This is actually an old post from another blog... I'm bores this morning and thought... why not?!?
There are so many injuries I have experienced during my lifetime and fortunately all of it... I think... has never end up with me in a hospital... So here are the list that I have accumulated whilst trying to doze off to sleep...
1. I have burned my hand with a candle.
2. I've gotten cuts on my fingers by a knife.
3. I've gotten cuts on my fingers by scissors.
4. I've gotten cuts on my fingers by a safety knife. (HAH! The irony...)
5. I have poked my finger with a needle. (NOT deliberately)
6. I have cut my hand on a rock whilst rock climbing.
7. I have burned my hand and quite strangely my foot with hot things eg. boiling oil and dropped hot food.
8. I have cut myself whilst training on my first bike... basically cutting the skin off my knee a lot... You have to see how many band aids I got stuck onto my legs...
9. I have occasionally bump my head onto hard surfaces everywhere I go.
10. I have been hit on the eye by a snow ball (quite hurting but fortunately I have my glasses on).
11. I have bit my lip, tongue and the inside of my mouth.
12. I have bumped onto tables and other hard surfaces leaving a bluish bruise on my body (not altogether but occasionally).
13. And sometimes I don't even know that I have bumped onto things unless I notice a bruise.
14. I have come close to being bitten by a dog.
15. I have SEEN someone got bitten by a dog. (That probably explains my occasional fear of dogs)
16. I have twisted my ankle once and never again after that.
17. Once my nose bled and quite disturbingly I was in bed whilst this happen but that was years ago none of this happen anymore.
I think that is probably the shortest list of injuries that you have heard but these things happen you know... And just to let you know (in case this never have occured to you whilst reading the list) that all of these happened ACCIDENTALLY don't ever get any idea that this happens because I am a maniac for physical abuse to my body in case you don't know I'm not THAT psychotic.
Yes... that is all the list that I can remember... so far so good right? Anyways... that is all for today... So what injuries (or more to the extreme really compared to my oh-so-not-exciting injuries...) have you gotten?
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