn't enjoying it... coz I was sorta dancing and sing really loudly too and to tell you the truth that that was the closest I have ever been to a mosh pit situation... I have never been to a concert... and this time I will never... I really don't think it is my kind of thing... I'll probably just be enjoying the music sitting down VERY far away from the stage... hahahaha...

I was almost deaf by the end of it... oh and also the live band has gone but because the next two songs were good we stayed for a bit... us 5 sort of formed a circle by ourselves but then this guy started to push aside and 'join' the circle we were like 'who the hell are you?' but I guess he didn't get the hint... but then we left (HA!) leaving him all by himself... hohoho... rejection is never pretty heh?

It was a strange night full of awkward situations, guys hitting on girls, drunk people, music, alcohol, cigarette smokes, sweat, inability to move, 'forced' drinks, Joyce's blisters, rare buses, dark streets and walking in the rain... or rather trying to walk fast in the rain... and getting a lift from Kimmie...

It was a fun night... but...

Sorry to say but it's not really my kind of thing though... you might need a lot of persuading when you guys ask me the next time... sorry... I know I might look like I had fun... and I did... but again... not really my thing to do...

PLUS a big cheer for Kimmie who have driven all of us home even though she has cold!! HIP HIP HOORAY!! THANKS KIMMIE!! ^--^ also her huge effort in not being pressurised to buy a drink... (hmm...)

1 comment:

Marina said...

do you mean 'pressured' when you write 'pressurised'?

Next time we'll probably just stick to the 3 wise monkeys. Get there early enough to get a place to sit and talk as well.

I LOVED the whole night. At least you've had the experience if you didn't like it too much. It seemed like the night was going to be a disaster. However it turned out to be SO much fun. But yeah, don't expect that to be last time you go out with us!