Saturday, November 19, 2005

2 fricking hours of action!!

I'm just going to really make this really quick... It's almost 11pm and am kinda tired and sleepy but I really really need to do this... yes... that sounds like some kind of obsession but I have to say that I am rather obsessed with my blog umm... that is an overstatement but I guess I am kinda addicted to it... COZ I WANNA TELL THE WHOLE WORLD!! YEAH! ^--^ teehee... I'm crazy...

Anyways... getting on to the main topic today I just borrowed (more like borrow one and get one free really...) Bewitched (yes... you are not reading it wrong I really did borrow Bewitched the movie) and... guess what... FIGHT CLUB!! I have been wanting to watch Fight Club aaggeess ago but unfortunately the last time we went to the movie store it was out TT__TT yes... such a pity... BUT luckily today it was there!! WOOHOO!!

OK... I think I better get rid of the boring one first... Bewitched... yeah I know... sorry Nicole... not such a great movie but you're still a great actress (did I just say that?!?). This is like any love romance type of movies... but instead it's with a twist? Umm... how can I say it... it's a cheesy romantic no-brain-needed type of stories and if you are bored with your current love life I guess you should take a look? I guess... But it's not over exaggeratingly you-have-to-watch-this type of movie... it's just a good thing to lighten up the mood a little... some funny lines and jokes and umm... hmmm... somehow (no offence) I have already forgotten about the movie... but no matter... if you have some spare time just watch it (I guess?)


FIGHT CLUB!! YEAH YEAH!! What can you say? What can you say? hmm... what can you say? Brad Pitt is really really cute and OMG nice abs I have to say hehe ^--^ Everyone and I meant EVERYONE has been bragging about this a lot and seems surprised that I have never seen this before... and I thought when I first saw it aahh... this is going to be some kind of those boring action movies that you often see made it into the box office without much effort but just good looking guys and some fights in between... HOW WRONG I WAS!! Clever clever storyline that I somewhat predicted but somewhat want to see how it ends... but great casting and Edward Norton as the main character or more like the narrator and Brad Pitt gets all the extra attention as the cool and wild leader type guy... but he (referring to Edward Norton) sounds to me like some nerdish office boy but... he got a charm that is needed in the character or rather narrator... ok... not making any coherent review at the moment... even at the end Edward Norton's character is written as Narrator and no name... but for those of you who already watched it you know what I mean... but I guess I won't spoil the fun... ^--^

Anyways... as the story goes Edward Norton is a lonely, his-whole-life-gone-wrong type of character who met this "single serving" friend (you know what I mean after you watch the movie) on the plane aka Brad Pritt's character, Tyler Durden... a soap maker... as the story goes on the Narrator's (aka Edward Norton's character) life changes after the err... happenings (don't want to ruin that part either) after seeking help from Tyler they started a club named the Fight Club... and everything sort of unfolds after that... so I won't tell you much since it is mostly about the story plus the character developments...

All in all a brilliant storyline... and great visual effects too for something that is made about 6 years ago... (I'm mostly referring to the CG not to the fight scenes etc.) Great GREAT casting love it... but unfortunately the fighting may just be a bit too gruesome to some people... I can't say that this is going to be in my best movie ever list... just because... no maybe... but it is unbelievably GREAT... love it (I know... ironic isn't it?) Seriously... it was a great movie don't miss it AT ALL!! Well... just for those who don't mind blood squirting (almost real life too) and really strange storylines too... but great great movie... And one thing that I love from this movie is that it is also philosophical... That's what I love about the movie... it's philosophical... it concerns our materialistic world and materialism basically... love the gothic feeling that is often portrayed in the movie... GREAT cinematography... (although not an expert but you get the feeling there is a great director involved)

Ok... I think I'm done bragging about Fight Club till the end... I think I did about 3 paragraphs of nonesensical ramblings on the movie already... WATCH IT ALREADY!! YEAH!! Finally... WATCHED IT!! Ok ok... that was a bit too much I already stated that in the beginning... I'm a repeater as you probably have known... I constantly repeat myself hehe ^--^ not such a good move but nonetheless... it gets the fact straight...

Alrighty I think I better go now... I'll write another one when I get the chance to watch more movies... like Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (I need to see that and it opens at 1 December in Oz TT__TT ooo the pain of having to wait...) actually I'm just looking forward to it because the third one was great but I missed it on the big screen so I have to see this on the big screen whether I regret it or not (like the 1st and 2nd ones although the 2nd one is better than the first one but the 3rd one was much better than the formers) Anyways... there are a lot of DVDs and movies that I have to see and watch and review *hicks... If only I don't have the financial burden it would be more of a help... yeah anyways... I definitely need to see Harry Potter but not too soon coz there would be a lot of people queueing up just to see it on the first few weeks so I think I better go like one month later or something... Anyways... gotta go now and be back later...

Later days ^--^ (teehee...)

ps. I wanna go to that Japanese film festival too TT__TT *hicks...


kimberley said...

ah its so funny to see your delayed enthusiasm for this movie when most people felt similarly back in the 90s (thinking back to how steph only discovered freddie prinze jr in year 11...about half a decade too late). haha, KIDDING.
but yeah good movie. even though it became like all terrorist-like and everything i really wanted to join a fight club after i saw this...its great to see some blood and hit something/someone after the humdrum life.

yuni said...

haha you got that right! Nah it's a cool movie just not a particularly my line of preference but obviously a great one! hehe ^--^ umm... maybe not that part about joining a fight club even watching them would make me cringe >.<