Sunday, December 11, 2005

why are overseas trips soo frustrating?

It's only a couple more hours till I get on that goddamn car and speed off to the airport... the only problem with going off on an overseas trips are... well the packing of stuff... and truthfully it is irrefutably the only task that is worst than doing assignments...

I always find out the frustration involved in packing for overseas trips EVERY year... *sigh... you would probably know by this point that all I'm gonna do in this blog is nag and throw tantrums...

First thing first... make sure that when you are packing you planned the storage ahead from purchasing the goods... see... the thing is you might find that the airplane luggage poilicies have indeed changed... from the previous 30 kg per person to only 20 kg per person... we are talking about Qantas here... and mind you this is frustrating for me since my home country has WAY too many relatives and friends to share the goods with and noticably all my goods are basically chocolates and err... more chocolates... plus some popcorns courtesy of Kernels this year... and do you know how heavy chocolates are?!? They're bloody heavy! And for your information I can't use a luggage coz the luggage itself weighs a ton (slight exaggeration) but honestly... in the end all the things inside that cardboard boxes are going to be spent giving to people!! So much for sharing and caring... and it's like this EVERY year too!! *hicks poor me... oh well... I guess I gotta live with it...

Second when you are packing make sure that you are the only one there packing the stuff... coz you know it wasn't very helpful with a lot of people sharing their opinions on what should go where... and it's annoying! Ok ok... I know that I'm being harsh talking about this... but anyway... if you're really good with packing stuff make sure you're the only one packing it and seal it completely so no one would be able to peek inside and re-assemble where everything are...

Third... hmm... come to think of it there is no definite third but yeah... I guess that's all the nagging and tantrums over... I guess... I know that by the time we get there some of my stuff would probably be removed because all over I have 25 kg worth of stuff in boxes... (which is better than the previous 32 kg of stuff) and I still hate Qantas for having that policy of 20 kg per person... hopefully they will allow me with this slight overweigh of luggage...

wish me luck~

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Hi Hi ^--^ it's late at night... I'm bored and I thought I might as well do this since I got err... nothing to do... It's some of the drawings that I'm kinda proud of but need improvements too... so... I guess I'm gonna embarass myself by showing this but... enjoy ^--^

I was soo obsessed with Ragnarok Online Game at that point that I just want to create some kind of characters... and here are the results:

There are actually two Sages that I made because... well.. I was just retarded at the time... =__=

The following two are just the ones that I'm kinda semi-proud of...

Friday, December 09, 2005

2 more days...

*sigh It's only 2 more days but my mood's not lifting... I'm soo tired... from running errands and unfortunately laziness from shopping... yes for your info I haven't shop around a lot... Most of it is due to the easiness in obtaining the products from the nearest local supermarket and my lack of physical exertion has forced me to just do it tomorrow =__=" yes if any of you know when it's exactly ONE day before I take off... funny how life is right? So tired and yet I make not much effort in attempting to buy these things to bring back home... Plus I don't wanna shop all alone TT__TT

Yeah anyways... today's a bit weird coz I don't feel like doing anything which means I am writing this half alive... actually thinking back to yesterday this is about the same feeling I got yesterday... Gluing myself in front of the computer wondering what to do and in the end I just basically glue myself in front of the comp with no intention in doing anything... SHIT! I just remembered all the things that I have to do...
- reconfirm my seat (even though I was positively assured that I am booked on that date I am still concerned yes... paranoia)
- clean up the room (because it is indeed my couz's room and I haven't cleaned it up... half of the stuff was already crammed into a storage box but I ended up with the same amount of stuff but different ones... hmm that's kinda confusing)
- have to buy the stupid, goddamn, bloody chocolates and hopefully a good box of cherries... (yes... cherries)
- have to quickly choose my elecs for next year... (yes pathetic really but I'm doing it the last minute)

And as you can see from the above list it may not sound much but it is indeed... but nonetheless if you know about my laziness you would also know how I work... and thus motto in my life... there's this philosophy in Indo that says (in Indo): "bersusah-susah dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian" which literally means "working hard first before you have fun" see... my motto is this... "bersenang-senang dahulu bersusah-susah kemudian..." so... if you catch what the previous one means than you certainly would know what this one means...

Whereas... my cousin's motto is this: "bersenang-senang dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian" ^--^ I won't tell you what it means you need to know it from the previous translations I've given...

Alright that's all for today's chores and tantrums... I'm off... the net I meant...


Sunday, December 04, 2005

aiyaa so hot

Omg I can't believe how hot today is. It must be a miracle to work outside on this day... It's reaching about 31 degrees now and it's already 5:50! Imagine that... ok I may be exaggerating just a teensy bit but honestly you can kinda feel a cool breeze slapping your forehead once in a while but I think some of the cool breezes just travelled and then said to themselves "it's too hot to continue"... I know that today is not as severe as that day back in December err... which means one year ago when the temperature plummeted to 42 degrees!! Yeah... remember that?!? Probably not... but I was suffering inside the shop with no air con except a few dud fans twirling on the ceiling but producing no wind whatsoever...

Today we went to the shopping mall just to cool it off a bit plus getting this and that for my parents (It's one more week till I go back home! YAY!) and my couz brought along her littlest daughter... the other daughter's stuck home with my other couz and play playstation coz she broke actually cracked one of her toes... yeah ouch... but she seem lively enough to hop-run along the hallway... yes you didn't hear me wrong... hop-run... coz she would actually hop like she's sprinting everytime across the hallway (she always sprint across the hallway you know... kids...)

Anyway... we went to the shopping mall and brought along her littlest daughter... can I call her niece? Coz it's just too long to actually say my couz's daughter... yeah anyways besides the point... we put her inside her stroller and you know when you see the little kids in stroller most of the times they are shouting incomprehensible words and as such funnily enough this little girl doesn't say a word and you should have seen the look on her face... she's dead on serious and always stare at everything... it's good coz that means she's not going to cry or anything... and she's pretty clever too... we gave her her dummy and she doesn't want it and what she would do is wave her hand in a 'no' gesture and have this 'don't give me that' look on her face ^--^ isn't she cute...

Yeah... about the goodies that I'm bringing back home... can't find that goddamn abominable white KitKat... seriously went to three different Woolies and still no clue as to where that KitKat has disappeared too... it's scary really... AND I still can't understand why Indos like white chocolates so much! I mean... white chocolates are really really sweet and I hate them! Definitely loathe them really... They just make me nauseous well... that is if you eat a lot of them and when they contain 100% milk... omg just thinking about it... +__+

Oh and funnily enough you know sometimes little kids can get scared when they see Santa or other really big fuzzy creatures like those you saw when you go to Dufan?!? You know... anybody in weird costumes... funnily enough my couz's daughter didn't cry... ok... maybe when she's seeing it from somewhat far away maybe not but she just stared curiously oh and yes she is definitely not a really social person coz she cried with whoever's new... eg. she cried when she saw me for the first time etc...

Yup... that's all for today... I just feel like yapping away today... okies then... see ya later...

Saturday, December 03, 2005

"difficult times lie ahead, Harry..."

Aah... finally... get to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with Noush...

It was alright... for some reason yet again I expect the movie to be like the book and I know for sure that the hell it will be like the book coz if the book is indeed turned into a movie you would have approximately 4 recesses plus one lunch sessions just to get it over with... But you know me... if they're basing something to something it needs to be meticulously correct and exact... yeah I know... I really shouldn't expect the book...

Anyways... all in all they did chopped up a great deal of stories from the book... like... what was that little house elf's name? The female one plus Dobby didn't show up... and also Sirius did a no-show in this one too... well... sort of... but I guess in terms of actually shortening the story they did a very well done script writing that's what I thought... The movie actually makes sense for those who didn't read the book and a great deal of it is actually quite original scripting... so basically they still refer to the main storyline in the book but all in all they present a totally different story to that of the original book...

It is actually a great movie to watch particularly on the big screen coz there are a few action scenes that was really over the edge sort of technology... although... still have a bit of concern as to Daniel Radcliffe playing Harry though... he looks pale... but maybe that's just me... Hermione has grown! ^--^ and Ron's hair too... hahaha... and the twins' too... WHAT'S WITH THE LONG HAIR?!? I mean seriously even Neville's into the fad... omg... I can't stand particularly Harry's hair!! Gosh... what's with boys sense of hairdos these days huh?!?

Anyways I thought it was great to watch on the big screen and that's it and I'm pretty sure people who haven't read the novels but have been following the movies are able to understand it without reading the novels first... so all in all a great adaptation of the original...

That's all for this movie... cya again when I watch another one... ^--^ haha that would be ages...

Alrighty cya!

ps. Cedrid Diggory was pretty cute ^--^ (maybe he looks better in the movie but he's tall...)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Once Upon A Time...

The Brothers Grimm... watched it just then... with my couz... crap... seriously... if you wanna watch it I really recommend that you were really REALLY I mean EXTREMELY bored since you've watched the other movies available... it's seriously... bad...

Well... I thought both Heath Ledger and Matt Damon are not seriously that bad as the brothers although the script was very chopped up and some scenes don't match up at all... it's like they're really trying to shorten the movie so badly that they must have thought... "oh who cares about that scene we can afford to lose it" when it's clearly a VERY important part of the movie that is really crucial in tying up loose ends...

Actually I really thought that both actors as the Grimm brothers were very convincing... but maybe I was retarded... hmmm... I still think they need a better script... actually make that write an even more concise and yet flawless story and do another take on the movie... not such a bad loss is it?

Anyways... the story follows the Grimm brothers who are excorcists... umm... more like 'excorcists' because all the excorcisms that have made them famous are all bogus or made-up... so basically they're con artists... so what happened is they were captured by a French general (because German was colonised by the French according to the movie during that time, which is around the 1800s) and the general made them solve a mystery involving missing children in the town of err... Madane-or-something-or-rather... it's hard to remember... and so they went and start off the search also involving a rather retarded, crazy, annoying general's aide, Delatombe (possibly a Spaniard because of the accent... I'm not sure but surely not French) or something...

There were a lot of fairy tales involved in a way that was not suspected to me though... but still maybe you should watch it on the DVD... It's actually a comedy, horror, thriller, action, drama genres put into one... anyways... you want to know what fairy tales or folklores were there? There's the magic beans, little red riding hood, the wolf, Hansel and Gretel, a creepy Gingerbread man (trust me it was creepy), a bit of Rapunzel, a bit of Cinderella, a bit of Cinderella's evil stepmom, a bit of the poison apple, a bit of the glass slippers yeah basically bits of this and that of the famous folklores put into the movie...

Umm... I think that was all... I can't think anymore coz I'm sleepy... so I guess I'll sign off now... yeah anyways... don't bother really watching it on the big screen... but I guess that was just my opinion... rather harsh but the truth...

Anyways... that is all... if you're wondering how come I'm writing this so early even though I'm sleepy and the movie wasn't worth a watch... well... don't worry about it I just felt like adding something more to my beautiful blog... hehe...


2 years later...

After the BRILLIANT Final Fantasy VII game finally Advent Children is the awaited sequel that I have been waiting for... Finally I get to see it!! Oh so happy...

And it was as expected... IT'S COOL!! The graphic is just oh-so-amazing... especially the battle scenes they're like can't-take-your-eyes off moments... omg omg omg...

The story takes place two years after the Final Fantasy game... so this sort of indicates that you NEED to know the game first before you can watch this movie... it's true that it might be still ok if you watch it without knowing what the story was about but I still think that you really need to know about the story first of the original game... just a note: FF VII is considered the best game from the entire series... so that's sort of the reason why they did the movie... hehe ^--^... unfortunately when me and my bro played the game it was sort of don't-really-understand-but-kept-on-playing-anyway... so I know the story partly... mostly because my bro told me what happened... but that was aaggeess ago...

Truthfully when I watched this movie I just know parts of the original game... I wasn't really aware of the story as much but I still recognise the characters and know vaguely of the story... but for FF fans this should be a hit... although I still think that the ending was kinda dodgy... and rather cheesy although kinda unexpected...

A~ah Cloud, Tifa, Barrett, Yuffie, even Cid! Then Red XIII with Caithsith... ah fond memories... and also Vincent... and of course Sephiroth... omg... a lot is coming back... and of course Cloud's love... Aeris... aiyaa I still hate how she died in the original game... but no matter... she still lives in Cloud's memories right?

I would like to say I was amazed by the mind blowing 3-D animation and I like the kid with Geostigma... Denzel... even though he's a kid he's soo cute~! I swear...

O yeah... story... right... the story takes place two years after Cloud beats Sephiroth, but a new disease was created and affected quite a number of children... the disease is called Geostigma... Cloud and Tifa set up an orphanage where children with the disease as well as orphaned children can live in... anyways... I think I'll let do it... they're far better than me and it's quite a complex explanation... here goes:

"Two years after the events in "Final Fantasy VII", a disease called 'Seikon-Shoukougun', or 'Geostigma', is spreading through the planet. This disease is believed to have been caused by the body fighting off foreign material that invaded the body two years earlier, at the end of "Final Fantasy VII".

Guilt-ridden and haunted by his past, ex-SOLDIER Cloud Strife has decided to live a secluded, solitary life away from his friends while maintaining "Strife's Delivery Service", whose headquarters is located in Tifa Lockheart's bar, the Seventh Heaven. Tifa's bar serves as an orphanage for children stricken with Geostigma.

Here, Tifa keeps an eye on Barret's six-year-old daughter, Marlene, while Barret searches the planet for an alternative energy source to the fossil fuel, Mako. One day, Cloud receives a phone call from the former Shinra, Inc. president, Rufus, asking him for protection from a mysterious man named Kadaj. Kadaj, in the meantime, along with his brothers Loz and Yazoo, are searching for their "mother", and seem to believe that Cloud knows where to find her.

Meanwhile, Vincent Valentine has been wandering the planet gathering information on Kadaj's scheme, and Cloud and his friends must come together again to fight these new enemies." written by Andrea

So there you go... a concise and truthfully better explanation ^--^ well if you can get your hand on one you should watch it...

ok then... later days ^0^

ps. Some characters from FF Unlimited is also in the movie... like Reno and the boss guy... can't remember the name...

the sins of the human race...

Another movie based on the famous manga creator, Shirow Masamune. I have always admired Ghost in the Shell (both movies that is) Appleseed did show on Dendy but I didn't go thinking that I don't like how the anime has been portrayed... =_= 3-D... and I was right... I don't like the execution of how the anime has been converted to 3-D but still with anime type of facial structures and stuff...

Anyways... the movie is about Deunan Knute, a leader of rebel forces... anyways... the story takes place in the future... human race is dying because of wars, cities destroyed and the only thing to do is to survive... Deunan became the leader of the rebel forces that supposedly been fighting the 'enemy' after the previous leader which was Briareos, her boyfriend, went missing.

One day the ES.W.A.T team which was the government special forces captured her and brought her to Utopia. And upon coming to the city Deunan find out that Briareos has changed side to the government side... umm... the thing is the war has been happening so much that she didn't realise that the war is still ongoing to some extent but to the greater part the war has finished with no sides winning and Utopia is a city that has been build to maintain human race...

And also when she was captured she realised that Briareos was badly injured during his err 'quest' and now is 75% machine... yeah... weird... Anyways... in Utopia the humans make up half of the city population whereas the other half is actually Bioroids... they're like human clones but unfortunately unable to be fertile or feel any real emotions... hatred and anger and jealousy have been erased and therefore the Bioroids are there to maintain balance within the human race... but a complication occurs and the Appleseed need to be retrieved, a data that has been stored to modify the Bioroids so they can breed...

Anyways... this is really a Shirow Masamune type of story coz you can sort of see the resemblance... but in terms of story I thought it wasn't that exciting and the type of anime is really not my thing either... overall it was an ok sort of movie... a lot of 'supposedly' adrenaline pumping scenes but to me they were nothing... or maybe I was rather lethargic on that day... hmm... but no matter... I thought it was good but ok... there's a lot of actions though...

Yeah... that's all for Appleseed...

The next is... the Island... for some reason I was lucky that I get both of these movies for only $2.95 each but I still thought they're not really worth watching if you have to watch it full price...
You might be wondering how I got it for $2.95... see the thing is we got the price by mistake... we went to the Homebush video store when the promotion card clearly says Croydon... so that was our fault... the guy at the counter asked the girl and they were discussing it and maybe the day was a bit slow and everyone felt ~meh... so they still gave us the price even though we shouldn't have got it... hehe lucky us...

Yep that was the story...

Getting back to the Island... funnily enough both movies that I rent are all about clones... hmm... must have been a fascinating theme that keeps re-occuring... The Island takes place in the future also in the year 2019 where people are put into a uniform, white, monochromatic, systematic type of living environment... The story follows how each person is sent to the Island through lotteries... but Lincoln Six Echo found out that they weren't at all sent to the Island but rather being cut up open and used... So Lincoln saved his girlfriend Jordan Two Delta and went outside the compound (because they weren't meant to go outside because they were being told that they were saved from the 'contamination' and so the outside world has been considered contaminated by the people living inside but because of circumstances Lincoln was able to find out that the outside world was 'safe') then the journey begins...

Umm... I think I shouldn't talk too much about what happened next... it's for you to find out *wink... but I still think I got ripped-off for renting this movie even though it's 5 cents less than $3... *sigh yeah anyways... it's not half that bad... but yeah... Ewan McGregor plays Lincoln whereas Scarlet Johannsen played Jordan... so yeah...

Hmm... some parts got me thinking... coz this is sort of for those who have seen it... if the name is really an indication of the client's last name so what would they give the name for the person with a REALLY long last name? You know like... Apu's last name... Nahasapemapethilon... or something... they wouldn't keep saying his name right? "hey you, Nahasapemapethilon~guy" Well... anyways... the story was kinda weak... but it was alright if you like brainless type of movies with a lot of actions... so... yeah... that's all for today...

See ya ~yawn

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

just thought i'll tell you all about it

I believe Kimmie has done a review on this movie... I may be mistaken but I have an inkling that she did... well... anyways... moving on...

Madagascar... just out on video and rented it because I was bored... yes... bored... Funny how the animals can talk and we understand it even though in the movie the humans cannot understand what the animals are talking about... it must've been because of the global warming... which brings me to the freaky weathers we've been having non-stop... especially the now winter-like temperatures we've been having... curse you nature!

Ehrm... yes... we were talking about Madagascar... ok the story is about a zebra named Marty who is born and bred in a seemingly small zoo comprises only of a lion, a hippo, a giraffe, a psychotic group of penguins, a polar bear and some odds and ends... ok that was not the story but the impression that I get is the zoo is VERY small... anyways...

Marty wants to be 'out there' in the WILD... whereas Alex the Lion, no kidding he actually got a title supposedly because he's the animal that the public err... admires, Alex tries to convince Marty that he doesn't need to go to the wild... but upon his 10th birthday he wishes to go to the 'wild' and so his wish came true when he escaped bla bla bla then his friends which are the lion, the hippo and the giraffe tried to capture him back and return him to the zoo then there was some complication where they were sedated then was about to be sent back when the ship went off course because of err... something... then the four friends become stranded on an island... so the story sort of went off from there... but you get it...

The story is about friendship, trust and royalty basically... oh and also the penguins and the lemurs dance hahaha... yes... that... was... funny... no seriously it was... the only thing that I really get from this movie is not the story at all but rather the fun vibe in the movie... though when I think about it I actually laugh a lot in this movie not because it is particularly funny but rather it was because I laugh at the tiniest thing... so please understand... hehe...

Anyways... thought story-wise it could've done better... that's the only verdict I'm going to give...


Tais Toi! I've been wanting to watch this movie when it first came out and I saw the trailer... somewhere but I could've sworn I've seen the trailer somewhere before and totally forgotten about it... then Marina said "watch it!" then I thought what the hey I might as well... and so I did...

The story is about 2 fugitives... actually... lets rewind... Jean Reno starred as Ruby whereas Gerard Depardieu (I know the 'e' on Gerard supposed to have the stroke thing but can't be bothered...) starred as Quentin from Montargis... Ruby is involved in some kind of money theft (he stole money from some kind of mafia or maybe a bad rich man) and the man want it back but he got caught by the police... Ruby refuses to talk when he was in prison even when the abominable Quentin was put into his cell... I know that that sounds cruel but honestly Depardieu's character was annoying! He kept talking and he already changed 5 cellmates in just two weeks! So that sort of tells you how annoying the character was and he kept on introducing himself: "hello, I'm Quentin from Montargis" and then talks non-stop... anyways... Ruby tries to commit suicide... no... not because of Quentin it was because he wanted to escape...

So Ruby was sent to a psychiatric ward instead of normal prison and err... Quentin followed by err... trying to commit suicide too... so go figure... they were in prison ward... Ruby wants to escape and err... Quentin followed... you have to see how they escaped though... it was quite unexpected for me... Anyways... the story follows the escape of this two highly unlikely 'friends' I won't tell you more than that coz that's just gonna spoil the funny dialogues and acts that just keeps popping up quite unexpectedly...

I thought it was funny and laugh at some points but I still think Quentin was annoying though... hmmm... wonder why... but honestly it was good but not great but I thought it was really good... Dunno if I would recommend that you should watch it or not but if you're really into French cultures and like to have a good intelligent humour in your movies err... that kinda sounds wrong but it's really up to each person's taste of movies anyways... But overall it was ok... o yeah... forgotten that it was actually a French movie... hehe ^--^ sorry my fault...

Yep... that's it for today... hmmm... I watched another two movies just last night but thought maybe I should really do this one first coz I watched this earlier this week... so enjoy your holiday... and hopefully the sun will shine someday... the weather's been kinda weird lately it sometimes rain and then sunny and sometimes the temperature drop is just unbearable... =__= *sigh global warming... anyways... catch ya all later...

ps. I found out from this movie what 'tais toi' means hehe ^--^ never thought I could actually learn a few things from foreign movies...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Hey hey! (a la Krusty the Klown) [I know that Kimmie said it's "hey hey HEY!!" But for some reason this suits me ^--^]

First of all, I only wrote this blog just because I am bored right this moment. I got nothing to do and there is nothing on TV. Have you noticed how american our tv shows have been? Even during the arvo which is kinda scary --_--' when you look at it there's Dr Phil, Days of Our Lives, even the midday movies are American and the SBS even airs an american business news during this time (btw it's about 12~ish sort of time) the only one that airs an aussie show is ABC! It's called Americanisation I'll tell ya... It's kinda scary seeing that in that kind of perspective... ok... anyways... I got nothing against american but there have been a lot of americanisation especially in the entertainment industry but to be honest I like american tv shows which makes it the more difficult to oppose americanisation of the television industry *sigh... I'm complaining too much I know...

Anyways... I'm just waiting for my congee to cook v..e..r..y.. s..l..o..w..l..y... As you all probably know I have a cold but it's better now but my throats getting all itchy but not sore (thank goodness *phew) but I have a feeling it would be worse... that's why I thought I might as well eat congee coz then it would ease my throat a bit... but I have to be thankful though 2 days ago I can't even breathe... seriously... my nose was blocked and I can't smell or taste anything it's miserable!! And we also went to a restaurant on the first day I got the cold too... --_-- (it was my couz's birthday btw...) and so... *sigh it was a bbq thing in this Korean restaurant and I kinda can smell bits there and here but I would like to know the full intensity of the flavour!! DAMMIT!! *sigh I know it's too late to complain now... anyways... the day after that wasn't that good either coz it's the same as the previous day but by the third day (which is TODAY!) it's better but my throat's getting worse --_--" it's annoying let me tell ya...

*sigh I think I better eat lunch now or suffer a terrifying death from ennui and starvation... (haha I learned a new word... ENNUI... it's so fitting for this moment...)

And I'll be back in Indo by 11th of Dec!! YEAH!! Can't wait it's been a while since I saw my family hehe... so happy... ^--^ I'll try to bring back prezzies but I have a feeling that I would have to shove food inside my luggage (snacks, crackers, fish etc... Indo food... THEY'RE THE BEST!!) that's why I need to import this food coz I have a large family both here and there *sigh... having a large family isn't all that fun... *sigh especially when you're the only one who's travelling... *sigh *sigh

Saturday, November 19, 2005

2 fricking hours of action!!

I'm just going to really make this really quick... It's almost 11pm and am kinda tired and sleepy but I really really need to do this... yes... that sounds like some kind of obsession but I have to say that I am rather obsessed with my blog umm... that is an overstatement but I guess I am kinda addicted to it... COZ I WANNA TELL THE WHOLE WORLD!! YEAH! ^--^ teehee... I'm crazy...

Anyways... getting on to the main topic today I just borrowed (more like borrow one and get one free really...) Bewitched (yes... you are not reading it wrong I really did borrow Bewitched the movie) and... guess what... FIGHT CLUB!! I have been wanting to watch Fight Club aaggeess ago but unfortunately the last time we went to the movie store it was out TT__TT yes... such a pity... BUT luckily today it was there!! WOOHOO!!

OK... I think I better get rid of the boring one first... Bewitched... yeah I know... sorry Nicole... not such a great movie but you're still a great actress (did I just say that?!?). This is like any love romance type of movies... but instead it's with a twist? Umm... how can I say it... it's a cheesy romantic no-brain-needed type of stories and if you are bored with your current love life I guess you should take a look? I guess... But it's not over exaggeratingly you-have-to-watch-this type of movie... it's just a good thing to lighten up the mood a little... some funny lines and jokes and umm... hmmm... somehow (no offence) I have already forgotten about the movie... but no matter... if you have some spare time just watch it (I guess?)


FIGHT CLUB!! YEAH YEAH!! What can you say? What can you say? hmm... what can you say? Brad Pitt is really really cute and OMG nice abs I have to say hehe ^--^ Everyone and I meant EVERYONE has been bragging about this a lot and seems surprised that I have never seen this before... and I thought when I first saw it aahh... this is going to be some kind of those boring action movies that you often see made it into the box office without much effort but just good looking guys and some fights in between... HOW WRONG I WAS!! Clever clever storyline that I somewhat predicted but somewhat want to see how it ends... but great casting and Edward Norton as the main character or more like the narrator and Brad Pitt gets all the extra attention as the cool and wild leader type guy... but he (referring to Edward Norton) sounds to me like some nerdish office boy but... he got a charm that is needed in the character or rather narrator... ok... not making any coherent review at the moment... even at the end Edward Norton's character is written as Narrator and no name... but for those of you who already watched it you know what I mean... but I guess I won't spoil the fun... ^--^

Anyways... as the story goes Edward Norton is a lonely, his-whole-life-gone-wrong type of character who met this "single serving" friend (you know what I mean after you watch the movie) on the plane aka Brad Pritt's character, Tyler Durden... a soap maker... as the story goes on the Narrator's (aka Edward Norton's character) life changes after the err... happenings (don't want to ruin that part either) after seeking help from Tyler they started a club named the Fight Club... and everything sort of unfolds after that... so I won't tell you much since it is mostly about the story plus the character developments...

All in all a brilliant storyline... and great visual effects too for something that is made about 6 years ago... (I'm mostly referring to the CG not to the fight scenes etc.) Great GREAT casting love it... but unfortunately the fighting may just be a bit too gruesome to some people... I can't say that this is going to be in my best movie ever list... just because... no maybe... but it is unbelievably GREAT... love it (I know... ironic isn't it?) Seriously... it was a great movie don't miss it AT ALL!! Well... just for those who don't mind blood squirting (almost real life too) and really strange storylines too... but great great movie... And one thing that I love from this movie is that it is also philosophical... That's what I love about the movie... it's philosophical... it concerns our materialistic world and materialism basically... love the gothic feeling that is often portrayed in the movie... GREAT cinematography... (although not an expert but you get the feeling there is a great director involved)

Ok... I think I'm done bragging about Fight Club till the end... I think I did about 3 paragraphs of nonesensical ramblings on the movie already... WATCH IT ALREADY!! YEAH!! Finally... WATCHED IT!! Ok ok... that was a bit too much I already stated that in the beginning... I'm a repeater as you probably have known... I constantly repeat myself hehe ^--^ not such a good move but nonetheless... it gets the fact straight...

Alrighty I think I better go now... I'll write another one when I get the chance to watch more movies... like Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (I need to see that and it opens at 1 December in Oz TT__TT ooo the pain of having to wait...) actually I'm just looking forward to it because the third one was great but I missed it on the big screen so I have to see this on the big screen whether I regret it or not (like the 1st and 2nd ones although the 2nd one is better than the first one but the 3rd one was much better than the formers) Anyways... there are a lot of DVDs and movies that I have to see and watch and review *hicks... If only I don't have the financial burden it would be more of a help... yeah anyways... I definitely need to see Harry Potter but not too soon coz there would be a lot of people queueing up just to see it on the first few weeks so I think I better go like one month later or something... Anyways... gotta go now and be back later...

Later days ^--^ (teehee...)

ps. I wanna go to that Japanese film festival too TT__TT *hicks...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

OMG!! I just realised!! It's been a YEAR already since this blog has been established... actually... it's more like slightly more than a year but WHO CARES!!

wow... I would like *hicks to thank *hicks my incessant nonesensical brain that keeps on purging its thoughts into this blog *hicks and *hicks and also *hicks... ugh that is just too disgusting *snort... hehe sorry... if you're actually wondering whether I really did the emotional speech or not... don't bother... I'm not that overtly emotional...

yes... that is just what I want to say... it's been a year now... wow... *reminiscing... funnily enough some time ago I did look back at my earlier blogs and you wouldn't believe how much crap has been put into this blog and some of the stuff that I wrote are not making sense at all once I looked back at it... and then I was sitting there wondering how the hell are my readers gonna understand that when I, the writer, don't even understand it... this is really the part where I would say that I am being harsh towards myself but the truth is that I'm selfish (like hell I am!) yeah... anyways... that's just my thoughts constantly pouring out of my mind and splashing itself on the keyboard... my physical well-being is somewhat ruined by this goddamn blog because I'm typing too slow, trying to keep up with my brain but over this past year I have discovered that I am slightly keeping up with my brain... or is it just an indication that my brain is slowing down... hmm...

anyways... I'm going to go to Pancakes on the Rocks (YAY!!) and am not bringing home any takeaways... hahah! Anyways... as you're reading this you're probably thinking what the hell is she talking about and the truth is (geez I've been saying that an awful lot lately...) I'm slightly awake... slept at about 2 yesterday and it was entirely my fault... you're probably wondering what the hell I was doing up all night and then wake up the next day at approximately 7.30 am... so that's about 5 and a half hours sleep... not much really considering i'm already on holiday... but am not telling you... *blow raspberry

we're meeting at 11 o'clock and yet am already awake... why you might say? It is because I'm anal... yes... I so very am... I'm paranoid most of the times without a cause (HA!) and most of the times I would wake up at least 3 hours earlier than the uni lect and then drag myself to the shower... and then off we go after the other one and a half hours is spent on procrastinating... and am doing it now and since there is no uni I don't feel much of an official obligation but this time it's personal (HA!) and yes for some reason I have been using too much movie junk words and am trying to avoid it but with the constant use of everday phrases it's seem hard to avoid it at all... I mean I can't get you out of my head it definitely already been used and the most used phrase that I would use is someday someday but I always broke off into a song after I type it or say it... and then there's the cheesy phrase that just keeps popping up unnecessarily like where's the love and funnily enough THERE'S ALREADY A SONG with that phrase...

geez... what's the world becoming...

see... I told you I'm paranoid...

anyways... this blog actually has become longer than what I expect it to be partly because my mind kept on yapping away happily whilst my hands are trying to keep up with the speed of my brain and am really not an advanced typist so you can say I do a lot of mistakes and then keeps on having to backspace it a lot is somewhat irritating... and sometimes my brain is really not connecting to my hand and instinctively I would write in words that is not related to my brain at all and then realised a split second later what I just wrote and have to backspace it again...

AARRGGGGHHHH this is annoying... I really need to go and yet my eyes are glued to the screen (plus going back to the keyboard to make sure I'm on the right track...)

anyways... it's really almost 9 and have to get ready (YEAH RIGHT!! I still have 2 more hours to go...) but please don't suspect that I got a split personality... actually I kinda do... but no psychological defects... hehehe... just some 'conscience'

this is becoming longer than what I expect it to be... and I still need to proofread the goddang thing... (yes... I even proofread my blog but the truth is (HA!) I don't really proofread my essay and yet I proofread an entirely useless thought...) you know... I intended to write only to 'celebrate' the one year establishment of this blog and yet I have turned this post into a complete rambling of my life and tragedies... (yes... oh the tragedies *please refer to the phrase 'oh the tragedies' with no life and no emotion whatsoever*)

ok... moving on to a fresher ground... I wish I could go on and on at this rambling but I think I might need to stop now... (yes... how many times have I said that already and yet I kept on going???)

alright... no matter what happened I would always write on this blog (except maybe when I have a whole year of around the world trip... hmm...) anyways... I hope you guys still read this blog (yes even the advert guys are still ok...) and even if you don't... meh... no matter... *grin kidding... anyways... thanks for your support all this time (yes EVEN the ads are ok...) and putting up comments plus 'comments' (the quoted one refers to the advertisings...)

*big grin

*sigh it's been one year heh? so I guess I have to say

arigato gozaimashita ne.

Thanks for the support and whatever you say won't make me not write anything on this blog (even though it's just ramblings it actually eases the mind... try it someday ~ someday someday~ see... told you... breaking off into the song)

Enough of me and get going already...

Saturday, November 12, 2005

It's been a long long while

I know I have been saying that and the truth is that... that is pretty much the truth really... that it's been a long long while... I have been neglecting this blog since I have been obssessed with mangas (to those who is starting anew let me just say at least have some kind of retiring investment first before you even want to pick up this new hobby... it's tiring) I won't tell you anything about it at the moment though coz I have been catching up on a lot of mangas and am looking forward to it although I have a couple of sleepless nights since I started the holidays...

Anyways... back to the topic... Kimmie and I went to see Pride and Prejudice... As you all know the movie is an adaptation to the popular Jane Austen novel... so basically if you don't know the plot then... tough luck... kidding... you'll know the plot even if you haven't read the book yet as in this case include me... I know... I'm not into literature and thus my inept understanding of the Jane Austen novel is really not helping with the movie at all... so I cannot criticise it to its full extent... but overall the impression that I get from the movie is that it was exceptionally good... hmm... to some extent... I just thought the almost last scene of Darcy walking over the field towards Elizabeth was somewhat... corny... no really... it was too long and somehow it feels like an awkward pause rather than an emotional one... hmphf... it was kinda weird though... *sigh I'd rather wish that the scene is cut slightly shorter and the music didn't help either... that's just my personal criticism though... but overall... a nice movie... although I haven't read the novel (not that it makes me want to read the novel I have been wanting to read it for quite some time but am not really into literature and still have dozens of books to get through) I have enough impression of what the novel would be...

Anyways... overall a pretty good movie and quite witty too and fyi I actually laughed... funny... english accent... plus old english words... and I still get the joke... anyways... that is all for me today... I better go now... for some reason I'm really sleepy... cya

Monday, November 07, 2005

wow... never expected this... but looking forward to it HAHAHA ^--^

You're first kiss will be innocent. You're a little
shy, but not afraid to show someone you care.
People who care for you love you deeply because
of how unaffected you are from the harsh world
around you. You're frist kiss is likely to be

What will your first kiss look like? (beautiful pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

The result says I'm creative but I have the feeling that my creativity is deteriorating...

You're the artistic school girl. You're very
creative and have many plans for the future.
You have a totally unique style and aren't
afraid to show it. You can be sensitive
sometimes and a little shy. Guys like you
because you're not predictable or average.

What kind of school girl are you? (cute pics)
brought to you by

The earlier attempts are really stuffed up so hopefully this one's good...

You're the one that get's away! Everyone once in a
while a scary movie will have the hero guy or
girl who survives and sometimes even figures
out who the bad guy is. What always kills
people is you get away a lot just because of
your dumb-luck. Sometimes you go crazy after
seeing so many die, and who could blame you?
You're usually the one in the group that
manages to stay calm. Instead of getting
scared, you have the gift of wanting to
investigate or keep fighting back. That's good
for you. But someday...I will get you..I
mean...want a cookie?

Who would you be if you were in a horror film?( Now with great anime pics)
brought to you by

Aah the freedom of life...

HEY HEY!! I'm already on hols!! YAY!! Now to get rid of those results... hmm... should I burn it or bury it in the backyard??

I took the questions that Marina did plus other ones too because right now I'm waiting for my couz but they're not here yet... so I thought I might as well do it and procrastinate for a while...

Yay! Your element is the sun! Bright and happy,
just like you.

What is your element?( for girls /pretty anime pics)

You died of either old age or a sickness. You are a
kind person and are smart. You have a good head
on your shoulders. But don't think that just
because your death wasn't exciting or extreme
that that makes you boring.

How did you die in your past life? (for everyone)
brought to you by

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Alright Alright

First up the first movie I haven't seen in a while actually never seen it before but undoubtedly the first rental movie that I have seen in a month or so...

Kingdom of Heaven... long story short Orlando Bloom's character died KIDDING!! HAHA you should've seen the look on your face HAHAHA ... ehrm yes... seriously I know Kimmie already did a review on this and I know of her warning and honestly it was an honest mistake... we were in a hurry and my couz just thought "what about that one" and I just say yes knowing that it was the movie but thought "we'll see how bad it is" ok to summaries the whole movie I would like to thank for providing me with this info: "Balian of Ibelin travels to Jerusalem during the crusades of the 12th century, and there he finds himself as the defender of the city and its people." And that is basically the whole summary of the plot... of course... nothing complicated... just a lot of blood squirting, awkward moments, a lot of adrenaline, lust, love and err... patriotism?

Ok... Orlando it has nothing to do with you, hun (did I just say hun?!?) it's just maybe you should move away from all these war-like movie and try yourself into something more modern and interesting to do... I know the pay is probably really handsome since he is the main character in the movie and all... hmm... anyways... Ridley Scott is the director and quite truthfully it was very... err... typical of those type of historical war movies... but quite an interesting storyline... but what it succeed doing to us is probably make us wonder when the movie will end when it approached the one hour mark... nothing offensive I just don't take a like to it... but when we got bored we started talking about the history of the crusaders and as such but honestly it was interesting in its historical aspects but quite boring for it to be 'adventureous'. (-- is that how you spell it?) All in all... a good movie to fall asleep with (no offence)

Next has to be the movie that has been BRAGGED a lot by EVERYONE and not just Marina and Kimmie but err... actually it's just the two of you guys :P hehe...

Crash... let me just tell you that it is what is expected from the writer of Million Dollar Baby... I was TOTALLY blown away by the movie... OMG what can you say about this movie... it has GREAT casts GREAT cinematography EXCELLENT storyline... Look... to be honest the story was rather offensive and yet true that at some parts of the movie I nearly turned my DVD player off just because I didn't like the character!! HONEST!!

Basically the storyline deals with people from different racial backgrounds and how these are stereotypically perceived by others and how they life collide with each other so unexpectedly that you forgot that it was just a movie... It was as close to real-life that it was breathtaking... One thing I found out from the movie is that faith can be so cruel and yet so kind... *sigh...

The story is not dragged and the way the editing has been done is just to me flawless and not predictable at all and what I found is that I was staring in awe at how each story is depicted into its full extend without it being shot in detail... it was such a marvellous and yet melancholic movie... and yes I did cry at one particular scene and I think you Marina and Kimmie knows which scene but maybe I should make sure which scene we are talking about... and fyi I have a rather sensitive spot for dramatic moments... But I was actually captivated instantly by the first line that came up in the movie said by Don Cheadle's character:

"It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something."

It was so true for any big city dwellers living in such a fast paced life... But what is more troubling about this movie is that the whole concept of racial discriminations and stereotypicalling is actually real in the world we live in today... as much as we want to admit that the country has gone multi-national we can't help but sense some barriers and expectations for that particular race... it is a movie that you either accept of you don't as the director Paul Haggis said it is a movie that you either you laugh at or you think about... or similar... I have no idea what the exact words are... he said that he wants to make a movie that makes people who watched it discuss it after the movie end... not just leave it... so basically the movie did leave an imprint on me and it was a great movie... watch it... I know I love it... :)

So... that is all for today... and come to think of it have I talk about Pride and Prejudice... hmm... ok ok... maybe I should do that next time... right now I am hungry and want to eat FOOD!! food~

Thursday, November 03, 2005

It's been such a long long time...

It might not appear so but I haven't been into this blog that is either checking or posting any new blog... And it is mostly because the amount of last minute touching up for my projects were slowly coming to its deadline and am trying to catch up the last err... 3 or 4 weeks worth of work into either one or two days... I know... not a very heathy habit but can't help it...

As of now I am officially free of the physical burden that seems to engulf me the last 3 or 4 days ( I didn't sleep that well during this week) most of the time I would take a 2 hour nap and then get back up to do the work that is saying 2 hours worth of sleeping each day... so when we times it with 3 or 4 days that means I only have been sleeping either 6 or 8 hours this past days =_= and whoever is trying to do this let me remind you that this is not a healthy habit and it actually puts strains onto your body... see the 2nd day when I went to uni I found that my hands are shaking not terribly but enough for me to notice that my body is not keeping up with my mind. I found that when I walk down the stairs from the train platforms my speed would decrease than the usual. I found that I can sleep very soundly on a train full of people whilst standing up and thus I always try something to distract me from the dozing off...

So from this past few days let me just say that it was rather surprising that I last that long just to do this... I am not going to deny that my works are all shitty and not worth looking at and am probably going to fail the last assignment for signs and symbols because I wasn't motivated to design it (a. the tutor is an asshole b. he kept asking me to do the ones that i don't want) and so for this project I wasn't able to come up with a good concept that makes my design different *sigh I think I gotta live with it... and if I am going to fail on that one project at least I got the other two to back me up... I wasn't really interested into this one... so all in all I am surely going to fail this project TT__TT Anyways... moving on...

I haven't been sleeping that well and hoping that I would be able to sleep the nights away tonight... ~_~ dreamy~ Anyways I think I better go before I lose my sanity due to the stress I have caused myself thinking about today's project (OH NO I'VE DONE IT AGAIN!!) anyways I hope you guys have fun and good luck with the upcoming exams ^--^ We WILL have another GROUP outing not just one or two people but the whole bunch ok?!? Got that?!?

ps. No my friend didn't get into trouble in the end she just need to buy a new ticket to the City because the guard thought that she was lying and she doesn't have money (what a really good thinking get her to buy the ticket so she can prove that she is financially capable enough to buy the ticket to the city! and the guard hold the ticket...) yeah she didn't get into trouble but the whole thing really pisses me off... dunno why... maybe the thought of other people thinking you are a criminal for no apparent reason...

pps. and yes Hana Kimi is good and am sorry to have to put you into that 'obssessive trance' over mangas Marina especially since it is nearly exam period... fine I won't tell you any good ones anymore... err... probably a bit to late for that no? Since I already told you about Imadoki hehe my bad...

Alright alright I think I better go now and catch on some sleep even though I already had a 6 hours nap during the arvo :P

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It's been a while hasn't it... *reminiscing

*sigh I know that I haven't been a good blogger and post anything for the last err... hmm... actually I have no idea... and you know what? My current preoccupation is with MANGAS!! I know that I really shouldn't desire upon it coz it will surely bring me down with the weight of my projects slightly weighing me down... and I again shamelessly disregard my commitment as a design student and pursue my desire to walk around the city and window shop or more likely... shop for mangas... and today bought two *oh yeah... ^--^

Anyways... the reason I am here is a complaint that I want to make... I never knew that those safety officers stationed at train stations are so unthoughtful... my gosh... me and my uni friend went home one day... (we live in the same suburb) but due to err... carelessness she put her ticket down on the seat and forgotten to pick it up so basically she forgotten her ticket... the only ordeal that she needs to go through was convincing the guard at the door that she lost her ticket... and noticably enough she was being interrogated... I mean it surprisingly sounds like an interrogation to me... then suddenly his colleague turned up beside me... come to think of he surprisingly was surprisingly silent when coming near me so basically I noticed him when he was near me which is quite strange since he is huge! Anyways... he talked to me "is that your friend?" "yeah" "she lost her ticket?" *nod "hmm... that's a bit strange isn't it? Losing a ticket like that?" Right at that point I knew that he really didn't believe her and nor me... he thought I was a culprit too... hmphf... I wish I have the authority to say "who the hell do you think you are provoking a civilian like that?!?" But seriously it was a very intimidating situation that is not supposed to happen... I mean FOR GOODNESS SAKE HE SUSPECTED ME TOO!!! And seriously though I am not over exaggerating if you are in my situation you would certainly think that way too... *sigh

OK that is enough whining for today... nonetheless today was fun and hope to do it again soon ^--^

See ya

Thursday, October 20, 2005

"I don't see the point in living if I can't be beautiful!"

This time it was Christian Bale saying it and me and Sue are just laughing our asses off HAHAHAHA particularly Sue she laughed the hardest and the most disturbing thing is that the whole cinema was almost empty except for a couple of seats and we were in the small theatre too... alright... I'm kinda jumping a whole length just then so let me start from the beginning...

It was Thursday (that is today) and we have a lect at 9 and Sue's and my tutorials start right after the lecture... We went up to tutorials but we both got different tutes but the thing is Sue didn't want to go see her tutor because apparently she hasn't done any work :P I know... insane...

Alright this was her dilemma... she wanted to see the dubbed version of Howl's Moving Castle but it starts at 11.30 and our tute starts at 10.00... but she feels that maybe she shouldn't go because she has Tae Kwon Do obligations which I thought was very funny since her extra activities are much more important than the tutorials (I'm not trying to be mean I am just stating the obvious :P) so it was about 11.00 when my tute saw my work and review it etc... am not going to talk about that because I sure can nag about his comments a lot and tell you in a very sarcastic mode about what happened during the pin-up... anyways... to tell it straight to the point I decided to go when there is clearly only about 20 minutes to go until the movie starts... and am having conflicting opinion whether I should go to the movies or not... and in the end... I decided to go since I really want to see the dubbed version and my tute already seen me anyway and am just going to continue with what he has said... we'll talk about that later on when I am heated up for an argument about that meeting... right now I am tired but for some reason my ego wants me to write this on the blog... so no use... my ego is much stronger than my brain =_=... anyways... you see right now I don't even think that my brain is working really that properly since I'm kinda sure that the above story doesn't really make sense... alright moving on...

We went anyways... with me not saying anything to my tutor and just walked off outside... hehehe... *sigh now I feel soo guilty... *sigh *sigh *sigh... I hope he won't notice (*inside my head* YEAH RIGHT!) but we went anyways... really hurriedly by the way... because Hoyts George St is pretty far away by walking from my campus... so I was kinda screwed...

But we made it on time with my legs hurting like hell... We bought the tickets and then I bought a Coke too... Sue went to the toilet but the problem is that I think I might have too many things on my hands and when I was trying to grab my Coke which was placed rather far away from me... I was sliding it to my direction when suddenly... IT FELL!! on the counter!! and tiny droplets also fell on a girl's dress!! o.O AARRGGGHHH!! now I'm really screwed!! ~_~ *sigh I was having a bad day... but the guy at the counter was nice even though I saw a bit of irritation on his face he actually refilled my cup and gave it to me... omg... that was so nice... TT_TT I really wished I could have been more careful... *sigh... so Sue and I quickly went leaving the crime scene and quickly took our seats at Cinema 18... *sigh... and then we saw the movie... I don't think I'm actually going to talk about the movie again... because the previous post was err... although vague was a bit of a summary... :P

We laughed at some of the funny bits and they were witty and I thought that Christian Bale was fitting as the voice of Howl and I also liked Jean Simmons as Grandma Sophie... oh... she's so fitting for the part... the thing that I hate is the voice of young Sophie... there is no constancy compared to the subbed version... because the voice changed so dramatically in the dubbed version... which was a bit disappointing but I guess in the end it was good that Grandma Sophie got most of the dialogue... but Christian Bale was good though *sigh...

Alright... enough of that... the movie ended and we were comparing notes on the movie (not literally of course) and Sue said she wanted to go to the toilet... well... we went... but ont he wrong direction... see the thing with toilet at that Hoyts (if you have been there you would understand) is that the male and female toilets are on completely different directions... so basically instead of the normal small alley the toilets are really separated quite far from each other... where the male toilet is on the left the female one is on the right... of course for someone who is dilligent enough would certainly realise that we were going on the wrong direction and so we went to the left because the first sign that we encountered (that is without knowing the details) says the toilet was on the left... I know you know where I am going with this but not quite... we were still talking about the movie when we turned left and then I checked where the female toilet was but there is only one open door and I stopped to check whereas Sue still talking just went in and then I noticed the male sign and was about to call Sue back when she realised that it was the male toilet! I don't know what she saw but an old man was just coming out when she realised it... hehehe... that was funny... I can't stop laughing!! HAHAHA *sigh... funny...

Next... we went to JB Hi-Fi to look at the DVDs but didn't buy any anime DVDs though... thought they were a bit too expensive... so instead we take a look at the movies... AND DISCOVERED GREAT ONES AT SMALL PRICES!! hahaha I was soo happy... And funnily enough we noticed that Hollywood Homicide is marked Best Selling when we thought it was CRAP!! Honestly... I wouldn't buy that... but I discovered that they have Reservoir Dogs on sale! As well as The Schawshank Redemption and also Finding Neverland! (although I was hesitating between Finding Neverland and The Notebook but decided maybe I'll get that in the future...) OMG!! Those movies are sold so low!! And those are one of the best ones! I can't believe it!! How can that happen?!? Ah... some people just have low taste in movies...

Anyways all things decided we bought Ice Creams on the way home... so that was all the adventure of the day... hahaha that was fun... although I find that I am acting a bit rude by walking out after the reviews... *sigh... I have to make up for it next week then...

That is all for today... I am hungry and tired... See ya

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

This is actually just some random comments on random things that I don't particularly take notice of but right now I am bored and am just waiting for something to happen but I guess I would have to settle with something that I got at this moment... my blog...

Alright... for no apparent reason I just thought it was quite funny that the blog about the toilet actually attracts a LOT of comments from various companies hehe funny... 6 COMMENTS!! (if you haven't take a look at it go ahead... all of 'em are actually advertisings...) that is actually the most number of comments I have ever received for one particular blog so that was funny...

Moving on... I just can't keep thinking that the weeks have been passing away so fast! We're up to our 11th week now and assignments and projects are due in another 2 weeks and am officially screwed...

Another thought... you know those enviro bags that you can buy from Woolies? Well I was thinking of new ways to design them coz I figured all enviro bags are different from each other... for example if you get it from Kinokuniya you would get this potrait format about A3 size of enviro bags but when you get to Woolies you get those big bottom ones that are not that high but they fit perfectly for groceries then there's the Myer one... hmm... Myer's one actually don't have real significance they're just there and the oh-so-popular Cotton On one or the Supre one... to me that just signifies that you go a lot to that store or that you are a shop-a-holic but maybe that's just my interpretation of those bags... but honestly I was on my way home and can't stop thinking of what other 'design' should the enviro bags have... they could be a shoulder bag which makes things easier to carry... they could be 'designer' style bags with images on them... they could be those verstile backpack but that just won't do coz the people probably wouldn't wear them then there is another suggestion that maybe those bags could be made pocket size or those ones that you can fold but I think I saw that at Co-op... so the ideas are a bit limited but that was just during my last 10 minutes before arriving home...

Continuing with the design theme in my Monday class we were assign a Grumpy Design assignment where we identify a need for public transport commuters and in the end design what they need but in the end it actually doesn't apply to what I have been designing for the problem for a while... and if any of you want any of the design be my guest and do them if you want to...
At that moment I was really focusing on eliminating the problem of boredom especially in a crowded train... you know... you basically just stand there and do nothing... I thought of putting those hand grips on the ceiling so people don't need to grab the bloody poles that are so limited in number and most of the times you just left by yourself standing for dear life!
Next proposal would be and LED single display screen that shows the headlines of the day's news so people don't need to open their newspapers etc... another design that I thought of which I thought was quite possible to do is making some people (that actually is using the train at that moment) to wear this tee with perforated back and then you just stick a newspaper page onto their back and then some people can read them... but I was thinking the con would have to be that most of the times in a crowded train your back is basically squished and so if the news is stuck onto the back most probably the article won't be read...
Another idea that struck me as ingenious in the beginning was sticking articles around the wall so that you just read it... hmm... I thought it was rather clever but in the end it sucked... hehehehe... so yeah... I'm trying to come up with ideas that are irrational but still probable...

oh... and another idea that I came up with is MORE VENTILATION omg... sometimes the trains are just reek of sweat and body odours that you just wish you can freshen up the air or something geez...

Alrighty I think that's enough babling for today my hands are getting tired and I still need to design that goddamn playing cards... *sigh... so much to do so little time...

Sampai Jumpa

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

"when dialogue fails, it's time for violence"

I know that I would have to say while writing this I am officially slacking off from my duty as a uni student and if you are about to say "who cares" I most certainly know that I, myself would say that I do care... to some extent... I have something to read for tomorrow and just up to the first couple of pages... pathetic really but I guess I would have to read some parts of it now so that I don't feel like a complete idiot when asked. (Note: all of us probably have different books to read from but we have to see...)

Alright... the above title actually comes from Ghost in the Shell: Innocence or as they say it Jap Inosensu: Koukaku Kidoutai... This is the sequel to the previous post that I post onto the blog which is about Ghost in the Shell... which is the prequel to the series... hmm... come to think of it Ghost in the Shell might be the sequel to Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex series... hmm... ok I'm completely confused by now...

Right... back to what I want to talk about... the title... it is a quote given by Bateau a Section 9 agent who is in charge of a murder investigation... err... I think I better tell you the story in order to prevent MORE confusions... Maybe I should start right from the beginning... here we go...

Marina and I saw Innocence (I'm going to shorten it to avoid writing long words) in Dendy in Circular Quay... It was Thursday and we agreed on meeting at about 4.30 or something (can't quite remember) in Circular Quay and maybe I have told her or maybe I haven't that I finish at about 12 from uni (we went because we both don't have anything on Friday so no biggie ^--^) but I maybe didn't can't quite remember... so I went home after uni because I thought I might as well take a shower before I go to the movies... I went home and got everything planned and I didn't realise that the bathroom inside the house was being renovated and the plumber is here... (I should have noticed the word PLUMBER written boldly in front of a white van) I was just mucking around until I want to take a shower and when I voiced my intention to do so my auntie told me that I can't use any of the water system coz they are fixing the plumbing system sh~... yeah... I know... crap heh?!?

Then I received a message from Marina saying that she's already at Redfern, it was about 3pm and I was thinking... hmm... I thought her uni's not in the City and being so delayed I quickly took a train to the City and met her... *sigh... hahaha luckily I didn't miss the train though... imagine if I have to take the next one which was going to arrive in another half an hour... hehehehe... anyways... we met at Kinokuniya and looked in awe at the stacks of mangas they have there and can't stop daydreaming at how many of them we should get *sigh if only I have the amount of money to splurge on these luxuries I would have gladly do so... especially when I have the amount of money Paris Hilton have I probably wouldn't buy those expensive handbags and probably sold the dog just to get my hands on those invaluable amount of mangas *drooling...

ALRIGHT back to the point... we visited Kings Comics which was cool but I thought Kino has larger amount and also better deals... but I still bought 2 coz I can't be bothered to go back to Kino... hehehe... I know... lazy ass...

After that leisurely visit we went to Circular Quay by bus and OMG! The bus driver is SO rude!! especially to this lady before me... she didn't know her way and she was asking whether this bus is going to Circular Quay (in a rather indecipherable way but I still can understand) and answer her very rudely and he talked very loudly too!! Bas~rd!! And he can't even bloody drive the goddamn car!! So I give him a score of zero personality, zero service and massive attitude problem!!

Well after that drama we finally get to go to Circular Quay... drop a bit at MacD and then went to the cinema... just in time... hehehe... now about the movie itself...

One thing for sure that you would get from this movie is the word haunting... it is very haunting to me when I saw it... I always thought that collaborating three dimensional technology to a rather 2 dimensional characters won't work but I was wrong... The cinematic experience was amazing!! I LOVE IT!! I can't really say much about the storyline because it was rather cryptic and although luckily my brain was working rather well during that time keeping up with the philosophical anecdotes and metaphors being bombarded to the viewers but nonetheless it was a cinematic experience that I didn't regret at all... some people may have a different view in the movie but I personally love it ^--^ and as they say in one of the reviews "brain is optional"

But one thing for sure is that Innocence is completely different to the prequel or the original Ghost in the Shell it is more philosophically based WHICH IS WHY I LOVE IT and if you are expecting the same action and story as the predecessor than you might as well not see it... because I thought Innocence stands up as a completely different movie altogether with its very own merits... That is all that I would say...

Nonetheless I would DEFINITELY buy the DVD when it comes out... that is after the whole excitement dies down... and discounts are available :P

And after the movie ended we ate dinner at Ichiban Boshi which took agggeeeessssss due to the line or the amount of people waiting before us... anyways... that is all... hehehe... ok then... I think I'll talk about something else later on... hmm... I'm quite sleepy but I still have to read that goddamn book... oh well... I'm screwed I just got home at about 9.30 and I already spent about 1 hour on this blog... *sigh I don't think I can live without this blog... oh my lovely blog *hug

PS. I usually have A LOT of images but I can't be bothered to actually find more because I kinda like the cover of Reel Anime brochure which consist of the image above on Innocence so if anyone wants more just get them yourselves I can't be bothered to :P Alrighty that is all for me... sayonara

Monday, October 17, 2005

"Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you."

Quote from the Puppet Master in Mamoru Oshii's Ghost in the Shell, a sci-fi anime... for the record sometimes I find it hard to go on with sci-fi movies or genres and surprisingly I actually love this movie! The cinematic experience is just amazing... I don't quite know whether this is just some sort of 3-D animation or not but am sure not complaining...

Alrighty... enough of me babbling and if you think that there's any kind of story behind the seeing of the movie then I guess you might be disappointed because I bought the DVD and have no problem in transport etc ^--^ so now back to the story...

In the future there is no line between machine and humans... many humans are partly machine or a total cyborg... That is the case for Major Motoko Kusanagi... a special op leader whose body is completely made of machine... but a human brain... But I guess the real thing about the movie is really not the whole story behind the anime... it is indeed the philosophy behind it...

I have to say that it is as complex as the Matrix but I guess the whole story really deals with life and death... as they want to say it... but I love the whole philosophy and how life and everything created behind it is sometimes deprived of its meaning... *sigh...

It was beautiful... especially with Major as the main character in the movie... it was a complex yet satisfying answer to the sometimes mundane questions in life...

All in all a great GREAT movie... it is one of the few sci-fi movies that I love ^--^ There is not much to tell I guess because I haven't really watch it when I was clear headed... but one more thing that is worth mentioning is the attention to the movement and the direction is jsut smashing!! THEY ARE!!

It's amazing that an anime could be so life-like... and it doesn't just randomly edited but it was beautifully crafted... and each scene really feels like a whole real-story...

Enough of me babbling again... rent it or buy it! Whatever you want just see it if you are into Matrix or Blade Runner type of movies...

"I don't see the point in living if I CAN'T BE BEAUTIFUL!"

hehehehe... a nice start heh? That was a quote from Howl from err... Howl's Moving Castle ^--^' or as they say it in Japanese I meant the title in Japanese Hauru no ugoko shiro

But what can you say about any movies from Hayao Miyazaki? They are all beautifully done! I was rather disappointed that this movie didn't show up on the big screen earlier... coz I know that it was already done in 2004 *sigh Oz always get the short end of the stick *sigh...

Before I go on I just want to tell the whole adventure prior to the movie... M-ina, AM (M-ina's friend) and M-ina's mum and I agreed to meet up at M-ina's house, have lunch then scram to the movies... as luck would have it the plan didn't go as smoothly as err planned... AM and I did arrive early at M-ina's house, although AM arrived HEAPS early than me and I arrived just in time for the few minutes ending to Tsubasa Chronicles... Anyways... I'm not going to talk about Tsubasa Chronicles...

We had lunch (beautiful ^--^ and practical... hehehe... I guess there's no other word to describe it... coz we had to go early anyways...) and then we went (after seeing a bit of The Lord of the Yen *chuckle that was funny)

We arrived at the station rather tired because of the very VERY hot weather (31 degrees! Can you imagine?!?) and found out that if we catch the next train we will DEFINITELY be late... so the whole pandemonium started... we were a bit reluctant in getting a cab but then there is no other choice we just HAVE to go with a taxi... it was expensive but when we divided it it didn't seem too bad... and it was near anyways... ^--^

So we arrived JUST in time... to get the seats that are quite good as well as get the choc tops... hehehehe...

So I guess I have to start on the story of Howl's Moving Castle then... Oh... just a reminder... I was seeing the subbed version... so it was err... Japanese language... hehehe... haven't seen the dubbed version though I do want to see it too because apparently Hayao Miyazaki reckons it's good too...

So more to the point... I was talking about the story... Sophie is an average girl living in a somewhat middle aged society (you know how Miyazaki is... the period is always an early period, you sorta get that from the dress etc but then there is the imaginative gadgets and flying vehicles...) One day Sophie met Howl at a small alley... but unfortunately that encounter attracts the Witch of the Waste to err... 'waste' Sophie... Sophie was turned into an old lady by the Witch of the Waste...

Due to the Witch's curse Sophie wasn't able to say that she was being turned into an old lady by the Witch she set out on a journey to find the Witch... but halfway through she found Mr. Turnip (you get it when you see it) stuck in a bush... and due to this she was invited to Howl's castle... (there's a whole lot more story behind this so you better get your ass to the cinema and watch it... that is presuming that you are in Oz) And a whole adventure lies before her after this incident...

I am going to tell you as much because I don't want to ruin the rest of the story... it was funny, sad and mysterious at the same time and with this movie, as well as with other Miyazaki's movies you can't help but smile when the mood was happy, you can't help but be demure when Sophie was sad and you can't help but be at the edge of your seats when something terrible happened... and you can't help but almost cry at the end of the movie...

It was a beautiful, witty, melancholic as well as compassionate story telling... Hayao Miyazaki is best at his game... Although I have to say that the ending is somewhat different to the previous movies it was nonetheless a satisfactory one...

All in all I was not regretting it at all! And that was actually my first ever anime screening in a cinema... which I thought was rather fabulous for a first time anime-cinematic (or shall I say Animatic) experience...

So if you like anime and you haven't seen it be sure to not miss it on the big screen if you can... though I have to say that the movie was quite long though... it's about 2 hours in total... which is the record for me... hmm... maybe not...

But that is all for Howl's Moving Castle...

Saturday, October 15, 2005


So much for bidding adieu on the previous post =_=' OK... I've decided to do another one because I thought that it is almost 10 pm and there is nothing good on TV yet alone anything to watch either way... ok... that doesn't make sense... Right now I have nothing to do which is another understatement... the truth is that I still have my fonts, the Grumpy Design essay, an online manifesto to do and last but certainly my most hated one the design on Playing Cards... *sigh I know that it doesn't sound much but if you haven't known about this yet as almost all of you know I don't have end of term exams... If you are going to say "lucky bastard" don't even think of doing so... This means that I have a lot to do before the holiday comes... It might be good... the prospect of having the holidays early but it is CERTAINLY not to my liking...

See the thing is the faculty can actually extend the term if they want to but they didn't do you know why? Because they will receive the same wage either way... now this is a more appropriate part to say "lucky bastards" :P

Anyways... got a little sidetracked back there... more to the point is that our house is sorta been 'renovated' ok first... we got an ugly and hardly used backyard toilet that looks old and disgusting and funnily enough have a template with the word 'office' written on top of the door... hehehe... quite funny... and since most of us in the household just refuse to use it... (although my aunty still use it if she needs to) and the main problem now is that we have about 5 or 6 people in the house and the problem... we only have one bathroom... and we have 2 kids running around the house that at least one have more priority to go to the toilet more often :P and as luck would have it my aunty has decided to remove the old backyard toilet and replace it with a much more err 'luxurious' one that is compared to the old one... which is a great concept... just a bit thrown off by the fact that it is OUTSIDE...

A little later on I found out that the toilet inside would also get a make-over this is already planned by my aunty though... and I thought "about time" because it is soo small inside that tiny toilet and as tiny as it may be there is a huge bathtub that makes the whole space deficiency... There was hardly any room to move... and to make matters worse the bathroom is completely for western people to accomodate them... because the goddamn mirror is so high we have to tip toe to look at our face...

So the make-over of the backyard one is already completed and now the inside one is the particular problem... so the last 2 days (yes just this week) the whole toilet is demolished until only old debris are left... what a sight... the dust... the old bathtub reduced into pieces... the old wash basin... it's all outside now... well.. except the bathtub, I have no idea where it has gone now... the thought of the old bathroom gone is pretty satisfying but the whole difficulty is definitely coming clear...

I found myself one night needing to go to the toilet urgently and it is outside... so everything was ok except for one thing... it was raining... luckily though the rain started before I get into the toilet and so I quickly whisk an umbrella imagine if I was in the toilet and then it started raining... that certainly won't be funny... it would be horrifying... and the thing that I hate about an outside toilet is the bugs that just seem to hover around the backyard... fortunately I haven't found any creepy crawlers just yet but I suspect in the future it would definitely be there whether I like it or not... so now all I really have to do is wait until the toilet's finished... and hopefully it would be more functional than before... although the space is still small I guess now there would be more room...

Alrighty... I think I have been rambling for too long... *sigh I really need to get to my fonts but seriously this is such a tedious task and I cannot leave this till the last minute coz it just won't do... trust me... we have to make a 20 page journal about the developments etc... *sigh... shucks...

Alrighty I can't really promise that this would be the last post of the day coz as you can see I am still writing... hmm... gotta get my priorities straight I guess... ok then until next time auf wiedersehen...

Animania Sunday...

This is what I have been waiting for... After the excitement of Saturday night I was pumped up to go to the Sunday's one because I know that it will be different and bigger and BETTER!! We met yet again at Ashfield but this time with M-ina's friend B (umm... I'm not quite sure whether I should really reveal the names or not... so I guess I shall stick to B) We went to Town Hall expecting a big crowd as yesterday's was and we went early this time to avoid the 'crowd' we arrived about 30 minutes early and to our disappointment there was hardly half the people who went on the day before... but there are still some people who did do cosplay the day before... but I guess that's mostly because they purchased the 2 days pre-rego... It wasn't disappointing as such because we get to see a lot more without the place being overcrowded with people... guess that was just me and my disappointment... but honestly though... when we went the day before we cannot sustain our excitement and with the amount of people particularly on the vendors area we were profusely excited about the whole idea of buying things from these stalls... but I guess in the end we were ok... but I guess the whole over excitement has died down quite a bit...

And for your information... I did buy a cosplay hat of the pig from Peacemaker Kurogane... and he is soo cute... compared to the cosplay hat of some creature from Excel Saga... maybe I'm just being biased because I have never seen Excel Saga before... but I guess that's me ^--^ But all in all a very pleasing day... although mood was a bit down in some areas I can't help but being lifted again through this one incident that has been repeatedly told so many times by me that I think it has lost its charm...

Me, M-ina, B and B's friends are all looking at the pencilboards at one particular vendor... we were just tossing and turning every pencilboards and with that particularly tedious task (since we did see it the day before) we were just looking around (maybe that's just me...) But suddenly someone said loudly behind me (this might not be the exact words but you get the jiff...) "HEY LOOK can we get a picture with her?!?" Naturally for someone to have somebody said that out loud you automatically turn to look behind you and no sooner than turning my head I was being turned completely by these people in their cosplay costumes!!! IMAGINE MY SURPRISE!!! And then this guy or girl... hmm... can't be sure it happened so bloody fast... said "can we get a picture with you?!?" I was still half shocked half thinking "what the hell?!?" When I was surrounded by these people in their costumes (mostly form Final Fantasy though hehehe just some editor's note :P) I'm not quite sure but I think I gave the picture some uncertain look... and then we took another picture and then they were gone "thanks for the picture" "no problem" (with a slightly dazed look) OMG it was so random and so unexpected that that became the highlight of the day! Me and all the others are just starring point blank at nothing and then just... shocked... that was funny though... me and M-ina laughed so much after that... hahaha and I also point out to her that I didn't even wear the cosplay hat and they were still taking a picture... how funny... and funnilly enough Sue asked me (after I told her) what I was wearing and I said a tee and jeans! My gosh... that was funny...

Alright besides the point... we took another look at the cosplay for sunday and thought that they were as good as yesterday's one but I cannot be sure because we left halfway through the cosplay on Saturday but we were glad that we didn't miss that FF Tribute...

Alrighty that was all for Sunday I think... Oh... one more funny thing... WARNING: IF YOU PLAY FINAL FANTASY PS2 GAMES ALL THE TIME YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND THIS BUT IF YOU DON'T YOU MAY READ ON AND BE COMPLETELY CONFUSED BY THE WHOLE STORY... (But I definitely will tell some parts that are relevant or worth knowing...)

The cosplay was nearing an end and we were getting rather dumbfounded by some of the efforts being put and also some of the acts that they did... but this one act is probably funny to gamers... but maybe excessively acted on stage but I can't be sure...

Cloud, Lucifer and Cid got on stage and strut their stuff ^--^ and then went upstage to get a seat and then the next one is Sephiroth... then the next thing we know (I think they were not in a group and they don't know each other...) Cloud went downstairs and "pick-a-fight" with Sephiroth... naturally because the goddamn sword is too big and heavy (maybe...) Cloud lost and Sephiroth live to see the day... and then Cid went downstairs and got these feathers and then said "Phoenix Down" THE WHOLE CROWD WAS LAUGHING and being me the rather delayed person didn't catch the humour until 5 seconds after that and I started to laugh so hard even though people are already getting over it... (but it was barely audible though Marina is still looking at me... hehehe) That was funny because in the game if one of your characters died in a battle what you can do is assign the friend to cast Phoenix Down which is something to bring them back to life... which was in this case VERY FUNNY!! You have to see it for yourselves though me talking about it really doesn't make it THAT funny...

Yes... so that was probably all the highlights of the day... although I kinda regretted not going to Ichiban Boshi with M-ina and her friends coz I have a lot of work to do for uni... *sigh...

Anyways... I'll leave with you again with pictures from the day...

(left) These are the emcees of the cosplay one dude from the 20s and a saint seiya...

(right) The crowd of day 2

(left) These two (as Lucifer, right, and his wife... I think...) are some of the few who took a photo with me... such strange people...

(right) We took a photo of err... our arms showing the stamps ^--^

(left) This is the Totoro that we saw on the day before... it was left at some part of the event that no one would enter and quite truthfully if we have known that either the place or the big costume itself is that stinky we wouldn't go near it... we took a photo and ran for our lives because the place was soo smelly...

(right) This is the photo with the whole cosplay of the day... it was fun... really... but unfortunately my d-cam is nearing its end so I quickly took a photo whilst we were seating but I guess I could have made more effort by lifting my bum from the chair and go up near the stage and take photos but... I was too lazy and we had to go elsewhere anyways...

(left) This was the vendors section... wasn't partucularly exciting when you see it in this picture but on the Saturday it was full-packed with human bodies...

(right) I thought this guy's costume and pesona is sorta like Roy from FMA (I think...) which is amazing... I could see the resemblance... and thought the costume was well done too... (I hope none of the people mind me putting their pics in this blog... no one really hits this blog anyways except for occasional ones... :P)

(left) This was one of the guy that is creepy and really get into character... I mean REALLY got into character... you should have seen it... it was funny and disturbing...

(right) This was another creepy one... The guy is supposedly the guy from FLCL whilst the girl is from the ring... and I have a knack that the guy is from yesterday's one when he dressed up as the doll... hmm... scary....

OK... I think that is all for today... whilst it maybe fun to look at and probably didn't take that long to construct... it actually does... and so until next time I have to bid adieu...