Well... I thought both Heath Ledger and Matt Damon are not seriously that bad as the brothers although the script was very chopped up and some scenes don't match up at all... it's like they're really trying to shorten the movie so badly that they must have thought... "oh who cares about that scene we can afford to lose it" when it's clearly a VERY important part of the movie that is really crucial in tying up loose ends...
Actually I really thought that both actors as the Grimm brothers were very convincing... but maybe I was retarded... hmmm... I still think they need a better script... actually make that write an even more concise and yet flawless story and do another take on the movie... not such a bad loss is it?
Anyways... the story follows the Grimm brothers who are excorcists... umm... more like 'excorcists' because all the excorcisms that have made them famous are all bogus or made-up... so basically they're con artists... so what happened is they were captured by a French general (because German was colonised by the French according to the movie during that time, which is around the 1800s) and the general made them solve a mystery involving missing children in the town of err... Madane-or-something-or-rather... it's hard to remember... and so they went and start off the search also involving a rather retarded, crazy, annoying general's aide, Delatombe (possibly a Spaniard because of the accent... I'm not sure but surely not French) or something...
There were a lot of fairy tales involved in a way that was not suspected to me though... but still maybe you should watch it on the DVD... It's actually a comedy, horror, thriller, action, drama genres put into one... anyways... you want to know what fairy tales or folklores were there? There's the magic beans, little red riding hood, the wolf, Hansel and Gretel, a creepy Gingerbread man (trust me it was creepy), a bit of Rapunzel, a bit of Cinderella, a bit of Cinderella's evil stepmom, a bit of the poison apple, a bit of the glass slippers yeah basically bits of this and that of the famous folklores put into the movie...
Umm... I think that was all... I can't think anymore coz I'm sleepy... so I guess I'll sign off now... yeah anyways... don't bother really watching it on the big screen... but I guess that was just my opinion... rather harsh but the truth...
Anyways... that is all... if you're wondering how come I'm writing this so early even though I'm sleepy and the movie wasn't worth a watch... well... don't worry about it I just felt like adding something more to my beautiful blog... hehe...
aw...i really wanted to see this. :( now i dunno.
yeah sorry to blurt it out like that but i really thought it wasn't that well made so... yeah
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