Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Long time no see

woah~! I never knew how long I've abandoned this space. But these days I think I have been way too lazy to do this kind of stuff. Mostly I don't know what to talk about or sometimes I just don't feel like typing for too long. I know that once I start typing it's pretty hard to stop (lol yeah who am I kidding?) Anyways, just a short message of avagoodholiday wish because IT'S SUMMER HOLIDAY PEOPLE~! Whee hooray!! Well in Australia neways... and anywhere in the tropics *grin* So what have I been up to since uni finished around 2 weeks ago? Nothing but bludging and procrastinating. After approximately one and half weeks of doing absolultely nothing I found myself in dire of trying to find something to do, that is excepting drawing because I have been in a constant blocked up stage these days. Well I have watched several dramas and whatnots these days such as Korean drama "My Name is Kim San Soon", "Full House" and several episodes of the korean gameshow "X-man" or sometimes may be called "Real Situation Sunday" it's way hilarious especially the "OfCourse" section of the gameshow such a crack-up. And I've finished (FINALLY!) watching Ghost in the Shell 1st GIG and finally finished the last episode of Mushishi (a jap anime). And I did go out several times and they were fun but sometimes may be tiring lol~ but nonetheless twas fun. So all in all the first few weeks of the holidays have been somewhat refreshing to have nothing to do but in the end it's a bit boring and having absolutely nothing to do is tiring (it drags you down physically as well as mentally) and I have never realised that a lot of people will be going away (overseas) this year. Well neways it's really nothing to worry too much about. But I'm looking forward to going back to Indo and fill all the little gaps from the holidays with hopefully fresh ideas (LOL) we shall see what happens then.

Right-o that is all from me. I did promise that it would be short and indeed I finally kept to that promise (lol). So hopefully everyone has a nice one and adios from me for now.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Volunteering for the greater good

WOOT! Finally the volunteering session has sadly passed away... Just a slight warning this is going to be a very long post. I will post the pictures letter because right now I did this in UTS library when I was supposed to be doing research for tomorrow's assignment (YES! Tomorrow's assignment!) :P

A~nyway, the helping out started om Friday, which was set-up day. Thinking that it might be a very busy job we ended up getting there on time but wasn't sure of how to get into the Townhall. Oo I should've established that I will be talking about the Animania volunteering experience. Right... so in the end we got nothing to do until all the stuff came. We did putting brochures and other 'junks' into the plastic bags that will be given to them on the day. That took long enough (pft yeah right!) We ended up finishing everything early. Of course what one has to do to amuse oneself from boredom. Indeed the game machines arrived! Alas! (note: we were unable to gain access to the upper level of the townhall where most of the actions will take place so we were stuck preparing stuff for downstairs which were merchandise and games section) it turned out to be quite fun indeed. Marina and I quickly grabbed the chance to played the Tekken arcade games when no one was looking or bored of the game so they scrambled away... Of course Nina always rules right Marina? :P hehe

Anyway there was nothing much to do besides helping Mum (a nick given to this guy named Muki who takes care of food etc at the festival apparently Dad only gave chocolates and sugar to those who are hungry :P although who can complain with that?!?) getting the food off a seafood shop at the qvb building. We didn't realised they provided food for the volunteers coz Marina and I were thinking of running away for a while to grab something to eat, in the end we didn't because they already provided food anyway.

Then there's the Saturday where everything starts to happen! We don't know what to expect since this was our first time volunteering. We were given the first duty of Cloak Room, it served the same purpose as storage location, where we put bags and other stuff people don't want to carry (and also weapons from cosplayers) and store 'em. And as I have said we didn't know what to expect. We were there early and then we were practically 'bored' when people haven't gone in. And then everything changed after they opened the door. I was in charge of registering the items. Basically what I had to do was getting their IDs and then tell them the policy (that Animania isn't liable for any damage or missing items from their properties) and assure them everything is safe after that :P and then ask them whether there's anything important within the properties etc, then assure them that once they put it in then check them out it is considered checking it out and therefore they have to pay again if they want to put them back, then I had to describe the items (but I was kinda relieved I didn't need to do most of the describing coz Marina and Cindy helped with it) then I had to sign the receipt and the registration. +__+ One advice I would give: do not do registration! Especially on the very first day. We were thinking maybe we could rotate the duties around but decided to stay with it coz it was getting really busy during our roster. Marina got the duty of grabbing the money and bags off of them and storing them away. Cindy got the duty of writing down receipts as well as telling the policy. Overall it was alright except everything gets a bit hectic and I did a huge stuff up when writing the number of the item (ie numbering them 0001, 0002 etc) +__+ which was greatly taken by Lexie for saying "it's alright" TT^TT (gomene~)

aah I should get back to my uni work... I shall finish this later on

peace out

Saturday, September 16, 2006

go-kekkon omedeto gozaimasu

OMG! My aunt is going to be married TOMORROW!! And she's probably only about 25~ish? OMG OMG OMG! Tsk my mom is so slow at getting me in touch with this. Well at least she told me that her wedding ceremony is going to be tomorrow! *laughing out of nowhere* omg this is soo weird.

You see everytime I go back to Indo she's always the one who's willing to skip work (sometimes) or go away somewhere during the weekend. And now... TT_TT she's taken. Well she's already taken since I went back there (aka already has a boyfriend but now gonna be her husband) but she's always willing to go with me alone and she's so fun and tomboyish and childish and funny and it somehow feels like she's ageless or rather will 'never' marry (hahaha I'm being mean now) but also it's like I'm missing a great friend now...

*sigh* and now she's going to be married... hehe I'm being selfish I know... But I really am going to miss having the out-of-this-world person that I always hang around with. You might think that she's still gonna be the same but I'm sure that that it won't be the same now... o well... I'm really happy for her, don't get me wrong, I just kinda wish I'm there to congratulate her on her very special day and not being there feels like I kinda missed out a bit ^^; but I kinda already know from long ago that she probably will be married but don't know when.

Otherwise, may all their days filled with happiness, and immense wealth and well-being. I will pray for their happiness all the way across the sea ^^. I just have to remember to congratulate her tomorrow though :P

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


BEWARE! VERY VERY LONG POST! This is seriously Marina's fault LOL XD I'm kidding... I have always followed the manga until the day when I don't have the time (or really the will) to read them anymore... You see, M-chan (sorry it just sounds so cute) introduced me to the real-life cast drama of Goong (english name--Palace or Princess Hours) that has been adapted from the Korean manhwa.

The plot is set around modern-day constitutional Korean monarchy (just to let you know I'm pretty sure Korea don't have monarchy anymore, I think...). Our heroin, Chae-Gyung, is a typical normal high schooler until one day she was told that she has to marry the Prince of Korea because of a promise made between her late grandfather and the late King of Korea. As always with dramas there are greeds, love, lusts, treacheries that our characters have to go through. The story really revolves around 4 main characters though.

CASTS (note, the cast list does not correspond to the photo below): Yoon Eun-Hye as Shin Chae-Gyung (aka the commoner who became the crown princess), Jo Ji-Hoon as Lee Shin (aka the crown prince), Kim Jung-Hoon as Lee-Yul (aka the ex-crown prince, watch the story it's too much of a pain to write it down), Song Ji-Hyo as Min Hyo-Rin (aka err... hard to describe watch the drama then) those are the 4 main characters really... (photo below: from left, Hyo-Rin, Yul, Chae-Gyung, Shin -- I admit Shin doesn't look good in this photo XD)

VERDICT: so after seeing the whole 24 episodes in less than a week's time (plus the additional frustration of having to go back and forward the pages trying to find the right episode sequence, when one stupidly realise you can just go to the person's page and go through the neat list of episodes without having to look through the main page trying to find it... if you don't understand don't worry) I can say that this is probably a drama for the romantics. What makes this appealing is not only the incredibly beautiful, pretty, handsome looking casts but also the very intriguing idea of a 'Cinderella' story in a different kind of uptake. But this differs from the terribly too soapy and often predictable (even though I admit the ending was pretty corny) storyline where it is also has its so-funny-you-could-die-from-laughter moments.

COMMENTS: (I'm definitely going to be a loose canon now) OMG!! Shin is so cute XD ok I know that M-chan likes Yul better but I don't know... there's definitely something appealing about Shin (or real-life actor's name, Jo Ji-Hoon). Maybe just because he has the 'aura', and he's also apparently a model! Mwahahahaha... I think Yul (real-life name, Kim Jung-Hoon) is cute too but I still prefer Shin though (hehe), to make a plus he's actually taller than Yul too, which makes him even more attractive (KYAA!) aiyaa... I'm really not someone who idolises someone else but Jo Ji-Hoon is really a frickin'-good-lookin' man! A~nyway... I better not spend that much time drooling over him. Seriously, I can't remember all of the good looking characters that I adore from my drama-obsessed past (yes, there was a time when I bought god-knows-how-many frickin' asian dramas and watched till god-knows-what-time). There were good-looking guys, but I just can't remember them. And it's such a hassle to remember their asian names anyway coz it takes so much effort for my feeble brain, so I just ignore. And Yoon Eun-Hye is soo cute as Chae-Gyung! She so fits the part.

What I hate about this drama is that the characters are sort of... howdoyousayit? ... dumb? There's a heck lot of confusing emotions and uncertain relationships. I don't know whether it's to create suspense or maybe it's just because relationship in modern-day Korea (or any Asian country for that matter) is like that but seriously it's driving me nuts! I just want to slap them all and say "just bloody tell that other person how you feel!" or "just bloody ask him what he feels!" aiyaa! it's so frustrating having to be in this suspenseful modes when everything could be done in half a second. Like any Asian dramas there are a lot of parts where the characters misunderstand each other and this is yet another frustrating moment for me. But I guess that's sort of the signature of dramas and mangas and what-not. It's just frustrating at times. I do admit that I like the storyline but it just takes too long to finish (it's probably better to read the manga because it happens faster I guess... but the manga is different than the drama though and the manga is not even finished yet). The end gets a bit tedious with bloody-hell-how-many-more-do-we-have-to-go-through amounts of flashbacks and conversations. So I skipped most parts from episode 20 onwards (but I didn't fast forward episode 24 because it's the final ^--^). And plus the acting of the young actors aren't really that convincing, although I have to say the chemistry between the two main casts slowly began to be more comfortable gradually throughout the episodes than in the beginning.

OVERALL: It is a cute drama that I kinda recommend to those who are a romantic at heart and probably who are into the manga (sorry I kept saying manga out of habit, but I guess it should be manhwa instead). It has cute scenes that just make you giggle and it also gives equal sympathies for all of the characters (although surprisingly enough the amount of comments empathising Yul is overwhelming when I knew from the beginning that he's greedy for wanting the Bigungmama aka Crown Princess, who is already MARRIED to the crown prince aka Chae Gyung already married to Shin, but it seems that everyone is soo enthralled into getting Yul to go with CG instead... it's soo annoying reading the comments, if you don't understand this part don't worry ^^;). That is all for this series. I'll watch another series that M-chan recommends me later when I finally get the break (WOOHOO!).

-- tsk damn I should really have done my motion graphics for tomorrow but I can't be bothered +__+ because it's so goddang tedious and boring and Idon'twannadothis TT^TT ttasukette~!--

ps. Ji-Hoon kawaii ne~! XD (*sigh just wanna say that) if you want to you can have a look at an interview he did with a magazine talking about Goong over [here]

pps. I spent more than 30 minutes on this post! XP help~!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

stupid me...

ok if you haven't read the previous posts then... don't. I said that I have lost my pencilcase one fine day last week through the panic and what-not, indeed that was true until this morning. I discovered the whereabout of this elusive creature. It was hidden inside one of my bag underneath piles of clothings! OMG I don't know whether to be happy or sad. It seems that I have been played around with =__= I was seriously devastated when I lost it and I realised through my own stupidity that I haven't really looked around INSIDE the bags to see whether it is there or not!

*sigh* I'm sorry that I have troubled some people by the disappearance and now that it is back on hand I don't mind the extra things I have purchased through the amount of time I have thought it was lost though.

So that is all for today just a revelation of yet another act of my stupidity and carelessness...

Animania workshop

Woot! I got in into volunteering for Animania 2006! *throw arms in the air* So basically just a brief summary of Animania:

It is a festival celebrating the anime realm. It is held in a couple of areas around Australia (I think Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane). Based on what I have said last year was actually the first year I have ever noticed and attended the festival in Sydney. It is usually held in Town Hall in Sydney. And what it is is basically a gathering of anime fans (or maybe otakus, who knows?). It covers quite a range of fields of animes. It has screenings, karaokes and artist tables (where anime artists usually sell off their stuff whether it's their own creations or fan arts). But what makes this spectacular or interesting for me is actually the amount of people cosplaying (dressing-up) as their favourite anime characters. You wouldn't believe how much effort they actually have put into their costumes. Most of them are so intricate and true to the last detail it is almost mind-boggling. Even though I still think the costumes are pretty much should not be created into real life because sometimes they are not as suitable in real life as in the anime themselves ^^; but that's just my opinion.

So this year Marina and I decided to try our luck into attending the festival as volunteers. The only benefit on being a volunteer is that you get to really see the knick knacks of how the festival work as well as free ticket in (you have to pay $20 for entry on the day but you can pre-register). And we also crossed our fingers into getting accepted for backstage duties. Backstage duties seem to be the most hectic position in the whole field when we went on the 2005 festival. It mostly involves the stage where there were going to be a lot of screenings, events such as artists corner and different things but the most intriguing part has to be the cosplaying event. In the event every cosplayers who register can go on stage and strut their stuff. It is amazing how much people cosplayed and actually are able to stand their and perform as their character ^^; But I admire their bravery. It must have taken enough courage to dress up and do their stuff on stage in front of god-knows-how-many audiences.

And before I delay the news any further I just want to tell that we did get to be volunteers positioned at backstage duties (YEAH!).

So last Saturday we went to a workshop to learn a bit more about backstage. I wasn't actually expecting such a fun workshop though. And just to think that the meeting actually coincided with UTS Open Day and with Marina missing our train (haha!). So anyway here's how the story goes:

I was the first to arrive at the place of the workshop at UTS. But our meeting actually got kicked onto another place because of the Open Day. Actually that was quite lucky that we were kicked to another place, partly because those people who are late can be late and because the workshop ended up taking more room than the lecture room we first was assigned in. So that was kinda a lucky strike.

First we had introductions and then we were divided into two groups (there were actually volunteers from Karaoke and Backstage duties). The Backstage duties went outside the lecture hall and began introducing (yet again). And then we played this game where someone shouts out an animal and then we have to neigh or squeak or oink or something and jump around and then in the middle of the whole thing someone would shout out a number and we have to make a group consisting of that amount of people. So that was fun since we actually didn't get picked at all (hehe). Then we did the name game, which was hard since Marina and I actually sat almost the end of the circle ^^; (you know, the game where you put an adjective in front of your name and then the second part of the game was as you go along the circle you have to remember everyone's adjective and name before you and as such). Omg you have to see how serious I was trying to remember the names. Marina kept on sushing me, which fits because I kept on correcting everyone's wrong names etc as each person do it. Embarassing stuff. But that was just me :P I was probably the only one who took the game so seriously :D

So after that god-awful-embarassing game, we moved on to the newspaper game. So what we do is we divided into groups based on numbers. God, that was so weird. I was practically the only girl in the group. I was looking around and when I realised these were four guys I just sighed and tell myself ok they probably want something to do mecha (robot) related stuff. And actually, I was right. Oops, forgot to tell what the idea behind the game is. What you do is you dress one person in the group as an anime character, vaguely, since you -are- using newspapers to do the costumes, and then let the other groups to guess who the character is. Yeah I, even though I was a part of the group, have no idea who the heck our character was, but I guess that can't be helped. I was lucky enough to not get picked anyway, since I'm the only girl in the group. But Marina's group was different they were all girls with one guy so naturally the guy was picked :P but he turned out to be the most refined and funniest out of the other characters (hehe). And then we joined with another group to make another character. That turned out heaps better than before :P (NOTE: if you don't understand the parts after this then don't worry you really are not missing on anything) We decided to dress one girl as Luffy from One Piece and then decided halfway maybe we should do a cross over between luffy and Kingdom Hearts (haha!) and so we also made a keyblade to the costume (hehe) 'twas fun :P

So next came the 30 minutes lunch break (YEAH! 30 MINUTES!), we came back to the lecture hall to find the news that there was actually free bbq down at the UTS tower front. (I kinda know but forgotten when the break was there :P) So we ended up spending money at Maccas (hehe gomene Marina).

After that we stayed up in the lecture hall being informed of the other necessities in this duties. And we did a little role playing on what we should do when it comes time to the cosplaying event so we get a bit of idea how to go about it. Yup, so that was pretty much all. After that we were just being photographed for our id cards.

I admit. It wasn't really something that I expected out of a workshop but nonetheless that was a fun thing to do after that bad week that I have to succumb to *shakes head in disgrace*. After we all scram from the workshop Marina and I went to Town Hall and ended up going home at about 6 coz we went to different places to buy stuff :P when we were supposed to go home after the workshop ends at 3pm. (hehe)

Alas, that's all the tale I can manage this late at night. And btw, I still haven't done my uni workS yet :P I'm so doomed.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

follow up...

So... a follow up to yesterday's ranting. Just to think that nothing could get even worse than what already happened...

It's like having a whole week of bad luck plus a day just to make it perfect or in my case worst. So today I didn't get to sleep till about 4am after I finish the project. And just to make sure it was alright I kept on checking my ipod to see that my file is in there so I can print it out once I get to uni. I rushed through the whole way to the train station realising I had heaps of time before the train gets there. Of course anyone in this situation with an ipod would grab it and then play some music right? Things cannot happen much worse. I lost all my songs in it. So throughout the 10 minutes waiting for the train I was worried that my files weren't there, and I know if I actually go home now I would have missed the train and therefore lose my chance of printing all my files. So I took a gamble and head for the train instead and see whether I have to run back home to do it all over again (since I only saved it in my ipod). LUCKILY though I went to uni and all my files were there! "EUREKA!" I was happy!

But that happiness doesn't last very long. So I got enough time to print everything out and mount the prints onto a board (because this is part of the presentation) So I thought "alright, I'll grab the boards and glue after I finished printing." So everything should be handy dandy from here on right? WRONG! I was way too excited when I found a brand of glue other than UHU that costs $2 less. So I went ahead and buy it. That was the most regrettable purchase I have ever known to do in my whole entire life...

The glue won't stick properly, it was messy, and once it dries it just ripples. And I don't want to print again because, one, I have to spent another $16 just to print 4 colour A3 printouts and, two, I don't have enough time!

It is as if faith is making a mockery of my day I turned up to the level that my class is in. And re-glue every bits that won't stick. So I thought that should be alright. But then came the news... MY TUTOR IS NOT EVEN GOING TO BE THERE! So therefore whereby in the beginning I have to worry about presentation and all other things I don't really have to since apparently we only need to hand in the project!

Alright, so in the end I decided to go home after handing it in. I went with a friend back home. Once I went home the only I could do is bludge. Because I won't be doing the stuff for tomorrow until the night. It was all handy dandy until I opened my bag and realised something... MY PENCILCASE ISN'T HERE! Panic struck in. I rummage through my bag, turn my bed upside down, books are flying in every directions to realise that there is not a trace of the huge black bludge of a pencilcase that I so dearly treasure...

Now, to those who don't know this would be my second time, YES second time that I have lost my treasures. To someone who does this course or even love art and drawings it became a huge mental part of you, the pencilcase. It holds sentimental pieces of stationaries that only I can afford once in a lifetime. It was such a huge loss.

I will try not to dwell on it too much and attempt to find it tomorrow. I really wished I wasn't stupid enough to lose it. And just to make matters clear YES I remembered having it in my bag when I left home. I even took it out when I had to cut pieces of the printouts.

This blog is dedicated to my pencilcase and its content. TT__TT hopefully I'll find it soon.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

a week of hell...

So after that last post of brief complain on my current uni situation I just found a new complaint!

This whole week has been a complete disaster! So first it all started with a flu I caught on Wednesday of last week probably due to the strong winds in the city. So got home and the flu wasn't that bad it was lets say managable. But then upon going to uni the next day I have discovered that my flu was getting even worse! O how fortunate of me. Of course being in uni doesn't give you the priviledge to just bludge at home leaving all academic learnings and just show up the next day with a piece of paper signed by your parents (or possibly forge it) saying the reason why you didn't attend classes.

Things of course took turn for the worst on Friday. That morning I felt like sh-- but eventually the flu wasn't that bad by the time we had dinner. But still I couldn't go to the other outings fearing my flu would get worse. Of course this is when everything should turn up for the better. NOT! Flu wasn't as bad as Friday morning's but still felt really weak. Sunday was ok because I didn't go out throughout the whole weekend and rested which helps.

But on Monday because we have to go to the MCA (Museum of Contemporary Arts) for research purposes (out of our own time althought I've been there twice I still can't remember, in detail, the exhibition) we went. But because of course it's right next to the the goddang ocean it didn't help. Tuesday was again feel like sh-- spend the entire day squirm up in my little blanket.

Of course all this doesn't help the fact that the next day (which is Wednesday aka today) I have an interim (worth 5% of total mark) due. And still have to do that even though it's 'simple'. PLUS it doesn't help much when my headache got worse at uni and so went home straight after class to discover that I really need sleep. So spent the times between 3 till dinner in the land of dreams. Of course that dinner was forced down so I don't feel hungry. And because since the time I woke up at dinner I slept again coz I (again) felt like my brain went mushy. So I was in the land of nods till about 9.30 and now stuck here in front of my comp trying to do the project for tomorrow.


p.s. I just realised I'm partially deaf in one ear.

p.s.s. lets just hope this thing would get better before saturday comes (I kinda doubt it but I really hope so)

Friday, August 04, 2006


ZOMG~ O..o

uni sucks... too many things to do. urgh projects projects and more projects...

*mumble* *mumble*

Friday, July 21, 2006

"You wrote that the world doesn't need a savior, but I hear them crying for one everyday." (Superman)

Five years have passed since Superman went to his home planet. So what happened to the planet Earth? What has happened to the people he has left behind? What has happened to Lois Lane? In this sequel Superman returns back to planet Earth and Lex Luthor is out of jail. With world domination in mind Lex Luthor builds a lair that is almost untouchable for Superman.

Please be aware SPOILERS ahead!

Truth be told I was never fond of Superman movies or comics. I occasionally read the comics just because I was bored but I did recall watching Superman movies but have no idea what they were about but I was a kid back then and I thought it was really cool. Before I even watch the movie I have heard of some great reviews and different and mixed feelings towards the movie. But Bryan Singer can't be a wrong choice. I remember reading that Brett Ratner (who directed X-Men 3) was the first choice to direct Superman but in the end he backed out because of discrepancies around budgets, casts, etc. So screw him! So in the end Bryan Singer directed Superman and the latter the other one. *sigh* I don't know whether to rejoice or be depressed. So either way everyone's happy so I guess it's all good.

In this movie Superman returns to Earth and got back his old job as a journalist in Daily Planet and resume his part as the sheepish civillian slash reporter who-just-happen-to-have-the-same-built-as-superman Clark Kent. *phew* Apparently he got his job back because Norm Palmer died.

AND I read from Good Weekend (the magazine you get from Saturday Herald) that they had a bit of trouble with the name since the names Bryan wanted to use happen to be a crew's name. So he randomly picked a name and call it out to his assistant "alright we're gonna use Norm Palmer instead" "yes?" ... a total stranger replied. "Don't tell me your name is Norm Palmer?" *nod* "so do you mind if we use your name?" *shake* "do you understand the context where we are going to use your name?" *shake* "..."so there you go a little info on the side. (sorry I was getting a bit sidetracked)

So was it good? HELL YEAH~! I didn't know what happened to Superman before this movie but they explain it quickly and succintly and they give hints etc so you should get it. And I love how this movie really deals with the emotional side of Superman rather than the heroic stoicism of Superman. Of course the pièce de résistance have to be the SFX and CG in this movie. It was serious blockbuster actions. But I definitely love the heart and care that have been put into this movie. I'm pretty sure the movie spans for about 2 hours or so but I don't mind. The movie keeps you in pace with what is happening in the plot and everything is orderly. I don't really know how to describe this movie but I surely love it. And plus Brandon Routh is not half that bad as Superman (in looks I mean) but his acting OMG he's so fitting as Superman. He nails both personalities of Superman and Clark Kent. It was great that they have put him as the main cast rather than putting a well-known selection. Kevin Spacey is always great no matter what role he plays. And this movie is no exception to that. He nails the notorious Lex Luthor character so beautifully. But on the other hand Kate Bosworth lacks that 'something' as Lois Lane. So in the end everything went well. And I was surprised that the kid was actually Superman's kid hahaha (see obviously sidetracked again). And I seriously thought that Superman would die (that would be depressing but I kinda can see that coming) but yeah it was kinda an unexpected ending. Either way some reviews are a bit disappointed with the ending but otherwise I am fine with it.

Overall Rating: Four STARS (out of five)

Okies. Ja ne.

--edit-- why the heck is Ian Roberts in there? (he's a former Rugby League player I think...) (still... lucky bastard that was a pretty big role he had)

"Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds lay bare, all your sins punished?" (Davy Jones)

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is an action filled sequel to the successful blockbuster Curse of the Black Pearl. In this movie Captain Jack Sparrow is reminded of his vow to captain Davy Jones' ship and of course he refused. To be able to get out of his debt Jack Sparrow needs to find 100 souls as payment. On the other hand we have the other two protagonists Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner. Both of them are held captive by the government on charges relating on their involvement in the escape of Captain Jack Sparrow. Will Turner is set on an adventure to reunite himself with Jack in order to free Elizabeth.

Please be aware that after this line there would be heaps of SPOILERS ahead and it is probably wise to not read through it when you haven't seen the movie ^^

So were the bad reviews about this movie really just? I think that it was not. I really think Gore Vebrinsky the director really did this movie justice. The movie was engulfed in darkness and open sea most of the times but this will not be a movie about pirates if it wasn't so. And also about the approximate viewing time it may be a bit too much for some but I can handle 2 and a half hours of Jack Sparrow just fine.

So what was so great about this movie? I LOVE IT! It is definitely witty and quirky and dark and there are a lot of emotions revolving this whole movie. Greed, trust, disloyalty, friendship. It is certainly different than the prequel which really revolves around the actions and blockbuster appeals. But this sequel is cleverly written and adequately plotted. You might get sidetracked a little by the amount of different plots from the movie but otherwise it has a lively finesse.

Should you watch it? YES

Complaints? A lot actually. The jokes and witty remarks may get a bit cliched but most of them are said by Jack and on fitting situations too. So I can let that go *smile*. Actually when I read the review most of them complains on how animated or cg-ed Bill Nighy was as Davy Jones and personally I don't know who he is or what he has done but I can assure you his work as Davy Jones is very well done. Also OMG Kiera Knightley kissed Johnny Depp argh lucky gal... hahaha but that probably comes at the end so don't matter. But then Will saw them kissing ~dang but then he can't be jealous coz Elizabeth just did it because Jack was really looking or went back because of the Black Pearl and then he was swallowed by Cracken (the effin huge giant octopus). I wanna see the sequel now. O yeah my couz complained that the movie ends very ambiguously and I must say it did but only because they will release the third instalment later on (not as long as this sequel) so it should be ok because they will do what they did to Matrix 2 and 3 where they release the third sequel almost as soon as the second one ends. And also people complained that the 2 and a half hours are a bit unbearable, but I am going to be honest and say that some parts are a bit unbearable but you just can't miss them because you might miss the important part of the plot (confusing isn't it?). O at the end (I didn't notice this until I actually checked again and SURPRISED BY IT!) Barbossa is going to be back! (Geoffrey Rush's character) If you don't remember him check him out he was the captain of the original Black Pearl (I think... I gotta rewatch the movie again it's been such a long time) and also I know this got no relation whatsoever but I thought I might just mention it for the Chinese movie fanatics etc. Chow Yun Fat (or however you wanna call him) is actually playing in the sequel as well! Ach alas how weird. I realised they need to find Captain Jack Sparrow once more...

Final verdict? 4 stars (out of five)

Yosh~! that's all from me.

--edit-- I don't particularly agree with an editorial written by smh but I think it's worth a look because I actually do agree on some parts such as where the first POC is better than this one. But either way take a look it did not influence me but it did point out some of the things that I dislike from the sequel that I wasn't able to describe well ---> [link]

Monday, July 03, 2006

"if you ain't outta control. you ain't in control..."

O..o err... nice tagline. If you don't know it's the tagline for The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift. So you might be wondering why I watched this movie in the first place? It was Tuesday and I would like some movie that requires less brainwork and luckily enough most that comes out nowadays are just that (ok I'm being a meanie now... gome~)

So... moving along now. The story is about a troublesome boy, Sean Boswell, who got sent to Japan to be disciplined by his dad, who lives there because he's in the navy. So basically his mother thinks that if Sean gets sent to Japan he might relief his obsession with cars but that was wrong when he encounters a now-grown-up Bow Wow who is also in the school and discovers drag racing all over again. There's really no story in this except a bunch of yakuza, shiny looking cars, girls in god-knows-how short their skirts and mid-driffs are and techno music.

I can't say that it is indeed appalling coz I kinda like the enactment of the car racing and as such. It was cool and it became even cooler when they stated in the end that the whole thing was actual stunts with camera positioned well around the circuits and as such. The race were pretty intense some of the times but after all this movie has no storyline that really captures it. And Lucas Black is also not bad looking except that he looks old for a high school guy (they always are) but he looks good in the Japanese school uniform XD kawaii ne~ he's like a foreigh bishounen hahahaha ehrm... yes...

Anyways that's all that I can say about this movie. Overall I think I might be nice and give it TWO STARS 8D

I might not be nice the next time

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

tonari no totoro

"My Neighbour Totoro". ANOTHER MIYAZAKI MOVIE! OMG I wanted to see this ever since it came out on dvd yeah but I guess it's not really meant to be O..o anyways... moving right along... Another great (even though it's rather old) movie by Miyazaki-sensei and I love it! The totoros are just so cute XD but especially the big totoro's reaction to the rain 8D kawaii~ne

Plot outline: Sasuki, Mei and their father moved to a village that is near their mother's hospital (where she is hospitalised for god-knows-what) and whilst living in this village Mei (Sasuki's little sis) discovered a path to the Totoros or rather a path to the big huge tree that has been there for hundreds of years... so what happened is well I suppose the Totoros are the gods of the forest O..o well... that's the story really and then the adventure begins *grin*

There's really no action or no intense plot in the movie but it's a mellow sort of drama most likely a feel good movie it's one that makes me laugh and smily while at the sad parts I would be empathising with the protagonists... but overall this is a very well done movie but probably more targeted to a kids sort of audience and it has old traditional values which maybe reflects more of the Japanese culture than western one ^^

Overall a very good movie I give it THREE AND A HALF STAR (8D since when do I rate teehee)

ps. OMG Soccerroos lost =__= they so don't deserve it... this postscript is probably going to be axed after a couple of weeks

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

wheee XD

well... I FINALLY AM NINETEEN O..O wheeee X3 I'm older now... but nonethewiser though O..O but as Joyce puts it "nineteen is boring" ... yeah she's right =__= come to think of it I expect a lot when I finally turned 18 but then when I turned 19 it's just less exciting... and I remembered commenting that I wanna be 21 soon XD which is in another 2 years! OMG another year and I'm 20 already?!? WOAH!

Turning to another subject (abruptly) I am bored and yet tired. I know I have to find a job to fill these gaping holes of boredom but come to think of it keeping an eye on a child barely reaching 2 and another of 6 is pretty tiring =__= I can't helped but be stressed sometimes and imagine what their mom has to go through everyday... *shiver* maybe I really shouldn't think of it. So basically over the couple of weeks of holidays I have been doing basically nothing except drawing (a lot) and keeping a watchful eye over the children, I've been getting up late and sleeping even later O..o and I DID INDEED GET UP AT 2 IN THE MORNING TO WATCH THE SOCCER MATCH XD I KNOW! surprising isn't it?!? AND I've been watching a couple of movies such as "My Neighbour Totoro", which I am going to review when my mind is sane enough to not write incessantly XD

Bah~! Going to another point (again, abruptly) I have to go for my P soon X3 I KNOW! I SHOULD! BUT I'M SCARED +__+;
But according to my couz I better take a couple of hours of lessons first and then go ahead with the P since he doesn't know what "tricks" the driver instructor wants. But if anyone got any objection to that I'm actually going to go ahead with the plan since I am not confident in my driving skill even though I got my couz to be my instructor +__+ but I think I'm still gonna go ahead with it...

OK moving to another point. The birthday dinner was AWESOME X3 I wished more people could come but thanks to the few who did come :3 it was GREAT! AND THANKS FOR THE PREZZIES THEY WERE WONDERFUL ^--^

And I know that the dinner was somewhat shouldn't even occur since there are exams afterwards so thank you again ^--^ I really really appreciate it XD

AND we won't just be restricted to that outing are we guys? COZ WE'RE GONNA MEET UP AFTER THE EXAMS! YEEHAW~! XD okies we better meet up soon or else... muahahahahaha I'm feeling so evil right now XD I think it's because of the late night raindrops and my slightly off mind +__+ (considering it's 1am in the morning I guess it's valid reason)

Okies I'm gonna either go to sleep or go back to drawing... which ever... okies sayonara~!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


yes... I am like all the OTHER people... sitting here all alone watching the world cup, thrusting my fist in furious rage and cursing silently against the picture box... i am just like them...

I LOVE IT! XD I gotta admit in the beginning I wasn't convinced that the Socceroos can give it them all and can in all account win the match against Japan... HOW WRONG I WAS! XD IT WAS BLOODY BEAUTIFUL! OMG! I think I am still in that fully celebration mode where my heart just goes ~doki doki~

I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW CUTE TIM CAHILL IS! XD isn't it beautiful just watching him doing that air boxing on the corner pole and then suddenly just ran off to the side when all his teammates were waiting to hug and toss him around and then he just alluded them XD how awkward is that?!?

ok... here's the rundown even though you're not a soccer fan you NEED TO KNOW... (just on the Aussie side though XP)
-- Cahill scored twice (I can't bloody remember when... XP)

how cool is that?!?

THEY BLOODY CHANGED HISTORY! Somehow I feel like we need to thank Guus Hiddink! THANKS GUUS! XD

okies I think that's enough excitement for a day XD gonna go to sleep or watch some more soccer now XD


~ikimashyou ne XD it's really REALLY ironic that I am saying that in Jap when I am in umm... well... neither's side really but I just want the Socceroos to win XD coz I just feel like it ^--^

okies... at the moment it is on the second half... Jap is leading by one (at about the 26th minute) a couple of times the Oz player gets a chance to score but umm... didn't XP ... they tried... well... to tell you the truth it's kinda disappointing that the match couldn't be much more exciting than what I want it to be...

I WANNA SEE BRAZIL!!! XP anyone know when it is? O..O

The latest progress: one Jap player (Tsuboi) out coz of hamstring... (55th minute)


I've been driving around soo much today XD

First I went to Ingleburn which is all the way to Fairfield and more! XD and went through M5 when we went home O..O yes and I wasn't kidding! That was SCARY! But I think I'm getting used to it now XD although I really would like to be a pro soon... But it's such a scary place... the road O..O I think I lack concentration and I tend to speed a little and uh uh well... I'm just not really ready yet +__+ see... everytime I drive I feel that I'm jeopardising my life as well as the others' =__=...

O yeah a weird thing happened I GOT STOPPED FOR RANDOM BREATH TESTING!!! XD that was weird O..O the officer said "count to ten" and my first response was "huh?" XD My couz nearly laugh his ass off! Coz the only breath testing that I ever known is the one where you have to blow onto this handheld machine XD and well... I wasn't embarassed but just confused and uh... feel a bit weird... o yeah and I think my couz also made a comment before we stopped for the test "what the hell? are you trying to road kill the officer or something" XD coz apparently I wasn't slowing down! XD hahaha that was funny and uh well... confusing... XD

But twas all good I didn't drink any alcohol of course coz if I do ( "˚ ∆˚) I'll be dead... +__+ nah just have a gum in my mouth and somewhat wary that it might cause something... not sure what though :P

Then I went driving to my aunt's home next all the way to Miranda XD that was fun! Coz I went through the Hume Highway! OMG! at 5 o'clock in the evening! It's really not the best time really... A LOT OF BLOODY CARS!! XD But still... it's weird coz I'm really scared of doing my test now... O..O I know I shouldn't but I'm not sure... -__- coz I still get told off by my couz in the car... o well...

Monday, June 12, 2006

"thank you, gorgeous" "my name is Valentin" "i love that name" XD

quote from Poseidon between Richard Nelson, the architect, and Marco Valentin, gorgeous XD {}

Seriously bad. But if you want a bit of humour in tense situation this is the thing for ya. Hmm... it wasn't that bad seeing it on the big screen considering the big bangs and sfx that they put. But overall, we just can't stop laughing our asses off! XD

It's a remake of the 1972's "The Poseidon Adventure" which I want to see when I get the chance to.

I don't think I should really talk that much about this movie except it's such a shame that Josh lucas looks so cute XD

quote -- courtesy of
pic --

Friday, June 09, 2006

OMG coloured two more XD

All artworks © moi ^^ just in case... i know AS IF! XD but a girl can't be too careful can she o..O
WOOHOO!!! COLOURED!! ^--^ and mind you that the whole entire colouring is done in comp! YES USING PHOTOSHOP! WOOHOO!!! It's not perfect but i'm still learning so forgive me if you can see faults... =__="

oo btw you might want to click to enlarge it coz i think it looks better that way -__-" ~meh...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

"way to go, Furball" (Logan on Hank)

WOOHOO! Finally get to see X-men 3 : The Last Stand! Ummm... Just a reminder that the following would be a MAJOR SPOILER AHEAD! As in I would talk a lot about the movie probably dissing it at a couple of parts within the movie...

Okies first up, what's with the lovey dovey scenes that seems to engulfed the whole bloody film. Yes ok you can argue that it becomes an important part within the movie for the character developments. But talk about the goddamn original lines they've put into the movie! SO GODDAMN CLICHÉD!

Storm (looking at Logan): "It's not whether THEY can or not, it's whether YOU can."

err... uhuh... then there's the scene where Angel "rebelled" against his father.

Warren Worthington, Sr.: "Warren, it's a better life. It's what we all want."
Warren Worthington III: "No, it's what you want."

AND just for that overused quote I did mouthed the quote BEFORE he even said "no it's what you want".

ok ok I know I'm being WAY too critical on this movie. But I can't help rolling my eyes at several scenes... AND I don't think Halle Berry is really cut out for the part of Ororo Munroe aka Storm. First of all, she's too short. I'm kidding. But I always admire Ororo as someone who is in a way multi-faceted. She's not someone who is too girlish and is not an expected person. When I read the comics her character gives up this vibe that is constantly changing according to whatever situation she is being put into. When she becomes a leader she would be someone who is superior yet understanding, when she's a friend she becomes someone who is reliable, when she becomes an enemy she is someone who will be feared. Halle Berry is predictable. Of course I can't explain it in more ways than that.

Mystique is cool! (hehe) But such a shame that she has to change back because of the cure. And it's such a shame that Nightcrawler is not there anymore. *sigh and it's such a shame that Rogue was jealous of Kitty... Why the hell is Kitty so... childish? She sat open-mouthed and blank faced. It's not fun being irritated like that!

Haha and I was kinda hoping the lower part of Wolverine's clothes would somehow come off coz of Jean's power hehe you know in the last scene where Jean was destroying everything and then (clichéd moment) Wolverine walks up piles of rubbles trying to stop her (hehe)

Another clichéd moment:

Jean: "You would die for them?"
Logan: "No... not for them.... for you."

Yeah no laughing matter though that was quite serious.

Lastly, they cramped so much minor storylines that in the end it feels... cramped. It does! I ain't kidding. I kinda wished everything would go slowly coz the characters develop WAY too fast and the emotional and sentimental sides of the stories are kinda rushed a bit...

ok ok I know I'm being WAY too harsh on this movie. I like the previous two better though. But I would probably find faults when I rewatch them all over again... hopefully not.

To conclude, I like it. Not in a favourite movie kind of way but it's ok. I like how Magneto moved the bridge (what was the bridge called again?) that was way cool. And it was funny how the mom locked the car door after they moved the bridge. And then Magneto rolled his eyes (hehe). AND OMG Beast WAS THERE!! O..O I like him too!!! It's such a shame that Professor Xavier died TT__TT *hicks... I like his character the most... o well... that was the story anyways...

Although the movie has quite a handful of actions it was being overlayered with romances... after all romanticisms always rule don't they?

-- image courtesy of
-- some quotes courtesy of

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Yup... I tried to upload these last time and err... it never worked (tried at LEAST a dozen times!)

So here they are...

To those of you who have seen all the characters in my blog will kinda recognise that this is chaos (noush's character) I drew it again... kinda in a different pose and different outfit and she has this some kind of abstract tattoo on her arm O..O

FINALLY! I finally make amends to all my dreads beforehand of how to draw Joycie's charac and now here it is! As you can see almost all of her body are err... "machines" and she ALSO has a tattoo but of a musical note...

OK this next one is my own charac but in a different pose since I kinda thought of this and thought "why not?" and yeah you can't really see the fountain pen where I'm supposed to be standing on +__+

Okies that's all from me and just a note all the brushes that I use are all © of Insomniac.

Thank you very much and please comment >..< *runs back and hide*

Monday, May 22, 2006

caffeine~ o how i adore thee

during my last few weeks of living... ok kidding but seriously the projects have been driving me NUTS~! And over the last god-knows-how-long i have been staying up really late and sleeping really early... my diets (midnight snacks) consist of coffee, sugar and procrastinating~ aka thinking...

i have never known the danger of these diets till i actually have experience them meself... too much caffeine makes me jittery, too much sugar makes me nuts and too much thinking makes me grey~! i ain't kidding though... one night i put too much coffee (there ain't any mistake in that sentence) in the beginning i drank 2 cups of coffee already and upon the third i just pour the damn coffee into the mug without thinking, after sipping it i feel like my whole body just shook. dun worry it was no seizure or anything but i swear it certainly is close to one +__+

also i found out that if i didn't have any sleep the night before i become very talkative the very next day. it turns out that all my rantings mainly don't make sense or i would talk and then suddenly go to another topic without basing any relation to the previous topic... sorta like now really... trust me i know this when my friend and i were walking to the station one sunny sleepless day and she commented on how her ear hurts from my talking too much (although she didn't put it in that way it certainly says so) and i just realised that she was right! and the problem was because i didn't have any sleep the night before! EUREKA! what a discovery i tell ye!

alrighty i better get off now and do my mag design or my tute will whip me with her words of wisdom~


Sunday, May 21, 2006

ok... done two more characters haha (r~ight) anyways did Gauey's which is a pirate and there was supposed to be a small tiny flying cow somewhere hmm... the reason as to why a pirate? dunno... somehow fitting...

the next one is slightly weird and probably need to do more touching up and modification... it's sammie's character WITH A BIONIC ARM XD hahahaha... i thought of having guns and a little backpack with the necessary things to make a fondue hahaha but then hmmm... not so good at weapons... yeah it's shot out of her hand btw...

i kinda like how it turned out but somehow all of them turned out to be so serious =w= ya~h

comment please...

Friday, May 12, 2006

the vanquisher *oooooooo....

yeah whatever... =__= this is another character which is Holly's (woohoo! another character down and please don't ask whatever happened to the uni work...) ok so it might've seem a little odd... coz this is actually the first time i ever used painter ix which is a program that sorta lets you do all arty stuff (they have charcoal, paint, pencils, bla bla bla different mode of working basically) it's a program btw... and umm... yeah... i know how shitty it turned out will do a lot more practice though ^--^
alrighty that's all from me...

Saturday, April 22, 2006

This is just a doodle slash good drawing inspired by a song called Everyone Deserves Music sung by (or it might be composed by) Michael Frain and Spearhead. I dunno I just HAVE to draw it. It is posted on deviant art btw.

I recently joined and twas good. ^--^ I kept on submitting stuff but neglected my uni work HAHAHAHA +__+ I really shouldn't be this happy but I guess if you have time please visit me gallery at alrighty that's all from me.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


I swear I will never go into a motorway ever again! +__+ It was so damn scary and sometimes my couz don't even trust me TT_TT we were driving to Parra through a motorway which I have no idea what since I was just hearing my couz's instruction... and then I was on the front nearly accelerating coz I thought the taxi coming for me was quite a long way away and then he said stop!! What the heck?!? so I stopped right after the give way line =__= causing a little bit of disturbance but just a little booboo nothing big and then off we go again and me couz lecturing me this and that when I know it was partly my fault coz I still fear accelerating too much... o this happened duirng Good Friday... how appropriate...

Next incident comes after dropping off another couz in Parra. And off we go again. This time my couz told me not to drive through the motorway anymore (fearing that our lives would be in danger with me behind the wheels :P) so he found another route to take... Only this time I was a teensy bit speeding and then suddenly another couz who came with us also told me how brave I was to do that when there's a police cruiser right behind me. Hahaha... yes that wasn't funny so I slowed down a bit got into this main road that merged but then I was scared of changing lanes and also the police cruiser was also changing lanes and... they did it first and then straight after I went, but please note that I was in front of the police cruiser at this very moment... hahaha and the police cruiser actually slowed down to allow me to change lanes... how nice of them... hehe

Yup and that was all the incident on Good Friday. The next day I also drove a VERY long way, actually it's more appropriate to say that I drove a lot on Saturday because we went here and there a couple of times. But the most exciting would have to be driving all the way to Miranda from Burwood! OMG! Twas quite ok except for a few mishaps which I can't remember. Ach alas there's the parking that I couldn't do when we went to Southgate, which is sorta like a Plaza I guess. I was parking head first but in the end it was sorta wonky and I didn't park it right =__= so needed to reverse and then do it again. PLUS I have to hear my couz's nag about my horrid driving skill. Of course all that is for my own good but I never in my whole driving lessons been just silenced aka there was nothing wrong with my driving *sigh I guess I need to learn more than what I expect it to be. Just when I thought Automatic is going to be heaps easier than Manual.

So on Sunday, which is today yet again I drove. Yes. I realise I've been driving 3 days straight and I swear on the day before which was Saturday my head nearly popped after at last I was off driving. Anyway, lets get on to the story. Today is ok. We split driving the car because there are 3 hopeless need-to-be-fully-supervised learner drivers in our family me and my two couzs. And although I can move forward heaps better than before I really suck at parking, reversing, noticing things, and etc etc etc. I swear I made this comment when I went driving with just my couz and I at one time "the number of times I nearly killed myself: countless." And that is the truth! Like today after dropping off another couz (I know I don't even know how many couz I have here seriously they are migrating like rabbits breeding! Sorry that was lame but I have a lot of cousins here...) we were driving along this quite small narrow road with two lanes when I didn't even notice there was this one car that parked but the driver is gonna get out of the car and I was driving too close to the left! so basically we kinda swerve to the right a bit and then back... *sigh and then there was another incident where we were turning off a roundabout when I didn't notice that the car from the oncoming lane was blinking its light to the left so that means I was supposed to give the car the first priority and I should've stopped. But I swear I saw otherwise! ... maybe ... and so I was nearly accelerating when my couz realised and told me to stop and fortunately (really this is such an understatement) I think the driver must've forgotten he let the indicator on but he just moved straight. But basically if he did move to where he indicates to I will certainly have crashed onto his car! ARGH! Dammit! I kinda hate driving but it has become a necessity in this day and age.

*sigh I guess I really need to improve really fast before my license just pass out (that means before it expires) so basically here's the run down of the skills that I need to improve before taking the test:

1. Parking. Which can be subbed into two categories forward and reverse. But the skill that I need to learn is how to park properly and not just guessing my position and start basing judgements upon that guess.

2. Blind Spot. My couzs told me that I usually don't check my blind spot correctly. They always say "show some ACTION" like hell I can. Seriously, even when I check the blind spot it gives me headache coz I need to turn my head fast. I know, lame reason but there you go.

3. Far Sight. Yes, trying to be on the lane, concentrating on speed, traffic lights, and surrounding signs are already hard enough but I still need to be able to notice further traffic to avoid mainly collisions and damage to the car and others around me.

4. Changing Lanes. I suck at this seriously. The first time I tried this I checked blind spot (barely), slowed down (which is appropriate to some point but I swear I slowed down too much especially on main roads), and swerved to the lane that I'm changing on to too fast. I'm still a bit wary of changing lanes.

Overall, that's all that I can think of at the moment. I swear that's probably a small amount of skills that I need to improve on. I probably need to improve a heck lot more and gain the bravery for moving cautiously, smoothly and perfectly upon merging lanes and motorways. At the moment I vow to never go on motorway but I must take little tiny baby steps before this ever happen.

So for today I bid farewell and wish me luck upon my next adventure jeopardising my couz's car on our little road trips ^--^


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

hiya all! i know i know... it's been a while since i posted the characters for our little characters... o well... sometimes i just wonder what to do and ponder over my typo or whatever i'm doing at the time and drawing these characters have become a short distraction i guess...

so here we go... marina's character and that's the only thing i can offer at the moment... enjoy!

hmmm... somehow the white's a bit off must have been because of the adjustment i made after scanning it in... o well...

o just for a little fun i also draw a random thing...

alrighty that's all from me now ~cheerios!

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Today and yesterday have been rather hectic first on Friday I couldn't go to a night invite coz I have to help my aunt prepare for my couz's daughter's b'day party the next day, but not a kiddie party it's just a party between our relatives, but in the end I end up doing nothing or rather not helping at all coz I was actually spending overnight at another couz's place (I usually do to relieve my tense moods coz it's quiter there hehehe let's just call it my 'second' home here) And then the party was over before it even started ^--^ hehe not really but all we did was eat and talk and then some people go and there's just us left. But it was all good~ she (my couz's daughter) end up with quite a bit of gifts including a backpack, a spiderman soft toy and a sunflower with a duck face (strange I know, but her little sister seems to be fond of it), a packet of stationaries and best of all an Incredibles Playstation game! hehehe yeah you can say she's quite a Playstationer (she's actually pretty good) but if you are wondering if I had been boasting about my gift to her that is untrue since it was from my couz (not her mom but her uncle) so she ended up playing it when we were talking ^--^

Next on the agenda is how many times I've been driving today... YES today only... I dropped off my couz to her work this morning, I drove back to my home in Burwood then drove back to Strath, then drove back again to Burwood, but then sat in the passenger's seat coz we were driving with a baby on the back but we went back to Starth, then I went to pick my couz up again at Burwood, then drove off back to Strath, and just when I thought that was the end of that my couz (who was going to a b'day party tonight) wants me to wrap up a prezzie so I said all my wrappers and stuff are back in Burwood, so I drove again, then back to Strath again but soon after we went back to Burwood... and that's the end of that... phew! Considering how many times I said that it was not such an amusing thing since I'm driving or rather has been driving the same route over and over again. But compared to about a month ago now I feel much more confident on the road even though I get told off sometimes for accelerating not-so-smoothly, but at least I didn't hit any car right?!? Yeah... I like driving now even though I've been getting through a heap of mishaps but I still like it. I've been driving sorta like what they would ask me to do during the test (even though it will never be as accurate as hiring a licensed driver instructor, but I need to cash up, man...) But the only weakness that I have is probably... actually make that two weaknesses that I have are reversing and parking... I totally suck at it. Just last week I went off the kerb a bit oh yeah and I also suck at roundabouts too... I can never get the circling right. Sometimes I would be a bit too close to the roundabout or it's just not as smooth...

Well anyway that's all the wild happenings that I've been having today... not as wild but considering this is the most times I've been driving in one day it was AWESOME (that is minusing the 45 minutes drive to my aunt's home which was CRAZY! I nearly died... of course not literally but I can just feel the membranes inside my brain popping off every 5 minutes...)

So tis all for today's blog... cya

Saturday, April 01, 2006

ooo before I forgot. HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY EVERYONE! ^--^ just for today only all truths are considered lies...

"Remember, remember, the fifth of November. The gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot."

Last night after a little bit of persuasion I made my couz come with me to see "V for Vendetta". One word to sum it up... AWESOME! Even though it's an adaptation of the graphic novel by Alan Moore I still give it thumbs up.

To sum the story up Britain in the future is led by a totalitarian government, setting curfew, preventing them from opinionating, TV stations are operated by the government, any form of arts which are deemed unsuitable are banned. It is a scary world that no one wants to be a part of. Among the scared and lawfully abiding citizen stand a masked figure who defies the current government and vows vengeance, the figure is code named V.

The casts include Hugo Weaving as V, Natalie Portman as Evey and John Hurt as Adam Sutler, the high chancelor leading Britain. Hugo Weaving, to me, is just PERFECT as V you can never find another voice or even demeanour as charming as he is (maybe), but one very interesting information that I found out about this movie is that Weaving is actually not the first choice for the part of V, it was actually given to someone else and whilst they are undergoing the production the producer (or it might've been the director) find that the actor doesn't have the essence of the character that he was looking for and so Weaving was then casted. Now let's talk about the movie. The movie is equivalent to looking back to Hitler's reign. It's dark, bland and concrete, a time where government officials are abusing their position and the people are left to defend themselves. The story has a twisted dark element to it, throughout the movie you uncover the secret one by one as to who V is, what the government has done in the past, the 80,000 deaths of the St Mary virus, and the silence over the Larkhill Detention Centre.

I went with my couz last night and we bought the tixs off the internet ^--^ it was only $10 with $1 booking fee. ^--^ But I guess since there is an increasing number of people preferring to wait until the DVDs come out for rent or buy I guess they've been posting incentives to attract more people to come and watch it at the cinema. But seriously... I don't regret going to see this movie. Coz I thought the idea, even though a bit extreme, but fitting to the present situation somehow. And I especially love the film noir graphics (although not as film noir as Sin City was) and how they still maintain the red english lines but instead inverse the white colour (if you haven't notice I think England's colours are characterised by vertical and horizontal red lines over white) to black. And how the high chancelor appears before the government officials not as a person but rather as a figure on a huge TV screen looking down at the inferiors appearing before him.

Another thing that I also LOVE from this movie (or maybe even the graphic novel which I haven't read yet but WANT to if I get the chance to do so) is the use of the mask throughout the movie. You might think that the mask is intimidating to some sense but considering the effect it gives slowly the mask becomes more human than the government officials' faces. I absolutely love the mask. ^--^ I thought that the mask would restrict facial expression but instead the direction is just fantastic, it gives out the hints of emotions through the directions and lightings. PERFECT! Love the mask... hehe I know it sounds weird but Weaving characterise the masked figure to such perfection the mask looks ALIVE! hehe I know I'm trying to be a critic when I don't even know what I'm talking about. But nonetheless I thought the directing was good also.

But anyways, setting things apart. I really like the movie but somehow I keep thinking whether my couz would like the movie or not coz there appears to be a lot of 'talking'. Yeah I know... strange. But she's not very fond of 'thinking' movies as to action ones. =__= But luckily this movie is a fusion between the two, which makes me like it for the better. ^--^

That's all from me I guess. It's been a while since I talk about movies. I actually have seen quite a lot but I just haven't got the chance to put it in this blog considering I just want to talk about this movie coz I thought it was really good when I saw it yesterday and so I just HAVE to post a blog on it.

Alrighty cya all then. Domo~

Saturday, March 25, 2006

I did it AGAIN!!

I drove again today as well as yesterday night. Last night, I was going to stay at my couz's house in Strath and therefore got the opportunity to drive again. But this time it's in the middle of the night!! Ok... maybe it wasn't middle of the night but it was pitch dark outside =__= it shouldn't be a problem right? Except one thing. I was turning right from a small street and upon turning right (which in this case is also called accelerating) my headlight suddenly caught a glimpse of a grey furry animal lying at where I would hit it if I continue my path! So then I swerve even more to the right over the line and then regain the wheel balance again after I'm satisfied that we passed that moment and continue driving like it never happened. Luckily enough there wasn't any car on the opposite direction. BUT IT WAS SCARY!! It just so happen we have no idea what the animal was, it was neither reacting nor moving to the light nor the sound of the engine. So we are able to assume that it was already dead before I turned onto that street =__= such a waste of life. I feel sorry for the cat or whatever living furry creature it was. It was a scary encounter that I do not want to happen.

But all in all that wasn't really something that will make me discard the idea of driving. I tend to feel remorseful after all the mistakes that I did whilst driving and then completely forget about them the next day and start the lesson anew. So this morning I was picking up my couz (this is a completely different couz and I got another couz, who is the owner of the car, next to me) and dropping him off to Bunnings in Ashfield. There wasn't a great deal of mistakes on the road but a couple of arguments mainly between me and my couz (owner) about the rules end of driving, well... I really can't consider it argument per se, it's more proving who is right and who is wrong =__= but I did keep my eyes on the road though so no worries. But I still find parking difficult because I've been practicing on quiet roads a few times and then when it comes to the real world I really suck... Even though I put the front of the car in first I still can't manage to straighten the car =__= and so my couz need to hold the steering wheel for most of the parking =__= but then after that because the bit with the L on the front of the car was missing because it was raining and the L is actually paper so it blew away (or maybe it was heavily soaked with water so it dropped) my couz drove us back home ^--^ hehe so nice to finally get to ride in the car as a passenger instead of the driver. Come to think of it it has been a while since I ride in a car as a passenger because I've been getting lessons throughout the weekends.

But it was all good. We have to see what happen next there are probably a lot of mishaps waiting to happen when I'm driving around. O well~

Friday, March 24, 2006

OMG >..<

OMG! I drove on Parra Rd YESTERDAY!! Luckily it wasn't that crowded and busy so I guess I was lucky. I was just dropping off my couz to his work yesterday arvo don't worry my other couz (who already has full license) rode beside me so it was all good... But I was scared!! I've been driving in between Burwood and Strath and am still making mistakes and now I was supposed to drive on the main road!! +__+ Luckily I didn't make major mistakes but I did almost get heart attacks from inconsiderate drivers who just won't accept an L me driving around small streets really slowly =__= But at least we made it out alive ^--^ hahahaha

I WANT TO DRIVE!! I WANT MY OWN CAR!! But I can't... =__= o well at the moment I'm just gonna ride in my couz's car... haha but I realised that I don't really pay too much attention to the road that much and I just ride on bad roadworks and my couz complain at how in a short time the wheel allignment need to be readjusted just because of me hahahaha ^--^

I guess it's not really a laughing matter but I laugh neways... hehe so fun... driving...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

uhuh... I got too much time on my hand don't I?!? If you noticed I posted this thing so late at night but I still succumb to my dumbness and decided to draw more =__= I really need to get some sleep but I insist myself to not...

This was supposedly a drawing for Priya's character. But I realised that it's just a tad bit too cold. Tell you the truth I was just drawing it without any conciousness on the character I'm supposed to do +__+ but I suppose it turned out ok... if you can't click it here's some cropping that I've made...

The next one is 'supposedly' Noush's character... somehow... I'll try to make a better one =__= I'm just retarded doing this in the middle of the night... I guess when an idea strike you just HAVE to do it... have you ever been in that situation...?

hmm... once again I think you can't really click on the pic so I'll give you cropped up sections...

Okies that's all from me... if you want the pic... just tell me i'll give it to ya... even the real one... truthfully I actually made the drawings on the back of two used printer paper... and I can't be bothered to transfer and redraw everything into the hardpressed paper... it's depressing... alrighty I'm outie now... +__+

Come to think of it these drawings do look kinda a bit better than the previous ones that I posted (that is the ones that got no relation whatsoever to the characters that I have been working on) but then again I am not a pro so I guess all I can do is praise myself indefinitely... how pathetic... +__+

mmm... not so sure on what the name of the characters are but one is supposedly 'laughing assassin' which in the end feels more like just 'assassin' and then there's 'a person who can bring chaos into your world' so I guess we shall title the latter 'chaos' check your mails again if you want to know more ^^;

Thursday, March 16, 2006

hmmm... today I don't feel like bloggin' but in the end I feel everytime I check my blog and being confronted with the same goddamn thing over and over again irritates me. So I guess I'm just putting this short brief rambling about my world.

So far either everything has gone according to plan or I'm just lucky I'm just glad that I got a pretty good timetable. Even though most of my lects are actually the morning ones I kinda glad that I have no more afternoon lects coz last time it just makes me lazier than ever. This time around most of my class actually finish early in the afternoons and I got a day off on Thu so it's all good ^--^.

Moving on to what projects I have for this semester. All of them sounds straightforward and even at odds interesting but in the end I find it very frustrating just to finish them. One of them is photographing signs to make a set of 6 postcards, which is fine but in the end you would get annoyed too if you've taken and printed hundreds of photos just to be said that 70% of those photos are considered 'unusable' by your tutor +__+. The next thing in the agenda is the comic strip that we have to make. It sounds straightforward but in the end I find it really frustrating because some of the ideas just either don't click in or doesn't make sense or even worse, brilliant but don't fit into 6 frames (btw we only can use a combination of 6 frames for this project). As for other projects lets just pretend they don't exist. Although I find Illustration class pretty interesting but somehow I'm really not motivated to do the projects. Don't ask why. I just don't.

Last item on the list would be the indefinite driving lessons I've been getting off my cousin. It's amazing how quickly you go from motivated to lazy. I was very VERY interested when my couz offered to give me driving lessons when I first came back here, but lately either I procrastinate a lot and thus become even lazier or I've just lost interest in the idea of driving around getting nervous and cramping my right foot. Either way these days I have been off driving lessons but don't worry I'll probably regain my interest after a couple of days ^--^. No need to worry.

Alrighty that's all from me and I'll shut up now.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

hi all hi all

i've been wanting to create all those characters representing us for quite some time and i've been thinking a lot about it (maybe... you tell me) but this one is a preview on kimmie's character. i thought it must be a bit more gothic and more death-like but i don't think this would be the final outcome of the character. it looks a bit too complicated and it's kinda hard to draw in small frames etc. but as a concept character i think it's heading somewhere.

if you haven't notice the left hand (that is seeing it from 'us' perspective) it is not attached and it's severed and there are a lot of corpse looking marks all over the place and the boots are actually sewn onto the skin of the legs as well the torso is severed and hanging in mid air and you can see that the bones are sticking out as well... haha if you are actually just reading this bit it actually sounds quite gross...

alright that's all from me i got a day off today. YAY! but unfortunately i have 9am lect 2mrw (=__=) and also my other uni friends are actually fortunate enough to have 4 days off!! that is thu, fri as well as the weekend! (lucky bastards =__=)

ps. for some reason i can't seem to make the picture show it's actual size when you click on it

pps. if you want the full resolution or fully detailed pic tell me so i can give it to ya it's not that huge but apparently you can't click it in blogger (shucks~!)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Just for today I was bored and I have a sudden need to draw something. And fyi I know you don't believe me Marina but I am working on those 'cartoonic' superheroes it's just a bit hard to imagine what'll they look like so it took A VERY LONG TIME (or maybe this is just my lame excuse) ^--^". But as for a sneak peek at what --maybe-- going to be the final drawing this is my 'character'. What was it again? I think it was erm... actually I can't remember... ^--^"

So here it is

And please excuse it's rather smudginess and amateurish outcome coz this is actually (after a few numerous practice) my first 'good' drawing using the dip pens. So if it appears rather 'shitty' gomenasai ... =__=

So until then I bid you farewell...

Monday, February 27, 2006

First day BAK TO UNI~ YAY! Really not looking forward to it. Still jetlagged. And I was late. Lets leave it at that. Happy going-back-to-uni everybody~! (this still includes the number of people still on holidays ^--^)

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Finally I arrived back in Sydney nice and sound... Although there was a bit of a scare when the weather started to turn a bit harsh and it was a few minutes of bumpy ride... It was shaking quite badly though I'm ok with it... hehe

Because I usually am a lazy ass I usually arrived with the latest group to get a seat. This time it seems I was actually the last one to get to the ticket counter on time. So the only thing to pray for when you are in this situation is hopefully you get a good enough seat so you won't be stuck in between two old men (and fyi, I've been there, done that and trust me it wasn't a pretty sight) And because I 'insisted' nah that's not it. I was just plain lucky. So I got an aisle seat. The only problem, it's on the very last row. And it's actually a single centre row where there are no side rows. So I guess it should be alright. The only problem I noticed during the flight is that to my right is actually a storage locker and during the entire flight I was again and yet again being faced with the stewards's butts! YEAH! BUTTS! Because they apparently store the trays etc in that locker so I kept having to look disgusted at the full-frontal view! It was SO close I will certainly swear if they let out a bit of gas! So it was occasional full-moon for the whole flight. And the bit that sucked about this seat is that I can't steal a glance at the window because it's blocked by the locker. But otherwise having this seat is pretty good when you have no one besides you. When the plane was in taxi mode for a while I thought I might have a good seat since there was no one there besides me (so I can have the three seats all to myself and I can sleep lying on those three seats) but luck certainly wasn't on my side at that time. 5 minutes before departure the seat next to the other aisle was taken by someone. But I guess having an empty middle seat ain't that bad.

So it was all nice full sailing through and through except for the slight bad weather. Oo and a nice little fact that I never noticed before I can actually bring 40 kg of stuff if I ask for it. And I did! And it was soo damn good coz I brought a lot of stuff and food!

Yes. Talking about food. The last couple of weeks my mom speed up the cooking process for the Indo food that I love the most! First there was Hainan Chicken which was splendid! See the thing is with the rice it's not just plain white rice it's actually a rice that was cooked and marinated. They have all this ingredients put in the rice such as lemongrass, coconut milk and other spices and then my mom cook it in a huge wok until the coconut milk disappeared. And then what happen is that the rice is actually only half cooked so my mom has to steam the rice before you eat it. And the chicken is just steamed chicked but the thing that I love the most is the thing that goes with it, fried garlic and ginger. See what you do is you chop all the ginger and garlic and then you fry it with a lot of oil. When it's all brown and smells delicious you turn off the flame but don't throw away the oil coz it's what keeps the garlic and ginger crunchy. And my mom also made the chilli for it too. It's actually chillies and garlic boiled together and then after it boiled you throw the water away and grind the chillies and garlic until it mashed into a paste and after that you put in a lot of salt and mix it together and then you put some vinegar in a jar and then you put the chilli paste into that jar and mix it together. YUMMY! It was SUPER delicious~!

And then there's Lemper. It's a sort of cake to me but it's a savoury one. See what it is is actually sticky rice with a filling. The filling is chicken. So I helped with making this one too. I used to love it but I had too much already that this time I'm only eating a little. So what happens is that it's almost the same procedure as the Hainan Rice except this time you're using sticky rice. But the chicken this time is different. You steam the chicken until it's fully cooked and then you bone it. You strip all the meat away but you have to peel it until it's very thin and only strings of chicken meats. And then you cut it perpendicular to the strings of meat until it's little pieces of strings of meat... ... I know it sounds very complicated when it's not supposed to. I guess I'm just not very talented in describing something, I tend to stroll off for a bit of walk before I get to the point. So what happen after is my mom cook the strips of chicken in coconut milk and other spices etc etc and then afterwards it's when the rolling begins! What you do after, preferably straight after the sticky rice are done, is prepare all the plastics, spoons and your skill to make the cake. The sticky rice is a bit oily and sticky it is much better if you do this with plastic because that way your hands won't stick to the rice plus the rice can be very hot so it prevents your hands from getting burned (although it will feel hot afterwards at least your hands won't be burned completely) You put a thin layer of sticky rice on the plastic and then you put a heaped teaspoon of the chicken in the center of the sticky rice layer and then you shape the sticky rice to look like a long ball. And afterwards you cover the long side of the rice cake with pandan leaf and then you cover the whole piece with a piece banana leaf (of course they were already cut before hand to suit the size of the rice cake) and then you sticky tape or staple the ends of the banana leaf. And there you go~!

OK, next food on the menu is DESSERT~! ICE CENDOL~! If you have been to Indo you most likely have tasted this even though you don't know the name. It has small pieces of long green jellies inside and they put a huge spoonful of palm sugar and also another layer of coconut milk. IT IS D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S~! It is one signature dish that you can't go past. I'm not sure whether this dessert is actually Indo or not coz they have it in Malaysia too. So I guess it must be typical of South East Asian countries. But for those of you who don't know, the green of the jellies are not usually artificial green colours (unless if you're buying it off food stalls in the streets they most likely do that, to save on costs that is) it's actually a type of plant that they have grind until it looks like a green paste. And what my mom did is actually mix this one type of flour (which I have no idea what it's called) and then mix it with water and the green paste to make that lushious green colour that is just so tempting to the eyes, and then you mix all the green paste to the flour until the green paste and the flour mix perfectly and then you add a lot of water and add jelly powders (of course the jelly powder has to be the Indo ones because I noticed over here the jelly is not as bouncy and hard) and then you cook the liquid until the mixed ingredients boil and turn into a liquidy-jelly-like substance. Before it can cool down you have to prepare the thing that makes the jelly long and small. Ok I really can't describe this part coz it's just get a bit confusing from here on. What my mom did is put the jelly stuff onto this device and then let it drip onto a large bowl of icy water so it'll harden quickly and maintain its form. And voila~ Ice Cendol is ready to serve. The palm sugar and coconut milk is easy to do so no need to describe it ^--^

'Twas all the food that I can think of. It was all good~ very good~!

So for the moment being I guess I will be forced to wait until the end of this year to taste all those delicacies once more, twice more!, A LOT MORE~! Hehe. Okies then I better go all this talk about food is making me hungry.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

i heart indo food~!

I never realised this until now I much I LOVE absolutely ADORE Indo food! They're definitely exquisite...

Yesterday me mum made Sayur Asem (with the help of me of course it's more getting in the way of than 'helping') I help with the blender and that's mostly it... I know it's pathetic really... but anyway now I sorta know what the ingredients are. Most of the ingredients are traditional of tropical part of Asia (I think) and apart of lemongrass I have no idea how to convert the vegetables into English :P Sayur Asem is like a vegetable soup with the only difference is that you don't just put the vegetables into one pot and then cook 'em up there's also this paste that you have to make from the lemongrass etc to add that spiciness and wonderful taste. But no Sayur Asem is complete without the salted fish. There are different kinds of salted fish around here when you go to the market but the ones that I particularly like and especially good combined with Sayur Asem is kuro. It's one type of salted fish and don't get me wrong these fish are very strong in both flavour and smell and the saltiness of the fish meat is so salty if you just eat it on its own. And then we also made the chilli to go with the soup. OMG just writing about it is already making my tastebuds tingle ^--^

Then at night, after two sessions both lunch and dinner of Sayur Asem (and I'm still not tired of it!!) my dad brought home durians after work! DURIANS!!! OMG~~! I LOVE DURIANS! You cannot come between me and the durians. It is the one fruit that I love the most but unfortunately you can't eat a lot of it or you'll get a headache and don't get this wrong but I've been there, done that so a warning to all of you durian lovers don't eat one whole durian! Durian is such an interesting fruit with its spiky skin and really foul smell... Don't get me wrong but to me the smell of the durians are like the smell of a juicy steak that makes your mouth tingles. But I guess for a first-timer it is very difficult to taste this tropical delicacy. One time I saw this food show that shows a man travelling throughout Asia to find strange culinary delights. He was going through Malaysia at the end of his tour and tried to eat the durians but can't he popped a whole meat of the durian (the meat covers the outside of the seeds of the durians these are the part that you can eat but the inside of the durian is like few different rows of those seeds and meats so basically it's not really that huge it just sound huge, btw you won't understand what I'm saying unless you actually HAVE seen a durian) and spit it out again. Afterwards he said that he cannot swallow the thing because out of all those strange things that he had eaten throughout his journey he cannot eat this one thing. And he also said that it taste like foul smelling rotten onion!! The light of him! But I guess we've been having it since we were kids so we enjoy the taste very much and can't get over it. I was soo happy that my dad brought home those durians but don't get me wrong choosing a delicious durian is something that is hard to do even though my dad's a pro when it comes to choosing one of these fruits it's still hard to find that very delicious ones over a pile (unless they are already from a great flock) so the last night's durians weren't that great but it's close to it. I've tasted better. Hehehe ^--^

*sigh my mom said that she was gonna make Chicken Rice (hainan chicken) but I guess she's in no mood to do so. There's still a lot of food that I need to taste before I leave Indo and I definitely have to have 'em all before I go back to Oz or I'll regret it for the rest of the year (coz even though I go to an Indo restaurant it will NEVER be as good as my mom's cooking or even the cooking of the nearby street stalls)

Until my culinary curiosity is fulfilled I will not be satisfied! But till then~

Bye ^^