Saturday, October 15, 2005

Animania Sunday...

This is what I have been waiting for... After the excitement of Saturday night I was pumped up to go to the Sunday's one because I know that it will be different and bigger and BETTER!! We met yet again at Ashfield but this time with M-ina's friend B (umm... I'm not quite sure whether I should really reveal the names or not... so I guess I shall stick to B) We went to Town Hall expecting a big crowd as yesterday's was and we went early this time to avoid the 'crowd' we arrived about 30 minutes early and to our disappointment there was hardly half the people who went on the day before... but there are still some people who did do cosplay the day before... but I guess that's mostly because they purchased the 2 days pre-rego... It wasn't disappointing as such because we get to see a lot more without the place being overcrowded with people... guess that was just me and my disappointment... but honestly though... when we went the day before we cannot sustain our excitement and with the amount of people particularly on the vendors area we were profusely excited about the whole idea of buying things from these stalls... but I guess in the end we were ok... but I guess the whole over excitement has died down quite a bit...

And for your information... I did buy a cosplay hat of the pig from Peacemaker Kurogane... and he is soo cute... compared to the cosplay hat of some creature from Excel Saga... maybe I'm just being biased because I have never seen Excel Saga before... but I guess that's me ^--^ But all in all a very pleasing day... although mood was a bit down in some areas I can't help but being lifted again through this one incident that has been repeatedly told so many times by me that I think it has lost its charm...

Me, M-ina, B and B's friends are all looking at the pencilboards at one particular vendor... we were just tossing and turning every pencilboards and with that particularly tedious task (since we did see it the day before) we were just looking around (maybe that's just me...) But suddenly someone said loudly behind me (this might not be the exact words but you get the jiff...) "HEY LOOK can we get a picture with her?!?" Naturally for someone to have somebody said that out loud you automatically turn to look behind you and no sooner than turning my head I was being turned completely by these people in their cosplay costumes!!! IMAGINE MY SURPRISE!!! And then this guy or girl... hmm... can't be sure it happened so bloody fast... said "can we get a picture with you?!?" I was still half shocked half thinking "what the hell?!?" When I was surrounded by these people in their costumes (mostly form Final Fantasy though hehehe just some editor's note :P) I'm not quite sure but I think I gave the picture some uncertain look... and then we took another picture and then they were gone "thanks for the picture" "no problem" (with a slightly dazed look) OMG it was so random and so unexpected that that became the highlight of the day! Me and all the others are just starring point blank at nothing and then just... shocked... that was funny though... me and M-ina laughed so much after that... hahaha and I also point out to her that I didn't even wear the cosplay hat and they were still taking a picture... how funny... and funnilly enough Sue asked me (after I told her) what I was wearing and I said a tee and jeans! My gosh... that was funny...

Alright besides the point... we took another look at the cosplay for sunday and thought that they were as good as yesterday's one but I cannot be sure because we left halfway through the cosplay on Saturday but we were glad that we didn't miss that FF Tribute...

Alrighty that was all for Sunday I think... Oh... one more funny thing... WARNING: IF YOU PLAY FINAL FANTASY PS2 GAMES ALL THE TIME YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND THIS BUT IF YOU DON'T YOU MAY READ ON AND BE COMPLETELY CONFUSED BY THE WHOLE STORY... (But I definitely will tell some parts that are relevant or worth knowing...)

The cosplay was nearing an end and we were getting rather dumbfounded by some of the efforts being put and also some of the acts that they did... but this one act is probably funny to gamers... but maybe excessively acted on stage but I can't be sure...

Cloud, Lucifer and Cid got on stage and strut their stuff ^--^ and then went upstage to get a seat and then the next one is Sephiroth... then the next thing we know (I think they were not in a group and they don't know each other...) Cloud went downstairs and "pick-a-fight" with Sephiroth... naturally because the goddamn sword is too big and heavy (maybe...) Cloud lost and Sephiroth live to see the day... and then Cid went downstairs and got these feathers and then said "Phoenix Down" THE WHOLE CROWD WAS LAUGHING and being me the rather delayed person didn't catch the humour until 5 seconds after that and I started to laugh so hard even though people are already getting over it... (but it was barely audible though Marina is still looking at me... hehehe) That was funny because in the game if one of your characters died in a battle what you can do is assign the friend to cast Phoenix Down which is something to bring them back to life... which was in this case VERY FUNNY!! You have to see it for yourselves though me talking about it really doesn't make it THAT funny...

Yes... so that was probably all the highlights of the day... although I kinda regretted not going to Ichiban Boshi with M-ina and her friends coz I have a lot of work to do for uni... *sigh...

Anyways... I'll leave with you again with pictures from the day...

(left) These are the emcees of the cosplay one dude from the 20s and a saint seiya...

(right) The crowd of day 2

(left) These two (as Lucifer, right, and his wife... I think...) are some of the few who took a photo with me... such strange people...

(right) We took a photo of err... our arms showing the stamps ^--^

(left) This is the Totoro that we saw on the day before... it was left at some part of the event that no one would enter and quite truthfully if we have known that either the place or the big costume itself is that stinky we wouldn't go near it... we took a photo and ran for our lives because the place was soo smelly...

(right) This is the photo with the whole cosplay of the day... it was fun... really... but unfortunately my d-cam is nearing its end so I quickly took a photo whilst we were seating but I guess I could have made more effort by lifting my bum from the chair and go up near the stage and take photos but... I was too lazy and we had to go elsewhere anyways...

(left) This was the vendors section... wasn't partucularly exciting when you see it in this picture but on the Saturday it was full-packed with human bodies...

(right) I thought this guy's costume and pesona is sorta like Roy from FMA (I think...) which is amazing... I could see the resemblance... and thought the costume was well done too... (I hope none of the people mind me putting their pics in this blog... no one really hits this blog anyways except for occasional ones... :P)

(left) This was one of the guy that is creepy and really get into character... I mean REALLY got into character... you should have seen it... it was funny and disturbing...

(right) This was another creepy one... The guy is supposedly the guy from FLCL whilst the girl is from the ring... and I have a knack that the guy is from yesterday's one when he dressed up as the doll... hmm... scary....

OK... I think that is all for today... whilst it maybe fun to look at and probably didn't take that long to construct... it actually does... and so until next time I have to bid adieu...

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