Thursday, October 20, 2005

"I don't see the point in living if I can't be beautiful!"

This time it was Christian Bale saying it and me and Sue are just laughing our asses off HAHAHAHA particularly Sue she laughed the hardest and the most disturbing thing is that the whole cinema was almost empty except for a couple of seats and we were in the small theatre too... alright... I'm kinda jumping a whole length just then so let me start from the beginning...

It was Thursday (that is today) and we have a lect at 9 and Sue's and my tutorials start right after the lecture... We went up to tutorials but we both got different tutes but the thing is Sue didn't want to go see her tutor because apparently she hasn't done any work :P I know... insane...

Alright this was her dilemma... she wanted to see the dubbed version of Howl's Moving Castle but it starts at 11.30 and our tute starts at 10.00... but she feels that maybe she shouldn't go because she has Tae Kwon Do obligations which I thought was very funny since her extra activities are much more important than the tutorials (I'm not trying to be mean I am just stating the obvious :P) so it was about 11.00 when my tute saw my work and review it etc... am not going to talk about that because I sure can nag about his comments a lot and tell you in a very sarcastic mode about what happened during the pin-up... anyways... to tell it straight to the point I decided to go when there is clearly only about 20 minutes to go until the movie starts... and am having conflicting opinion whether I should go to the movies or not... and in the end... I decided to go since I really want to see the dubbed version and my tute already seen me anyway and am just going to continue with what he has said... we'll talk about that later on when I am heated up for an argument about that meeting... right now I am tired but for some reason my ego wants me to write this on the blog... so no use... my ego is much stronger than my brain =_=... anyways... you see right now I don't even think that my brain is working really that properly since I'm kinda sure that the above story doesn't really make sense... alright moving on...

We went anyways... with me not saying anything to my tutor and just walked off outside... hehehe... *sigh now I feel soo guilty... *sigh *sigh *sigh... I hope he won't notice (*inside my head* YEAH RIGHT!) but we went anyways... really hurriedly by the way... because Hoyts George St is pretty far away by walking from my campus... so I was kinda screwed...

But we made it on time with my legs hurting like hell... We bought the tickets and then I bought a Coke too... Sue went to the toilet but the problem is that I think I might have too many things on my hands and when I was trying to grab my Coke which was placed rather far away from me... I was sliding it to my direction when suddenly... IT FELL!! on the counter!! and tiny droplets also fell on a girl's dress!! o.O AARRGGGHHH!! now I'm really screwed!! ~_~ *sigh I was having a bad day... but the guy at the counter was nice even though I saw a bit of irritation on his face he actually refilled my cup and gave it to me... omg... that was so nice... TT_TT I really wished I could have been more careful... *sigh... so Sue and I quickly went leaving the crime scene and quickly took our seats at Cinema 18... *sigh... and then we saw the movie... I don't think I'm actually going to talk about the movie again... because the previous post was err... although vague was a bit of a summary... :P

We laughed at some of the funny bits and they were witty and I thought that Christian Bale was fitting as the voice of Howl and I also liked Jean Simmons as Grandma Sophie... oh... she's so fitting for the part... the thing that I hate is the voice of young Sophie... there is no constancy compared to the subbed version... because the voice changed so dramatically in the dubbed version... which was a bit disappointing but I guess in the end it was good that Grandma Sophie got most of the dialogue... but Christian Bale was good though *sigh...

Alright... enough of that... the movie ended and we were comparing notes on the movie (not literally of course) and Sue said she wanted to go to the toilet... well... we went... but ont he wrong direction... see the thing with toilet at that Hoyts (if you have been there you would understand) is that the male and female toilets are on completely different directions... so basically instead of the normal small alley the toilets are really separated quite far from each other... where the male toilet is on the left the female one is on the right... of course for someone who is dilligent enough would certainly realise that we were going on the wrong direction and so we went to the left because the first sign that we encountered (that is without knowing the details) says the toilet was on the left... I know you know where I am going with this but not quite... we were still talking about the movie when we turned left and then I checked where the female toilet was but there is only one open door and I stopped to check whereas Sue still talking just went in and then I noticed the male sign and was about to call Sue back when she realised that it was the male toilet! I don't know what she saw but an old man was just coming out when she realised it... hehehe... that was funny... I can't stop laughing!! HAHAHA *sigh... funny...

Next... we went to JB Hi-Fi to look at the DVDs but didn't buy any anime DVDs though... thought they were a bit too expensive... so instead we take a look at the movies... AND DISCOVERED GREAT ONES AT SMALL PRICES!! hahaha I was soo happy... And funnily enough we noticed that Hollywood Homicide is marked Best Selling when we thought it was CRAP!! Honestly... I wouldn't buy that... but I discovered that they have Reservoir Dogs on sale! As well as The Schawshank Redemption and also Finding Neverland! (although I was hesitating between Finding Neverland and The Notebook but decided maybe I'll get that in the future...) OMG!! Those movies are sold so low!! And those are one of the best ones! I can't believe it!! How can that happen?!? Ah... some people just have low taste in movies...

Anyways all things decided we bought Ice Creams on the way home... so that was all the adventure of the day... hahaha that was fun... although I find that I am acting a bit rude by walking out after the reviews... *sigh... I have to make up for it next week then...

That is all for today... I am hungry and tired... See ya

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